$trip Club

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Parker's POV:
"Come on bro! It'll be fun!" my friend Michael nagged.

"I know but..." I said trailing off my sentence.

He had kinda bribed me into going to this club with him. He has been single for a bit...3 years. So he thought going to this club would be great. But he didn't wanna go alone. Sooo I was kinda forced to come with.

We are now driving to this club, he said he knows someone I may like. Yet won't tell me their name nor describe them to me.

He said we may have met before or not, most likely we did. According to him.

After about 2 hours we arrived. He was more nicely dressed. I wore some black skinny jeans with holes at the knees. I more 'tight' polo shirt. And a Jean jacket because we live in New York where it's cold half the fucking year.

But anyways, he takes me to the back and we there is a man. Michael pulls out his card showing it to him and we walk right in.

"Alright, imma head over there" he said pointing towards around the VIP section or whatever "you can go wherever."

"Okay, I'll probably go get some drinks or whatever" I said looking around with all the flashing lights most being red and purple.

"Alrighty, oh and tell them you know Michael and Kade" he said with a pause "that'll get you some specials."

I rolled my eyes and gave him a pat on the back as I walked to the bar.

A shorter female turned to me, she looked to be in her later 30s or early 40s.

"Hiya hun, what can I get for ya?" she said leaning over to hear me over the loud ass music.

"Oh uhm, do you guys maybe got whiskey" I asked just to start off slow.

"Sure do!" she said excitedly and walked over to them.

She pointed between to different kinds and I went with the second option. I'd go back to the first one later.

"Here ya go darling" she said placing the cup in front of me and walked off to handle other customers.

I looked around and I took a sip of the whiskey.

Until someone caught my eye. They were on the stage dancing. I couldn't get a good look but god damn they were attractive.

"You like him" the lady said from behind me.

I quickly turned to look at her.

"Hm?" I hummed questioning what she meant.

"Him, on the stage" she pointed to the boy I was just staring at.

"He's...a man?" I asked mentally punching myself for thinking a man was hot.

"Sure is, that's Chester" she said leaning on the counter placing her forearms on the counter.

I was at a loss of words but she continued.

"24 year old gay male, 5'9, one the of the best ones here everyone loves him. I mean I'm a full lesbian and I find him quite attractive. He's worked here for about 3 years, came in on his 21st birthday. He's really sweet, although he's always wearing his sunglasses. Not my business to say why. You should go and talk to him." she said poking me with her long finger.

"But, how do I start a conversation with him?" I asked taking another sip of my whiskey.

She winked and moved her posture to where she was fully standing up.

"Hey Kimmy!" a more high pitched voice said from beside me making me turn.

It was the one and only Chester.

I immediately looked away trying to avoid contact.

"Heya Ches, same old?" 'Kimmy' asked the smaller boy.

He gave a little nod then hopped up into the chair.

"Oh hey, I haven't seen you around" I heard the voice say making me look towards him.

"'Me?" I asked looking around obviously seeing no one else.

"Yes dummy, there's no one else around" he said with a little child like giggle.

Holy fuck is he cute.

"Oh uh yea, my first time here I can with my friend" I said spinning my chair to look at him.

"What's your friends name?" he asked taking the drink from the bartender.

"Michael" I said with a lower voice then before.

"Oh Mike! Yes yes I know him, you know Kade?" he asked taking a sip from his drink smiling.

"Yea" I answered once again.

He smiled and we ended up talking for a bit. Once thing led to another and uh welp guess I'm not single anymore..

Hey you stupid cock sucking fuckers.
I hope you like this one because I'm working on a one shot right now. Anyways tell me how you feel about this one👍🏻.

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