I fell in love with my sisters boyfriend

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Heyyyy besties 🤪✌🏻 Anyways this whole chapter is going to be in Chesters POV since the last one was in Parker's :) It's basically about Chesters sister bringing her boyfriend home and Chester develops a crush on Parker. Parker does the same and they fall in love and live happily ever after. 😌 Also there is a little bit of fluff so just a warning. Anyways enjoy my beautiful people!

Chesters POV:
I was sitting in my room not doing anything when I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and got up to open it. I saw my sister standing there. "I have some great news!" she said barely being able to contain herself. "What is it now?" I asked pretty annoyed. "I have a boyfriend!" she said jumping up and down. "Is he cute?" I asked. She looked at me annoyed. I laughed at her. "He is coming over this afternoon after mom and dad leave" she said smiling. "Ok. Can I meet him?" I asked putting my hands in my hoodie pockets. "Yea of course! I'll come get you when he gets here" she said smiling. "Ok. Cant wait to meet him but for now bye bye" I said smiling and closing my door. About a hour later she came running in my room. "He's gonna be here in 5 minutes! Come on!" She said grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the living room. 5 minutes later we heard a knock on the door and she quickly jumped up and ran to the door. She opened it and I saw her boyfriend. I felt my face get really hot. Why did he have to be so cute. He was tall compared to Chloe which...why wouldn't he? "Oh and this is my brother Chester!" she said grabbing his hand and walking over to the couch. "H-Hi I'm Chester" I said standing up. "Nice to meet you in Parker" he said smiling at me. I smiled back at him then just looked away not knowing what else to do. Chloe then got a call so she answered it. Not long after she hung up and looked at us. "I'm sooo sorry but my really needs help with something, do you guys mind if I go?" she said looking at both of us. "It's totally fine with me" Parker said. "Yea I-I don't mind" I said in a nervous tone knowing I had to be alone with Parker. She smiled at us then walked outside to her car. Me and Parker just stared at eachother not knowing what to say. "So uhm...how did you and Chloe meet?" I asked looking up at him. "Oh friend hooked us up" I said smiling. "Oh that seems cool" I said smiling back at him. "Wanna sit down?" I asked him. "Yea sure!" he said. We sat down on the couch and just stared at each other. "Do you mind if I tell you something?" I asked. "Yea of course what is it?" he asked. "I'm actually gay...you and Chloe are the only people that know but I'm scared to tell my parents" I said starting to tear up. "Hey it's ok. It's perfectly normal to be gay. I'm actually bisexual." He hugging me. I couldn't help but cry into his shoulder. I felt him start to rub circles on my back. After about 5 minutes of crying I stopped and looked up at him. "You ok?" he asked me looking worried. "Mhm" I said forcing a smile. "Your eyes are pretty" he said smiling. "Thanks" I said back. "No problem" he replied. There was no way I was developing a crush on him...or was I? I decided to just push it away and not think about it. He pulled me close to him and we laid down on the couch. "By the way I'm not cheating on Chloe, I'm like this all the time with everyone" he said looking down at me. I gave him a simple ok and cuddled close to him. I got a text from Chloe saying that she was going to stay at her friends house and to let parker know he can stay if he wants. I replied with 'Ok stay safe :)' and turned off my phone. I looked up at Parker who was already looking down at me. "I already saw" he said smiling. I chuckled at him and cuddled as close as I could. He smiled and ruffled with my hair. I took out my phone and took a picture of him and put "Ha b*sh I took your mans" then sent it to my sister. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked Parker. "Yea sure" he said turning off his phone and looking down at me. We turned a random movie not even really paying attention. We were telling each other about ourselves and really just talking or whatever. "Which one are you?" he asked me. I looked at confused then asked "What do you mean?" "You know" he said smirking at me. "Oh-" I said realizing what he meant. "I really don't know" I said looking at him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap. My face got really hot and my eyes widened. Before I even thought about it kissed him. I KISSED MY SISTERS BOYFRIEND- He slowly put his hands on my waist returning the kiss. After a few minutes we pulled away from each other. "But-Your dating Chloe-" I said. "Actually I'm not" he said making me look confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm actually really good friends with your sister but we aren't dating. She is lesbian. And our friend didn't hook us up we actually met at school and I'm younger than her and I'm your age. She planned for her friend to call her so we could be alone. She told me all about you." he told me. "R-Really?" I asked. "Yup. I thought you where really cute so she pretty much hooked us up." He said smiling. I stared at him then grabbed his hoodie and kissed him. He immediately returned the kiss. I pulled away from him got up. I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to my room. I closed my door and Parker immediately pinned me to it and started kissing me. I returned the kiss. He moved his hands down to my waist but I didn't mind. He then started to kiss my neck leaving little hickeys here and there. I moaned every time he did which made him do it more. I pushed him onto my bed and got on top of him. I started kissing him again leaving hickeys on his neck like he did mine. The rest of the night seemed to be a blur. Then...I woke up. "Damn...it was all a dream" I said sitting up.  "...Or was it" a familiar voice said. It was Parker laying down staring up at me.

SOOO HOW DID YOU LIKE IT?! I am taking requests so please comment :) have a great day/night and can't wait to see you in the next chapter! <3

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