High School Sweethearts

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Hey loves! So I really don't know how to describe this oneshot but hope you enjoy. 💗Also the song kinda describes Parker girlfriend in this story 💀

Chesters POV:
I looked at Parker from my lunch table love sick for him.

"Yo Chester!" my friend said hitting me into he back of my head.

"Ow!" I said looking at him "What the hell was that for?!"

"Stop being all lovesick for him and tell us who it is!" my friend Alex said.

"What are you idiots talking about?" I said looking at all of them.

"I don't know maybe you like that little guy over there" Liam said leaning over and pointing at Parker.

"W-What I don't like him!" I said trying to sound convincing.

"Yo, you can get him so easy! Just go try and hit on his girlfriend and she'll easily try and date you. She's the school hoe!" Devan said looking me dead in the eyes.

"Alright. I'll go and talk to him once she leaves" I said resting my chin on my hands not even caring about how he said to try and hit on his girlfriend.

After a few minutes his girlfriend left and my friends starting pushing me to go over and talk to him.

"U-Uh hi. Parker right?" I said standing up in front of his table.

He looked up from whatever he was doing and looked at me with a annoyed look.

"Uhm yea" he said closing the book he had.

"I'm Chester" I said forcing a smile thinking he hates me.

"Ohh yea Chester!" he said smiling back at me and motioning me to sit with him.

We talked for a bit and then exchanged phone numbers.
The rest of the day went by and as soon as I got home I decided to text Parker.

C:Hey Parker it's Chester :)
P:Hey Chester! How are you? :)
C:I'm doing good, what about you?
P:Well that's good. Im doing ok, I just found out my girlfriend was cheating on me with my cousin :(
C:Oh my god I'm so sorry Parker :(

We ended up talking for a little bit and then I had to go downstairs and eat dinner. After I was done I got ready for bed and went up to text Parker.
Me and Parker talked almost all night until he said he was getting tired and he would text me as soon as he woke up tomorrow. I decided to put on Netflix before I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up around 7 and saw I had a text from Parker.

P:Good morning:)
P:Wanna come over today?
C:Good morning :) sorry I just got your text but of course I'd love to come over. I just have to ask my parents.
P:It's ok! And just let me know what they say :)

I smiled at my phone and quickly ran downstairs to ask my parents if I could go. My mom it was fine and to just be safe.

I quickly ran upstairs and texted Parker. He said he would walk over to my house in about 1 hour. I quickly got ready, excited to be with Parker.

I put on some jeans, a black collard shirt and one of my black sweatshirts and some of my black flower vans.

I got a text from him that he was here and waiting outside. I looked in the mirror and quickly ran outside and saw him standing there.

"Hey Parker!" I said running over to him.

"Hiii!" he said smiling looking at me.

I smiled back at him and we started walking down the side walk.

"Sooo I know it's not much but do you wanna go for a walk in the park?" he said looking over at me hoping it was enough.

"Yea of course!" I said looking over at him.

"Great!" he said looking at me.
We were walking in the park and Parker took me to a deep part of it. I didn't question it though. We then sat down and he Parker looked at me. I looked around then back at him.

"Don't freak out please but I need to tell you something" he said with a shaky voice looking at me.

"Of course what is it?" I asked looking at him smiling attempting to lighten up the mood.

"Well I kinda have a crush on a. . .Boy." he said looking away from me.

"Oh really, who?" I said putting my hand on his knee.

"Well, he's kinda right here with me" he said looking back at me.
"WELL I HAD NO CLUE YOU WERE A FAG WHEN I MET YOU!" Caleb one of Parker's friends screamed.

Parker just stood there ashamed of himself even though he did nothing.

When Parker said that the person he liked was right in front of him, without even thinking I grabbed him and kissed him. He immediately kissed me back and then his friends found us.

"I'm sorry.." Parker said looking away from me and his 'friends'.

"And as for you" his other friend Hayden said looking directly at me.

Before I could say anything I was pushed onto the ground and kicked in my side. I then saw Parker look directly at them with the most pissed off expression I've ever seen.

He then pushed Hayden onto the ground and started punching him in his face. I quickly got up and tried thinking of something I could do.

A few seconds later parker was pushed off of Hayden. I quickly ran over to him to make sure he was ok. He said he was and I knew damn well he wasn't.

We walked over to my house since it wasn't far. When we got home I brought him up to my room and comforted him.

Well of course the only way to comfort him was to cuddle with him talk to him about the most random shit.

I loved him and will take anyone's life for him..

Heyyyy how'd y'all like this chapter? 🤠 Please give me ideas they are much needed 🥲

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