Enmies to lovers

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Chesters POV:
I was at my locker getting something then I felt someone punch me in my back. I turned around and saw Parker.

Parker:You know why I'm here you nerd!
Parker:Your really stupid-Admit it!
Chester:Parker I'm not gay! Please just leave me alone.
Chester:Ok! Fine! I'm gay! Happy now?
Parker:I know you just said that to get rid of me.

He pinned me to my locker.

Parker:But it won't work.
Chester:P-Parker stop!
Parker:Fine! But meet me at the park at 4:15pm don't be late or you'll regret it!

The whole entire day I could just feel him staring at me. After school I went to the park and waited for Parker.

Parker:Hey nerd.

I quickly turned around. He was standing right in front of me.

Chester:What do y-you want?
Parker:Admit it.
Chester:I told you earlier.
Parker:That didn't seem real enough. Tell me you really are or I'll make you admit it.
Chester:Parker please just leave me alone...

He moved closer to me so I backed up until I hit the small brick wall surrounding the park. I broke down in tears and fell to the ground.

Parker:Bro are you ok?

I didn't say anything back because I could barely talk. He sat right down next to me and hugged me close. I cried into his chest and he let me. After about 5 minutes he quickly stood up grabbed my wrist and started running practically dragging me. After about 3 minutes we ended up at his house. He looked around then pulled me inside and up to his room. We sat on his bed and he looked at me with a worried look.

Parker:You ok?
Chester:Y-Yea I'm f-fine...

He pulled me close to him as we laid in his bed. I felt a weird wave of feelings rush over me. There was no way I was crushing on my bully.

Parker's POV:
I couldn't believe I was actually holding Chester in my arms. I never thought this would actually happen. After about 5 minutes I looked down at him.

Parker:Wanna stay over tonight? You can borrow some of my clothes.
Parker:Ok be right back

I walked downstairs and was looking around for my mom but she was no where. I decided to go back upstairs and text her.

P:Hey mom where are you?
PM:Oh sorry I forgot to tell you but I'm staying out with some friends tonight
P:Ok! Is it ok if my friend stays over?
PM:Yea of course! Just don't make a mess!
P:Ok thanks mom

Parker:You can stay my mom is ok with it.
Parker:Here are some clothes if you wanna change.

I went to my closet and picked out a sweatshirt and some sweatpants for him.

Parker:No problem I'll be right back.
Chester:Ok I'll change real quick

I walked out of my room and to the bathroom. I basically just stood there for about 10 minutes doing nothing. I was sure Chester was done by now so I walked back to my room. When I opened the door he was just sitting on the bed waiting for me. I smiled and sat on the bed with  him.

Parker:You are gay aren't you.
Parker:I'll make you admit it~
Chester:No you won't.
Parker:Watch me~

I looked at him then pinned him down onto my bed. He looked at me shocked. I stared at him for a few seconds then kissed him. He kissed me back and after about 5 minutes we pulled away.

Parker:Will you b-

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

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