Now you know

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Chesters POV:
I was sitting at my desk waiting for class to start when someone came and stood in front of my desk. I looked up and saw Parker.

Chester:What do you want?
Parker:Nothing. Nothing at all.

We just stared at each other for about 5 minutes.

Chester:Can you go now?
Chester:Fine stand there I could care less.
Parker:Fine I will.
Chester:Ok then.

He stood there but I didn't really care. I always heard that if someone would bully you they like you. But he literally hates me.

Parker:Are you gay?

I immediately realized what I said.

Parker:I knew it. And now everyone will too.
Chester:Parker please don't tell anyone! I'll do anything!
Parker:Nope. Now...everyone will hate you...
Chester:I hate you and forever will!

He looked like he was sorry and ran out the classroom. I put my head on my desk and cried.

[The end of the day]

I was at home laying on my bed when I got a text from a unknown number.

P:Hey Chester it's me Parker.
C:How did you get my number?
P:A friend. Listen I feel so bad for telling everyone that your gay. It actually went the opposite way I expected. They love you now and hate me.
C:But why would you care. Why would you care that I'm going to get bullied.
P:I don't know how to tell you
C:What do you mean?
P:Come to my house and I'll tell you here is my address *********
C:Ok. See you in about 30 minutes
P:Ok see you then

I got up, got ready and walked to his house. When I got there I knocked on the door. Within 15 seconds he opened it.

Chester:What do you want?
Parker:Chester, I love for you and regret everything I did to you. I didn't know how to tell you so I would bully you. Please forgive me.

Parker's POV:
I really loved Chester and would only bully him because I didn't know how to tell him I did.

Chester:I may regret saying this but...I forgive you and really love you Parker.

I smiled at him then hugged him.

Parker:I love you.
Chester:I love you too.

He looked up at me and kissed me. I looked at him surprised but he just smiled at me.

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