Bathroom Love

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Chesters POV:
My grades have dropped and I'm quite close to failing. Home life is extremely tough and I can't do anything about it.

Today at lunch I decided not to eat and try and work on some science homework. Once I was done I walked out the stall but tripped and fell which made my sunglasses fly off revealing my 'small' eyes which I was extremely insecure about them.

I slowly looked up to see James slowly turn towards me.

"Hey fuck face" he said with a huge smile.

I started to cry as I quickly tried picking up my stuff but the second I stood up he pushed me up against the wall about ready to beat me up and call me slurs.

Just then Parker Hajiskari one of the most popular boys in school walked in.

"Dude what the hell are you doing?" Parker asked walking over to James.

"Bro look at him and te-" James said before he got cut off with a punch in the face by Parker.

James quickly got up and ran out the bathroom off to only god knows where.

"Hey, are you ok?" Parker asked looking back at me.

"Y-Yea I'm fine" I said with a slight chuckle surprised I was talking to him—I may even have a small crush on him.

He walked in front of me and picked up my glasses handing them to me.

"Ya know, your actually really cute without them" he said smiling as I held my glasses in my hand.

"Oh thank you, your really cute too" I said smiling back at him...damn he was fine.

"So uhm...Chester right?" Parker asked looking down at me.

"Mhm...Parker right?" I responded blushing like crazy.

"Yup, or aka your crush"  he said with a wink chuckling.

I giggled back as I looked away from him. I couldn't make eye contact otherwise I'd mess everything up. I then felt a hand near mine then my glasses slowly being moved out. I quickly looked up at Parker as he put them onto my head. He was also blushing a small bit.

"Thanks" I said with a crooked smile.

"Of course" he said as he smiled back looking at me.

"Lunch still has about 20 minutes left, wanna come sit with me?" he asked as he looked away then back at me.

"O-Oh really?" I said extremely surprised on what he was asking.

"Yea of course! I see you're always alone and maybe thought you would wanna come sit with me." he said whispering at the end.

I agreed and we went sit over with about 2-3 more of his friends. I was extremely scared so I just kept my head down.

"Aww look your boyfriend Parker~" one of them teased pointing over at me.

"Shut up" Parker said threatening him.

They all giggled as I just still sat there. I then saw one of Parker's friends whisper to him something I couldn't quite hear. He rolled his eyes then...put his arm around my waist.

I started blushing like crazy but didn't say anything. I the finally decided to look up and see what he was gonna do.

Our eyes met and he smiled.

"Your cuter up close"

Then he kissed me...I was surprised but did it back.


Bathroom love.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now