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so I lied and i'm actually here to write ANOTHER oneshot 🔥🔥 and like I saw the new video and said "yea kinky" when parker said he'd wring chester's little neck.
so that's all, enjoy. i'll probably write more oneshots on here I haven't decided.
BIG spoilers so if you didn't watch the video that's your fault.


"Chester, listen!" Parker spat, "If you don't free me right now, i'm gonna wring your little neck!"

Well thats not in the script.

The blonde just rolled his eyes and looked at the other chair, actually empty since they had finished filming the clone already. It actually turned him on a bit.

Once they stopped filming, they made their ways upstairs and into the kitchen.

"You did a good job, being mean n' all that," Parker said with a smile, walking over to kiss Chester on top his head.

"Thank you, you were doing good too being a whole dick to me," Chester responded jokingly returning the smile.

The taller walked over to Chester and stood behind him, softly grabbing his neck.

"I'm gonna wring your little neck!" he mocked in a higher pitched voice, laughing softly.

All the blonde could do was freeze up, his face going hot and red as he stood there. Parker didn't notice and placed a small kiss onto Chester's cheek before stepping away and heading upstairs to change.

Chester leaned onto the counter to steady himself so he didn't fall. Just looking at Parker made him go weak in the knees, so having his hand wrapped around the blondes neck would make him faint.

Maybe literally.

Chester stayed holding the counter until Parker walked back into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" the brunette asked softly, softly giggling as he walked up to the other.

"Nothing," Chester replied quickly, looking at the other. Parker stared with confusion, there was obviously something going on and his boyfriend was staying silent.

"It's obviously not nothing because your face is all red," Parker said, leaning close, "so what's wrong?"

The blonde swallowed and took a deep breath.

"I liked when you said you'd wring my little neck and choked me."

All Parker could do was gasp and stare awkwardly at Chester.

"Oh!" he said, almost in a whisper, "why didn't you just tell me? Thats the least weird thing you could say."

The blonde awkwardly turned to the brunette with a look of confusion.

"Least weird?"

"Yeah, you looked me dead in the eyes one time and said 'if I had tits i'd let you fuck them' which is really fucking odd," Parker added, laughing slightly. The blue-eyed guy just groaned and hid his face in embarrassment.

"But I mean," Parked said softly with a shrug, walking to stand behind his boyfriend, "I can choke you. And do that whole other thing you want."

Chester just giggled and looked up, and glancing behind at Parker.

Parker grinned and put his hand on Chester's waist, moving it up his sides and finally to his neck. The blonde smiled and looked back forward as Parker started to apply pressure. All Parker did in response was smirk and tighten the grip, making Chester whine.

"You wanted this," Parker stated clearly. And he infact had a point.

Chester didn't respond and continued to whimper and moan softly as Parker gripped harder. After a few minutes, the blonde was struggling to breathe and the other stepped away, removing his hand.

"I'm gonna order dinner, you want anything?"

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