Be mine

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Chesters POV:
Everyone at school knew I was gay and had a boyfriend. He was super nice at school but when we weren't around people he would pretty much abuse me. I didn't have much friends since I wasn't aloud to talk to them. There was this one kid who pretty much hated me and I hated him. I was standing at my locker waiting for Noah, my boyfriend, when I felt someone grabbed my wrist and pull me to the bathroom. When I looked up I saw it was Parker.

Chester:What the hell do you want?

I pulled down jacket sleeve so he didn't see my bruises.

Parker:Are you ok?
Chester:Y-Yea why?
Parker:Your hiding something I know it.
Chester:No I'm n-not.
Parker:Well then why did you try to hide your arm?
Chester:I-Just b-because I-I wanted t-to...

He grabbed my wrist and moved my sleeve.

Parker:He hurts you doesn't he.

I tried to get my wrist away from him but he held it. I saw tears form in his eyes.

Parker:Please...Tell me.
Chester:Ok...He does.
Parker:Why didn't you tell someone?
Chester:Why's should I? No one cares about me.
Parker:I do Chester!
Chester:W-Why would you. You hate me.
Parker:No i really don't hate you! I want you to be my friend.

I stared at him in shock.

Parker:Please just listen to me I can help you.
Chester:I-Ok I'll listen to you but you can't tell anyone.
Parker:I promise I won't.

He smiled at me then pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. After we pulled out of the hug we kinda just stared at each other.

Parker:You busy this afternoon?
Chester:No why?
Parker:Meet me at this address after school. It's my house and this is not a prank I promise.
Chester:Ok. Cya later.

I went the whole day thinking about why he wanted me to go to his house. At the end of the day i quickly ran to his house. When I got there he opened the door and smiled.

Parker:I actually didn't think you would come.
Chester:Well I did...
Parker:Wanna come in?

He moved and let me in.

Parker:No problem
Chester:Soooo why did you want me to come here?
Parker:Oh-Yea I just wanted to tell you something. I kinda have a plan for you and Noah.
Chester:What do you mean?
Parker:I'm not trying to control your life but I really think you should break up with Noah.
Chester:I can't.
Parker:What do you mean?
Chester:He won't let me...
Parker:What would he do to you?
Chester:He said he would hurt me if I tried to break up with him...

I started to cry so Parker immediately pulled me into a hug. I just cried into his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind and just let me cry. After about 5 minutes I pulled away from him.

Parker:You ok now?

He grabbed my hand and led me to his room. We sat on his bed just staring at each other.

Chester:So what was your plan for me and Noah?
Parker:Oh! Well how about you maybe 'cheat' on him? I'll even protect you.
Chester:Thank you. But who will I cheat on him with?
Parker:I didn't think of that...
Chester:What about you?

He got up then sat right on the side of me. I looked at him shocked. He looked at me and smiled. He grabbed my hand the put his head on my shoulder. I just let him. About 10  minutes later I looked over at him and saw he was asleep.

Parker's POV:
I woke up around 8:30 this morning and saw Chester laying right next to me. I slowly got up so i didn't wake up Chester. I went use the bathroom and when I came back Chester was sitting up on my bed.

Parker:Good morning!
Parker:How'd you sleep?
Chester:Good. What about you?

I smiled and walked over to Chester.

Chester:W-What are you doing?-
Parker:Nothing just close your eyes~

He closed his eyes so I walked around my bed and grabbed him and held him close to me.


I laughed at him.

Parker:Your really cute when your mad.
Chester:No I'm not...
Parker:Stop denying your cuteness.

He looked up at me and I looked down at him.

Parker:Hello there.

We smiled at each other. He put his hand over mine.

Parker:What are you gonna do after you break up with Noah?
Chester:I don't know. Maybe date you~
Parker:Ok then.
Chester:Oh-Wait really?
Chester:Forget about cheating on Noah I'm just going to and tell him.
Parker:I promise to protect you no matter what.
Chester:Thanks ba-BRO.
Parker:What where you going to say~
Chester:Bro. I was going to say bro. Nothing else.
Parker:Oh really?
Chester:Y-Yea I was going say that.
Parker:Whatever you say.

He sat up and looked at me.

Chester:Your cute.
Parker:So are you.

We slowly leaned closer to each other.

Chester:This feels...wrong.

I backed away from him.

Chester:I-I have to go.
Parker:Chester wait!

Before I could finish he got up and ran out of my room. I stared at my door for about 30 seconds then threw myself onto my pillow and started to cry. For about 3 hours I cried until I heard a knock on the door downstairs. I got up and went downstairs and opened the door. Before I saw who it was I just asked "What do you want?"

Chester:I want you, Parker.
Parker:W-What Chester?

He grabbed my hoodie and kissed me. I kissed him back and then about 3 minutes later we pulled away.

Parker:I love you.
Chester:I love you too.

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