Uno reverse bullying (💀 dont ask)

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Parker's POV:
I had told everyone Chester was gay thinking they would bully him but I ended up with no friends and everyone being mean to me. I didn't really blame them though. I never hurt him though I would just tell him mean stuff. I never hurt because the thing was I had a crush on him. I decided I should tell him I had feelings for him and see what he would say. He was walking past my locker so I grabbed his wrist. He turned around and looked at me.

Chester:Parker w-what the hell do you want?
Parker:Meet me at this address at 5:00pm

I wrote my address and handed it to him.

Chesters:Thanks. See you this afternoon.

[Time skip to the end of day]

I was sitting on my couch waiting for Chester to come then I heard a knock on my door. I quickly got up and ran to the door. As soon as I opened I saw Chester standing there.

Parker:You actually came.
Chester:Yea. Now what do you want?
Parker:I'm so sorry for everything a-
Chester:Parker I can't forgive you I'm sorry
Parker:Just listen. I only bullied you because I liked you. I didn't just liked you I loved you. I didn't know how to tell you so I would bully you.

Chesters POV:
Hearing Parker say he loved me made my heart drop. I stood there shocked.

Chester:Y-You really love me?
Parker:Yes. I love you.
Chester:I-I love you too-

I grabbed his hoodie and kissed him. After we pulled away he looked at me shocked.

Parker:Soooo are we dating now?
Chester:I don't know you tell me~

He smiled at me and then kissed me again.

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