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Heyyy besties! Here is another oneshot for you guys! Basically Chester gets a nightmare but is to scared to go to Parker's room so he stays in his room and cries. Then Parker walks by his room and hears him crying so he goes in and comforts him. :) Enjoy!  (Contains a SMALL bit of fluff :])

Chesters POV:
I woke up barely being able to breathe. I had another nightmare about the demons. We where trying to escape like always but Parker didn't make it out. I started to cry but I didn't wanna go wake up Parker so I just curled up into a ball and cried.

Parker's POV:
I couldn't sleep so I decided to try and go edit the new video. As I was walking to the office I passed by Chesters room and heard a muffled crying sound. I decided to open his door to make sure he was ok and then I saw him curled up in a ball crying. "Oh my god. Chester are you ok?!" I asked him worryingly. He continued to cry not being able to talk. I held him close and rubbed circles on his back.

Chesters POV:
I felt Parker rubbing circles on my back while I continued to cry. "Hey" he said putting his finger underneath my chin making me look at him. I tried to look away from him but wouldn't let me. "Did you have another nightmare?" he asked. "Y-Yea..." I said. "It's totally fine Chester. I have nightmares from time to time" he said using his thumbs to wipe my eyes. "Now come on, your to cute to cry" he said smiling. He kissed my forehead then looked back at me. I looked away from him so he couldn't see me start to cry again. He sighed and put his hands on face making me look at him. "Please stop crying, your gonna make me wanna cry and plus your to cute" he said smiling. I looked at him not knowing what to do. He got up and sat on the side of me and hugged me. It wouldn't be as scary to other people about losing him. But it was the scariest thing for me because I don't know what I would do if I lost him. I love him and would probably start to hurt myself. I decided to tell him how I felt. "P-Parker..." I said looking up at him. "Yea?" he asked. "I-I think I may like you..." I said looking away avoiding eye contact. He looked at me confused. "Like I love you Parker" I said looking back at him. "Really?" he said smiling. "Mhm" I spoke quietly. "I do too, I really love you" he said "Wanna be my boyfriend?" I looked up at him shocked. "Of course" I said smiling at him. He smiled back and grabbed my shirt and kissed me—HE KISSED ME! I kissed him back immediately not wanting it to end. He pinned me down on my bed still kissing me. He started to kiss my neck which made me moan. He continued to do it then everything became blurry.


𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now