forty one, the lAst cHaptEr :')

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fae dalton /

i think life is a sarcastic little bitch. some people say life is funny, but i don't appreciate it's humor. right now, i couldn't ask for more. i have my best friend, some new great (& stupid) friends, and my girlfriend luke (i'm kidding) (he's my boyfriend). i'm in a beautiful city, i get to do what i love, and i've had never had as much pizza in such a short span of time as i did while in LA.

so, yeah, life seems pretty damn good right now. but i know that it won't stay. i know that i'll have to leave for DC. i know that 5 seconds of summer must proceed to rock out with the entire world. i know that. i know that i'll probably want to call it quits with luke because i'm scared, but he'll talk me out of it (thanks in advance, babe). and we'll get into a fight because i can't stand nickleback (but he can sleep on the couch), and i can tell you it'll be terrible when luke finally meets my father (omfg... luke meet my father....luke, i'm your father.....NICE).

i'm really happy. there's a good chance i love luke. but we just started dating so i don't want to scare him. i hope we can make it through the tour. i hope the fans like me........

life is definitely a sarcastic little bitch, but so am i. i'm really excited for the future.

i know for a fact that it won't be easy, working as a youtuber and managing a relationship across the world. i trust luke a lot. he's my main man, my homie. we're going to have skype dates where we argue about who pays the bill, i'll be sad because i'll miss kissing him, and we'll share songs and playlists (@ luke: all i listen to is only by nicki&drake).

then he'll come back and we'll stay up really late talking about dumb things, we can reminisce about the time he gave me a concussion, write REALLY good poetry, and i'll give him advice on what to DM selena gomez. then we'll run the world mwahahahhahhah

maybe it won't be exactly like this. maybe we'll grow apart. but something tells me that this won't be too bad. not at all.



i'm going to do a character question thing, and then i'll write an #askfae chapter with the questions!!!! :-)

i really can't express how happy i am that some of you stuck with this story. it's making me sad that it's over haha :-) . i never could have imagined 10k on such a dumb book. but you guys make me want to keep writing, even if it's luke hemmings fluff like this.

fun fact: i had six other chapters because i was going to introduce drama, but i decided to just let it end. but some of the tweets are funny so i'll put them here

ok enough with the tears, let's ask questions!

fae dalton:

luke hemmings:

rachel chandler:

fae's mom:

that girl who was mean to fae: (HA)

calum hood:

michael clifford:

ashton irwin:

i think that's all of them!!!! one more chapter. i love u all so much. I'm going to start writing a new book too :) idk on what tho



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