But I miss you-

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Heyyyy! So before I start I don't know what Parker said because I wasn't able to watch the live but I watched parts of it so imma just write what I thought he said 💀 Also I'm so sorry but this whole chapter is going to be written in Parker's POV! It will be quite long though :) Please comment any suggestions you want me to write. I will try to get to all of them! Also btw Parker and Chester ARE dating in this story :)

Parker's POV:
Chester was sick and asked for me to go run to the store and get him medicine. About half way there I realized a forgot my wallet. I turned around and drove back to the house. When I got there I heard some weird noises coming from the basement. I was concerned so I decided to go live on Instagram just in case anything happened. I slowly opened the door and heard a familiar voice. I didn't say much but slowly crept down the stairs. When I got to the bottom I saw Chester sitting in milk. "Chester?" I said looking at him. He quickly turned and looked at me. "What the hell?" I asked him still standing on the stairs. We just stared at each other not knowing what to say. "Yo bro-" I said stepping onto the hard concrete ground from the stairs. "Is this for like YouTube or something?" I said pointing my phone to the camera then back at Chester. "Uh n-no" he said staring at me. "Well then like what it for?" I asked. "Uhm..." he said looking away. "I thought you were sick bro" I said smiling. "Y-Yea well...uh" he said trying to avoid eye contact. We talked for a little bit then I decided to end the live. I turned off my phone and sat went sit in the middle of the floor. "Only fans who?" I said laughing. "Oh shut up" he said laughing to. "But seriously...What the hell where you doing?" I asked him. He stopped laughing and looked at me. He picked up his glasses and put them on his head. His eyes where so pretty. "I-I really have no clue" he said looking at me. I smiled and stood up. "Well let me go get that stuff for you" I said walking over to him. He looked up at me and blushed. I bent down and kissed his forehead. I stood back up and walked to the stairs. "Love you!" Chester called out. I looked back him and smiled. "Love you too!" I called out back to him. I walked back back upstairs to get ready to go to the store when I heard the basement door open. I knew what he was trying to do...he was trying to surprise me. He was never able to so I decided to just let him this time. It was taking a while so I decided to go check if he was ok. I turned around and saw him standing in front the door staring at me. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing" he said smiling. "I really gotta go now though" I said returning the smile. "Ok..." he said looking down at the ground. I chuckled at him. What made it funnier was that he was so short compared to me. "I'll be back soon. Don't hurt yourself while I'm gone though" I said. "I won't" he said looking back up at me. I smiled and walked outside to my car.. The first song that HAD to come on was me and Chesters song. It had been out song since it came out. It was speechless by Dan+Shay. We really didn't have a reason we just loved it. I don't know if he was stalking me or something but as soon as it came on he called me.

Chester:Heyyyy Parker.
Chester:When will you be home?
Parker:I just left so about 25-30 minutes.
Chester:30 MINUTES?! I'm gonna miss you though.

I chuckled at him. He was so cute when he did this as weird as it sounds.

Parker:I know I know I miss you to but I want you to get better ok?
Chester:Ok...Can you stay on the phone with me though?
Parker:Ok fine.
Chester:Im face timing you. I wanna see your cute face.

About 15 seconds later I got a face time call from him. I answered and saw him smiling. I smiled back at him while putting my phone in my phone holder so I could drive and not literally d*e.

Parker:Whatcha doin?
Chester:Nothing. Laying in bed waiting for you.
Parker:Your laying in my bed aren't you?
Chester:There's a possible chance~

I laughed at him and continued to drive. We talked for about 10 minutes then I had to go into the store. I left my phone in my car and quickly went into the store and got the medicine for Chester. I got back in my car and saw him smiling at me. I smiled back at him and started to drive off.

Chester:How much longer I miss you~
Parker:Only about 10 minutes. I miss you too.

About 5 minutes later he fell asleep so I decided to sneak upstairs and surprise him. I hung up the call with him just in case he woke up, I didn't wanna ruin the surprise. I got out my car and went to the front door and unlocked it. I put the bag on the counter and walked upstairs. I opened my door slowly not wanting to wake him up just yet. I walked over to my bed and looked down at him. I sat down next to him and smiled. He must've felt me and woke up. He looked at him and his face immediately lit up. He sat up and hugged me like he hasn't seen me in 10 years. "I missed you even if it was only 45 minutes" he said, his voice muffled. "I missed you too" I said smiling and hugging him back. "I gotta go edit ok?" I said pulling out of the hug. "Noooo" he said pulling me back into a hug. "I really have to. You can sit with me while I edit." I said rubbing circles on his back. "Fineeee" he said letting go of me. "Come on let's go" I said standing up and putting out my hand. He grabbed it and stood up.We walked to our office. Chester laid down on the couch playing on his phone while I edited. I was usually the one who edited the videos. I knew over a while though Chester would get bored and want attention from me. "Parkerrr~" he said smirking and looking over at me. "Yes?" I asked still editing. "I love you" he said smiling. "I love you too but I have to edit" I said looking over at him. "But I miss you" he said. "Well then come sit in this chair next to me" I said smiling at him. "But I wanna be with YOU" he said sitting up. I would usually get quite annoyed when he did this but this time I didn't seem to mind. I sighed and closed my computer. "Now what?" I asked turning my chair to him. He smiled and walked over to me. He sat down in the chair in front of me and leaned forward. He had got changed and stole one of my hoodies but I didn't really care since I loved him. "I'm not going to be able to ever finish editing if you keeping doing that. I'm almost a week behind on editing." I said grabbing his hand. He looked away for a second then back at me. "Ok...But I'm staying write here" he said smiling. I chuckled at him then ruffled with his hair and turned back to my computer. About 1 hour later I saw he was getting tired. "You wanna go in my bed?" I asked him. "No. I wanna stay in here with you" he said about to fall asleep in the chair. "How about you go lay on the couch so your comfortable" I said looking at him. He nodded his head and just continued to stare down at the ground. He turned his chair and put his head on my shoulder. I smiled and continued to edit for about another hour before I started getting tired. I closed my computer and looked down and Chester who was sleeping. "Babe. Wake up." I said. He looked up at me almost confused. "Come on let's go to my room" I said standing up and grabbing his hand and helping him to my room. We laid down in my bed and he cuddled close to my chest. I loved him and never wanted to let go of him even though I knew one day that would come to a end.

HEYYY! What did you guys think of this chapter? This was the longest chapter I have ever done 💀 tell me what you think! :)

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