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Parker's POV:
I walk up to Chesters door debating whether I should go in or not. My ex girlfriend is blowing up my phone calling me useless, a idiot and many other things. Im still questioning if I'm dating Agnus or Meagan. I sigh and knock on Chester door fighting back tears. "Come in" Chester calls out. I open the door and look at him putting on a fake smile. He sighed and said, "Come here" I walked over towards his bed and laid down on top of him with my body between his legs. It's become a normal thing now and we don't find it weird. "What happened this time?" he asked playing with my hair. "Same thing, but it's getting worse" I said starting to cry. "Hey look at me"  he said putting his finger under my chin and making me look at him. "Your not worthless or a whore or anything like that" he said smiling. I smiled back and put my head back on his chest. About 10 minutes later we heard a car pull up. "Fuck" I mumbled getting up. I went to the door, opened it and walked downstairs while Chester followed me. I saw Meagan walk in and start storming towards me. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU ANSWER ME?!" She screamed. "Because I was to tired to deal with your shit Meagan" I said trying not to get loud. "WELL IM MORE IMPORTANT THAN A FUCKING BLIND ASS BITCH" she said pointing at Chester. This got me pissed as fuck, yes Chester have may small eyes but he is still cute. "What the fuck did you just say..." I said with a stern voice. "YOU HEARD ME DUMB ASS" she screamed at me. I felt my eye start to twitch and I looked at her then at Chester. I grabbed his hand and walked over to the front door. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" she asked still screaming. "None of your fucking business" I said grabbing my keys and storming out with Chester out to my car. When we got outside I let go of Chester as he walked to the passenger side and got in. We got in and started driving and I put on a random ass song on Spotify. I decided to film it and put it on snap because why not(it also described Megan). I was so pissed I was holding the steering wheel as tight as possible. After I ended the video I turned off my phone and threw it into the cup holder. I continued to grip the steering wheel as my hand was on the console. I felt Chester look at me from time to time but didn't think much of it. About 5 minutes later he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I slightly smiled and loosened my grip on the steering wheel a bit. I felt my eyes start to water but I blinked them away not wanting Chester to worry. "Parker...I'll love you no matter what..." Chester said...in my mind. I know damn well he would never actually say it. I started to rub my thumb on his knuckles. "Parker..." Chester said, but not in my mind out loud. "Yes?" I asked him. "I-I know your having a rough day but just know I love you and always will" he said smiling. "Chester, I love you too" I said smiling back at him. After a few hours of driving we drove back home. We got home and walked inside the house and up to Chesters room since Meagan sleeps in mine. We were laying down on our phones since we didn't know how to have a normal conversation. Chester was laying on his side with his forehead on my shoulder on his phone. I was lying on my back on my phone. Chester then put his phone down and looked up at me. "Parker" he said. "Yes?" I asked him still looking at my phone. "Please look at me" he said putting his hand on my chest. I turned off my phone and turned over onto my side and looked at him. He smiled and said, "I just wanted to see your cute face" I smiled back and pulled him close to me. "Your holding me tight as fuck" Chester mumbled into my chest. "Fine then" I said pushing him away. "No, I-I didn't mean it like that" he said chuckling. I just stared at him trying not to laugh. He started scooting closer to me so I put my hand in front of me. Chester grabbed it and pushed it and kissed me. I kissed him back and smiled. He pulled away and stared at me. I once again pulled him close and we fell asleep. The next morning around 8:45 I woke up and Chester was still sleep. He was so cute but I had to wake him up. "Chester" I said slightly shaking him. "Chester..." I said once again. "Chester!" I said getting a slightly loud. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. "Good morning" he said smiling. I smiled back at him still tired as fuck. "Good morning" I said back. He backed up to be able to look at me. I put my hand under his pillow about to fall back asleep. He smiled at me and put his hand on the bed next to me. I put mine on top of his and smiled. I loved mornings with him, it was so much better than mornings with Meagan...


"Good mo-" i said before getting cut off by Meagan. "Shut up I don't fucking care" she said sounding pissed on sitting on her phone. I sighed and got up and started walking to the door. "Where are you going?" she asked pissed. "I'm going edit the video" I said looking at her. "It better be good. I don't even know why you fucking try on those dumb ass videos, there literal trash. And I see how you look at all those girls and what's his damn name" she said pointing at me. "M-Meagan I'm sorry..." I said trying to sound the most sorry as possible. "What ever. I don't fucking care anymore" she said getting back on her phone. I sighed and walked out the door shutting it behind me and walking to Chesters room. I opened the door and saw him laying on his bed on his phone. I walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed and started crying. I was going to tell him what happened before I started crying but I couldn't hold it in. This was the first time I was telling him what happened. He quickly got up, shut the door and locked it just in case Meagan was going to try and come in. "Parker, are you ok?!" he asked the most worried I've ever seen him. I wasn't able to talk and continued to cry. He hugged me while a cried into his shoulder. It was comforting and I loved it. A few minutes later I let go of him and looked at him. "So, what's wrong?" he asked. "It's Meagan..." I said slightly looking away. "What happened?" he asked tilting his head. He sucked at comforting people so this was pretty hard for him, but It was comforting to me. I told him everything about Meagan and he listened to everything. "Parker...I-I'm so sorry. I should've done something sooner..." he said rubbing circles on my back. "No no it's ok" I said looking down and the ground. We heard a car pull out the driveway. I looked out the window and saw Meagan had left. We never know where she goes but we know she doesn't come home until about 1-4am. "This may sound weird but do you wanna cuddle? I know you don't get that often" he said smiling. I smiled back at him and nodded my head. We payed down in his bed and I was as close as I could get. I held onto him while he played with my hair.

[End of flashback]

We get up and see Meagan isn't home. "Good..." Chester says smirking. He walks over to the kitchen. "Parker" he said. "Hm?" I said walking over to him. "Love you" he said smiling. "Love you too" I said back smiling. I don't know what I would if I ever lost him. "Come here" I said smiling walking to him. "What?" he said chuckling. I went on to YouTube and searched a random song(idk so just use your imagination) and put my phone back on the counter. "What the hell are you doing" Chester said looking at me. "Nothing...at all" I said pulling him close to me and holding him. We stood there for about 30 minutes just holding onto each other. I never wanted it to end.

Hiiiiiii! What did you guys think? I am taking suggestions and commissions so please either dm me or comment! :)

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