𝕄𝕪 𝔹𝕠𝕪

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Heyyyy bitches 🤪 Soo there is a little bit of smut 🌝 and btw when ever there is a flashback basically they got into a huge fight but then uhm...yk. Anyways just read 🦶

𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:
I was standing with my back against my locker getting screamed at by my bullies with everyone watching. Parker wasn't there which made it worse. Even though I hated when he did it he would always stick up for me. I was holding back tears not to look like a kid who couldn't stick up for themselves. The screaming continued for about another 5 minutes then he pushed me into my locker and walked away. I stood there looking around seeing everyone look at me. It was a normal thing although I still haven't really gotten used to it. I heard the bell ring for lunch and as soon as everyone cleared out I broke down on the floor crying. After about 10 minutes of crying a got up and started walking home, I didn't want to deal with the rest of today. A few hours later I'm laying on my bed because I have nothing else to do then I get a call from Parker.

Chester:Hey Parker!
Parker:Hi! Sorry I wasn't at school today I was sick.
Chester:It's ok!
Parker:I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you like I always do.
Chester:Parker, it's really fine.
Parker:I knew you would say that...

I laughed at him. He was so cute when he did this. The thing is I'm gay and have developed a crush on Parker. His smile, his laugh e-

Chester:Oh sorry-
Parker:It's ok. Well the reason I was calling is to ask you something, did you hear the rumor?
Parker:There is a rumor around going around that your gay.

My eyes opened wide as he finished his sentence.

Chester:Get to my house as soon as possible.
Parker:On my way.

He hung up the phone and I threw my head onto my pillow and looked up at the ceiling. How do I tell him the rumor is true? I really am gay. About 25 minutes later I heard a knock on the door so I ran downstairs and opened the door as fast as possible. I smiled at Parker then grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside my house. He smiled and looked down at me. "Come on idiot" I said joking around with him. "Ok, ok" he said following me as we walked up to my room. We got up to my room and sat on my bed. "Sooooo" Parker said looking at me smiling. I blushed and smiled back. "Wellll about the rumor..." I said. "Yea?" Parker questioned tilting his head. "Well, I-I really am gay..." I said looking away. "Oh my god really?!" he said sarcastically. "Wait you knew?" I said shocked looking back up at him. "Chester, it's obvious your gay as hell" he said chuckling. I chuckled back at him smiling. "What about you?" I asked. "What do you mean?" he questioned. "Like sexuality" I said. "Oh I'm straight...but I'd go gay for you" he said winking. I smirked and quickly kissed him on the lips. He smiled and looked shocked at the same time. He grabbed my hand and put his other hand on the back of my neck and kissed me. I immediately kissed him back. He pulled away and pinned me to my bed. He smirked me and I just stared at him shocked. He kissed me so I kissed him back. I felt him slowly move his hand down my chest and started to undo the buttons on my shirt. I knew exactly what he was doing but I didn't care. I slightly moaned if he moved a certain way and he knew exactly which way to move...don't ask because I literally have no clue either. Wait-YEA I DO-

[Flash book wooooo]

"WELL IM SURPRISED YOU EVEN HAVE FRIENDS YOU DUMB BITCH!" Parker screamed. "SAYS THE ONE WHOS DONE IT WITH EVERY GIRL IN SCHOOL" I yelled back at him. "YOU CANT SAY MUCH YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE GIRLS" he screamed starting walk away to his door. "Oh so now when I say the truth you just gonna walk away" I asked still pissed. He turned around looking more mad than I've ever seen him. "You know what" he threw me onto his bed and put his knees on my arms so I couldn't get up. Without looking at me he grabbed a fork from his nightstand and held it up. We stared at each other as he held the fork up but he didn't look like he was going to even slightly touch me with it. I knew what he was going to do so I slightly nodded. He threw the fork on the ground and began taking off his shirt. He got up while taking his shirt off to let me do the same. After I got mine off he pushed me back onto his bed and started kissing me. I had never done anything like this so I pretty much let him do everything...ohhhh that's why he calls me a bottom...damn. He started kissing my neck moving his hand all over my body. I started moaning uncontrollably at what he was doing. All of a sudden he stopped and jerked his head towards the door. He got off of me and looked out his window. "Fuck" he mumbled to himself. I laid there then he looked at me. He smirked than grabbed my shirt and threw it at me, he then grabbed his and started putting it on. "My mom is home" he said. I laid there for a few seconds before actually getting up and putting my shirt on. I stood up and Parker looked at me and started walking towards to me. He rubbed my neck and sighed then walked over to his closet and got one of his hoodies and have it to me. I held it in my hand not knowing what to do since my mind was so blank. "Put it on dummy" he said chuckling. I smiled and put the hoodie on and stared at him. I walked over to his mirror on his desk to see why he made me put the hoodie on. I tilted my head and saw... "PARKER!" I yelled turning and looking at him. He started laughing and walked over to me. He pulled me close to him and hugged me tight. "I cant breathe" I mumbled in his chest. "I'm not holding you THAT tight" he said. "Yes your areee~" I joked. "Fine then..." he said while letting go of me and pushing me onto his bed. "You happy?" He asked staring down at me. I just smiled at. He then laid down by me and cuddled me close. After awhile we ended up falling asleep.

[Back to present time wooo]

By this point my body was so weak I couldn't barely breathe. He noticed and stopped and just stared at me. He sat up and tilted his head looking at me. I felt a slight pain in my head. "Fuuuuuck" I said rubbing my eyes. "You ok?" Parker asked. "Mhm. My head is killing me though" I said looking straight up ate the ceiling. "I'll be right back" he said getting off of me and walking downstairs. I got up and put on my shirt then just sat on Parker's bed. About 5 minutes later he came back into his room and smiled. I smiled back at him as he sat down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me as close as he possibly could. I chuckled at him and cuddled close to him. "I love you" he said. "Love you more~" he said grabbing my hand. I smiled and fell asleep while he was still holding me.

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