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I ain't explaining just read 😌✌🏻

Parker's POV:
I was editing a video and Chester was sitting on my bed keeping me company like he always does. "Parkerrrr~" he said looking up at me. "Yes?" I said still looking at my computer. "I'm scrolling through the comments and I see a lot of people shipping us" he said. "Oh really?" I said smiling. "Mhm" he said standing up and walking behind my chair. "Looks great so far" he said putting his chin on my head. "Thanks bro" I said blushing. I was getting bored from editing so I closed my computer. Chester moved so I could get up. I stood up and looked down at Chester, since he is short compared to me. "Can you sleep in my room tonight?" he asked looking up at me. "Of course but why?" I asked smiling. "I don't know just because" he said looking away. I ruffled his hair and hugged him. "What do you want for dinner, I'm cooking" he said. "I don't, what do you want?" I asked. "I don't know" he said looking at me. We finally agreed on spaghetti because...why not...yea. We walked downstairs and started cooking. After about 5 minutes he turned around and leaned on the island in the kitchen looking at me. I was sitting in one of the chairs so I looked up from my phone at him and smiled. "Whatcha doin" he said smiling. "Definitely not cheating on you" I said. He chuckled and stood up. "I love you" I said. "Love you more!" Chester said back. I kissed him and then fully sat up. I saw him blush which wasn't surprising since we have only been dating for 2 weeks.


I put my hands on the counter looking at Chester. He looked at me annoyed since he was cleaning and I disrupted him but this was more important. "Chester." I said looking at him dead in the eyes. "Parker." he said mocking me. "I have to tell you something" I said. "What is it" he said tilting his head and smiling. I sighed then said, "I love you and I know this might ruin our friendship but I really do love you. If you don't like me back that's fine and we can forget about this." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "I love you too, and not just as a friend" he said smiling. "Wait really?!" I said excitedly. He chuckled and kissed me. I felt my face get really red as I kissed him back.

[Back to present time]

Me and Chester where talking while he was cooking then I got a snap from a old friend. I opened it and saw her with no clothes with the caption "When will you come back to me, I miss you ;)" I immediately showed Chester and it almost looked like he was about to throw up. I didn't even message her back and just simply blocked her. "What the actual hell..." Chester said taking a sip of his drink. "Yea we only dated for a week in 7th grade" I said rolling my eyes. "Who would believe dating in 7th grade was a good idea" he said chuckling. I looked up at him and said, "You had at least 5 girlfriends within the first 2 semesters of 7th"  "That's only because I was trying to convince myself I was straight" he said. I laughed and played with his hair. "And look where you are now" I said smiling. After about a hour the food was done cooking and we ate. We put our dishes in the sink and Chester was no where to be found. I quickly ran upstairs looking for him. He wasn't up there anywhere so I ran back downstairs and saw him standing at the back door leaning on the door frame and smirking. "Dumbass..." he said chuckling. "I was worried" I said walking towards him. "Come on I wanna show you something" he said grabbing my wrist and leading me outside. He led me to a small blanket he had laid on the ground. "What's this?" I asked. He let go of my wrist and sat down on the blanket. He smiled and motioned his head for me to sit down. I sat down and looked at him. "I wanna watch the stars with you" he said laying on his back looking up at the stars. I smiled and laid right down next to him and grabbed his hand. "Love you" I whispered. "Love you too..." he said as he cuddled close to me and fell asleep. I smiled and held him close looking up at the stars wondering how someone could turn down him.


𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now