Mr lampy

763 12 21

I have no fucking idea what this is

Chesters POV:
As I looked around, I saw my one true love, Parker, sitting on a chair reading about raining piss. I looked around some more and saw our child dora speaking Spanish to her pet monkey who seems to be shitting on the floor. I went off to lalalalala gay unicorn flying bussy land and all of the sudden my vision went black. I woke up to the sound of Parker yelling "OH NO CHESTER ITS BACK" I suddenly panicked and looked above my head. And I definitely wasn't expecting the terrors I saw. I noticed a big fat hole in the coochie covered roof. Then dora yelled "VAMINOS OBAMAKNOWS" and all of the sudden Obama horse appeared. Dora grew wings out of her eyebrows and flew off to go fuck taco man. We heard a noise coming from the corner, then all of the sudden MR LAMPY CAME AT US LIKE WHEN PARKER PULLED A BED FRAME OUT OF CHESTERS BIG GIANT HOLE. Parker could tell that mr lampy was super pressed because chester got ebola and his ass grew into thiccy niky and now chester is floating on the wall because his big balloon booty wants to murder him. mr lampy had a sad life, mrs lampy took lampy junior and shoved him into a suitcase and threw him in the cum river. so mr lampy became gay but accidentally sucked taco mans dick off but he never apologized and threw his big closet clown dick in the cum river with all of the other blueberry dicks. Parkers dick went crazy like a balloon when u let the air out of it and attacked mr lampy. Except mr lampy turned into chomp chomp 2000 and bit parkers dick. Parkers dick withdrew like a hurt dog and he shat logs. Chesters transformed into a t rex and ate mr lampy. Parker shoved his dick up chesters big ass as a thank u gift but chester felt his organs explode and he shit out mr lampy.

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