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Parkers POV:
Fuck I hated my life. It seemed like no one cares about me. And my girlfriend is whole entire different story. She is constantly abusing me and no matter how many times I break up with her we somehow get back together.

I'm also always posed as the bad guy. I'm the one always 'abusing' her and 'accusing her of sleeping with other men'. But it's true...even the men she has slept with have come to me and told me about her. They also apologize profusely saying how they got told me was single.

I decided to go out and get some coffee since she was out of town and it was only me in the house. Once I got my coffee and I sat at one of the tables outside and started scrolling through Instagram.

"Uhm hi..." a voice said making me look up to see a short boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Hello?" I said looking up quite pissed not knowing who he was and also everything I've been through.

"Is it ok if I-I sit here?" he asked looking...scared.

"Oh y-yea sure" I said putting my phone down hoping to be able to talk to him.

"Thanks" he said sitting down, immediately looking away from me.

"So uh...what's your name?" I asked starting a conversation.

"Oh I-I'm Chester, you?" he said looking over at me which a scared expression.

"Oh nice name! I'm Parker!" I said putting my hand out.

"Thank you and y-you have a nice name too" he said looking down at my hand then just stared.

I just looked at him confused and moved my hand away smiling awkwardly.

Our conversation was quite awkward all though Chester seemed scared the whole time.

It started getting late so we exchanged phone numbers and got up to leave...then it started to rain. Great.

"Oh-shit!" Chester said slightly laughing looking up at me.

I chuckled along with him and then looked at him. Fuck, he was hot.

"Come here" I said stopping and walked in front of him putting my jacket on him.

"W-What" he said staring at me smiling chuckling.

"Take it" I said standing in front of him putting the hood on top his head "don't want you to get rained on"

Once I looked back at him we just stared into each others eyes. No matter how hard I  tried I couldn't look away. He was so damn hot.

"Your fucking hot" I blurted our not realizing what I said until I well...said it.

He looked at me shocked as his eyes widened.

We somehow ended up at my house which led to a argument with my girlfriend. She then left and me and Chester went up to my room and things...happened.

No we didn't fuck you dumb ass dirty minded people! We just made out and...ok ok yes we did fuck.

Anyways that's it.

How'd you like this? I'm probably going to make a book out of it bc this was really interesting and I'm sure you would like to know what happened between this and get more detail so that's my next work. Be on the lookout.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now