Parkers Birthday(tiny bit of fluff(I think?))

658 11 18

It was 11:55pm and Parker's happiness was out the roof. In just 5 minutes he would be officially 25! Would he most likely regret it in a week? Absolutely. But did that matter? Hell no. And why was he so excited? Well me and you have the same question, but I'm sure we'll find that out soon.

"CHESTER!" Parker ran into the living room yelling.

"Yes darling?" Chester said not looking up from his phone.

No they weren't dating or anything of the sort but Chester had a addiction with saying 'darling' lately. Only to Parker though.

"3 MORE MINUTES!" Parker said jumping up and down and Chester giggled on the couch.

Parker then hopped onto the sofa and laid his head down on Chester's lap looking up at him. Chester smiled and started playing with the taller boys hair.

"Don't fall asleep now, you only have a minute left." Chester said which made Parker sit up and look at Chester's phone staring at the time.

A few seconds later Chester's alarm went off that it was Parker's birthday.

Parker immediately jumped up and started hopping around like a little kid on Christmas.

"I'M 25!" Parker yelled out still jumping.

"Your 25!" Chester said putting his phone down to look up at Parker.

"EEE" Parker screeched out.

"Would you like to see what I got you?" Chester asked as he stood up and put his phone in his pocket.

Parker looked at his best friend and nodded. Chester smiled then walked upstairs to grab the little box from his closet to bring to Parker. He had picked this just for his friend, it was more special then anything.

Chester walked downstairs to see Parker sitting on the couch criss-cross waiting for Chester.

Chester walked up to Parker and sat on the floor right in front of him. The blondie handed Parker the box and smiled.

"Go ahead, open it" Parker looked at Chester, smiled widely then opened it.

He moved the wrapping paper to see a bracelet Parker had been talking about for many months. It was a quite expensive one, around a thousand dollars.

"Y-You actually got it?!" Parker said being extremely gentle with it.

"Of course I did, you really really wanted it" Chester said smiling as he put his hand on Parker's leg.

"Thank you! So much Chester!" Parker said "I literally love you"

Chesters eyes widened but he didn't say anything about it, "I love you too bro".

After all was done Parker found himself scrolling through his phone playing with Chester's hair. Whom was sitting on the floor, criss-cross with his head in Parker's lap.

Parker saw it was already 1:52am so he decided to try and wake up Chester.

"Hey, Chester" Parker softly shook the smaller boy.

Chester groaned and dug is head more into Parker.

"Bud we gotta go to our bed. Or at least sleep on the couch. Your gonna hurt your head like that." Parker said once again.

He sighed in defeat and picked up Chester bridal style and carried him up to his room. Parker stood in front of Chester's door. He just stood there. He couldn't force himself to go in.

He looked down at Chester then back his room. He turned the other way and kept walking to his room. Once they arrived at Parker's bedroom which was scattered with clothes, paper, a couple chargers on the floor, just a basic 25-year old YouTubers room.

He walked over to his bed and placed down Chester. He scooted him over just a small bit and climbed in next to him. Chester had his back facing towards the taller man so Parker pulled Chester close to him having them chest to back.

Parker then gained a little uhm...problem so say. He slowly moved his hand down to where the 'problem' was.


Yeaaaa uh remind me to come back to this. I'm working on another oneshot for yall. I'm sorry for this cliffhanger but yall get this for now😭. I was supposed to post this a long time ago..

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