Chapter 1

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My name is Mayumi Tohsaka. My mother was Rin Tohsaka, she fought in the Fifth Holy Grail war. She had adopted me from the orphanage as a baby and made sure to start training me for the next war at the age of 8, passing her magic crest to me before she passed. She passed away after falling ill when I was 18. After her passing, I swore to live up to her legacy and set out to make sure I was ready for the upcoming war, studying everything I could. It's been a year since my mother passed and the 8th Holy Grail war is upon me. No one knows why but it's been occurring every ten years.

I wake in bed to my alarm, silencing it as I sit up, rubbing my eyes, "Ugh" I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, "Stayed up way too late..." I sigh, standing and stretching. I go over to my dresser, pulling out the red pendant passed down to me from my mom, putting it around my neck. I look over at a picture of her and I on a vacation to Florida. I loved that trip. Japan to Florida was a big change for me.

I knew from the beginning I was adopted. My reddish-brown hair and bright green eyes to her black hair and blue ones. We did, however, act a lot alike and I picked up subtleties from her that made us seem like blood. She did make it known to me from quite a young age that I indeed was adopted, but she loved me like her own. I do, however, wish she told me who my birth parents were. I always wondered as I got older.

I sigh, gripping the pendant around my neck, "You said yourself, this will get me the most powerful servant, that once I summon it, I'll understand why you named me what you did. Hope you're right" I let the jewel fall and proceed to get dressed. I put on a purple long sleeve shirt, black shorts, and black lace-up combat boots before heading to the bathroom and brushing my hair back into a ponytail with a black bow around the ponytail holder. I look over myself, "Hm, not bad" I giggle, tucking the jewel under my shirt before grabbing my stuff and heading to school.


Classes drag, as always. I can't focus. Who am I going to get for a servant? Lancer? Assassin maybe? With the impending war, I'm very distracted. So much so I don't notice when Akira comes up to me "Tohsaka, you alright?"

"Yeah... fine" I look up and feel heat coming to my cheeks. Akira Emiya. Tall, slight build, blue eyes, messy dark hair. He has on a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers with a blue jean jacket. Swoon. He clears his throat, "Earth to Tohsaka?"

He pulls me from my thoughts, "Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine, Emiya" I stand from my desk with my things, "Need something?" I ask, walking out with him.

"No, you just looked really out of it all day today. You sure you're feeling ok?" He looks at me concerned as we stop in the front of the school, "You're acting a bit off."

I glare at him, "Said I'm fine, Akira." I clutch the strap on my bag, "Just went to sleep too late again studying. It's starting to take a toll on me." I sigh, looking at my watch, "now if you'll excuse me, I have to get home. Nice seeing you, Emiya."

"Wait, May...." He says as I turn to him, raising an eyebrow, "Can I walk you home? Just so I know you get home safe?" He starts to walk next to me.

"Uh...yeah, sure..." I bite my lip, walking in silence next to him for a few minutes before speaking up, "What made you wanna walk me home, Akira?" I glance at him from the corner of my eye.

"No reason. I've never liked you walking home alone, things can happen." he shrugs.

"I didn't really take you for the protective type, Emiya" I giggle, "well, would you like to stay for dinner? As a thank you for seeing me home?"

"Sure, if it isn't too much trouble."

"Nonsense" I smile, "I don't mind company" A few more minutes of silence pass before we walk up to my door and into my house, "Welcome to my humble abode" I giggle as I take off my coat, sighing as I walk into the kitchen, hearing him follow.

"It's nice" He comments, "Pretty big for you to be alone... gets lonely doesn't it?" He asks as he sits at the round dark wood dining table next to the kitchen.

I start to pull things for dinner, "Nah... " I pause, "well sometimes, thinking about it" I cut up chicken, "I'm used to having my mom around, and it hasn't been long since she passed, so I'm still getting used to being alone."

"She must've been a great woman"

"Yeah, she taught me a lot. We used to cook dinner every night together. I miss her all the time, but everything happens how it's meant to." I shrug as the chicken sizzles in the pan and I put rice on, "As messed up as it sounds, I wouldn't change anything." I come over with some water for the both of us before going back to finish the chicken.

"That's not messed up, May. You're right, everything happens how it's meant to. Still though, I wouldn't wanna live alone in a place like this. It's a big place for one person"

"You're not wrong" I agree as I put the chicken and rice on plates and bring it over with forks "hopefully it tastes ok..." I sit across from him as he takes a bite.

"Oh my God, this is..." He cuts himself off with another bite as I smile.

"Glad you like it" I chuckle, eating my own food as we sit in a comfortable silence until we finish and he stands to take my plate, "I got it, Akira" I look up at him.

"You cooked, I can get the dishes" He chuckles at my stunned silence as he goes to wash the plates. I turn to him, "Um, thanks... you didn't have to..." is all I can get out before I stand to grab my bag and pull out my schoolwork before sitting back down as Akira comes up and sits back across from me.

"Mind if I stay to get some work done?" He asks as he gets his own school work out, spreading it systematically across the space in front of him.

I smile "No, go right ahead. Like I said, I don't mind company. And it benefits the both of us to help each other."

"Good point." He says as we continue our work as I watch him, biting my lip. I don't realize I'm staring until he looks at me, "See something you like?" He smirks, making me blush deeply, "Maybe..." I admit, the blush getting darker.

"Oh, Really?" He goes to reach for one of my papers and his hand touches mine. I freeze, our eyes locking before we slowly pull away, "You know it's not right to copy, Emiya." I say softly.

He chuckles, slightly nervous, "Who said I was copying, just cross-checking. You know, the usual." He smiles. God, that smile. I haven't seen it since his dad died in a car accident when he was 16. He survives the 5th, 6th, and 7th grail war but a car accident kills him? Life is so fucked.

"Sure, just cross-checking." I shake my head, my own smile coming to my lips. We finish what we can in the next couple of hours, which wasn't too much. But, regardless, it felt nice to have him around again.

"Thanks for studying with me" I smile as I stand with him, "I really enjoyed your company, Akira." I follow him to the door.

"Not a problem, May" He smiles, "I had fun. Thanks for dinner. We should do this again sometime...if you want" He bites his lip, grabbing his jacket.

"Definitely..." I open the door, "I'll see you tomorrow." I smile as he walks off, "Get home safe." I call after him before shutting the door and sigh, "That" I shake my head to avoid thinking about it too much.

I go up to my room and review my incantation a few times before reading a book until 12:50 am. I get up and go down to the basement removing the desk from on top of the sigil, "Shoulda really cleaned down here..." I say softly looking around at the mess, "Hm... oh well" I shrug, taking off the pendant, holding it in my palm over the sigil, "Everything is perfect. 1 am. My mana is perfect." I say softly as I focus my mana. It's time to summon my servant, I really hope mom is right.  

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