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fae dalton/

the movie theater is kinda loud, dark and there are many kids running around.

calum and ashton went to find their seats. the theater was kind of packed so we had to split up. we were divided by twos.

i offered to sit with rachel. muke and cashton would watch together. but, that plan was trashed when michael suggested him and rachel should sit together.

i can't tell if it's because mike wants to be next to rachel or if he wants luke to sit with me. either way, i was getting a cherry slushie.

finally we enter the theater and i try my hardest not to trip on my feet, but when michael abrubtly stops, i trip on the step and fall on my ass. that sucked. the floor was a gross carpet and luke started giggling because i held the line behind us up.

i make a face and try not to flip michael off. the brightside, however, is that luke was holding my slushie so it didn't spill.

luke and i were sat pretty close to the front of the screen. calum and ashton were in the middle back, and machel was a row in front of them. so, we were basically secluded.

the movie started playing and i was not ready for how fucking scary it was. i was about to tell luke how i don't get scared of anything, but then tHIS CLOWN POPPED UP AND I SHRIEKED AND ALMOST FELL OUT OF MY SEAT. the popcorn spilled all over me :'( rip popcorn #pray4fae

i did not appreciate being humiliated in front of the entire theater so i turn to luke, who is trying to watch the movie with his eyes closed. at least he didn't like it either.


"ah!- oh, yeah?" he whispers.

"do you want to find another movie?" i ask while standing up. i figured his answer would be yes.

"but we don't have tickets to... oh, yeah, that'd be cool.. haha breaking laws.. haha nice.." he trails off. we could just walk in, it wasn't a big deal.

he agrees and we carefully exit. i throw my hair behind my shoulder and put my drink in the trash. it was giving me a brain freeze. luke starts walking into a theater without me.

he's really hot.

whoa ... i have no idea where that came from . see, even if i liked him he's so out of my league. im like, a 6 and he's a perfect 10.

he gestures for me to follow and i do. we sit in the last row, so all of the kids were in front of us. the spongebob movie played overhead and i grinned.

"kind of feels like the first time we met?" i say. he smiles at me.

"yeah. it wasn't that long ago, but it kind of feels like it." he says, and i noticed he moved closer to where i was sitting. i look up in his eyes, not caring about the movie at this point. he opens his mouth to say something.

"you can kiss me if you want." i cut him off, before he can say anything. this spur of the moment thing may have been a mistake. he doesn't speak. i can feel myself blush.

he briefly smiles before moving in more. our lips meet and he kisses me sweetly. how romantic was this?! making out in front of spongebob? nice.

and i was also kind of aware of something at this point. i move away.

"hey, luke?" okay, i need to tell him. what's the worst that could happen?

"do you, uh, do you think it'd be weird if, like, if we dated? but not like...yanno...just like as friends." i stutter.

stupid nervous me!!! nOt as friends!!! DAMMIT

"NO wait not as friends . like what if we weren't friends-but i mean we were friends, it's just we were also-" i get shushed by a parent in front of me. luke is smiling really big now. i put on a hopeful smile. i think he's getting what i'm trying to say.

"fae, i think we could date. i definitely think we could be friends, but more than that too." he says in a low voice. i try and hide my smile. i still giggle.


"cool." he repeats.

and i turn to watch the movie, my arm resting on the chair. while squidward is about to yell about the yellow sponge, luke grabs my hand, and i can't help but turn and smile at him.

how did this even happen? you know what, who cares.

all i know, is that i'm glad it's happening.


@faedalton: are u ready kids?? aye aye captain

@Luke5SOS: How did we end up talking in the first place?

@rachel_chandler: @Luke5SOS i believe u said i was 'crazy hot and intelligent'

@dammitfae: i don't ship fake i ship lachel... ruke?



also if ur still reading this story ily thank u so much it means a lot to me that some of you like it. i'm going to finish it pretty soon ahhHHhh

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