Chapter 17

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We come up to the edge of the woods. It's dark out which has me nervous but what has made me more nervous is Akira's uncharacteristic silence on the way there. Since we left the church, he's been mostly quiet. I start to think back to our conversation earlier. I know he's more hurt than he's letting on and it's killing me.

I nearly jump out of my skin when Archer's voice sounds in my head, *Master, stay focused. Your mind seems to be elsewhere.*

*Yeah, sorry...Um, I leave it to you where you wanna be for support. Only thing I ask is you stay in an area where you can get to me quick should something go wrong. Between you and me... Akira is acting off.*

*On it. If worse comes to worst use a command seal. I'll also keep an eye on Emiya.*

I go into the woods, Saber and Akira behind me. I listen to the crunch of the leaves as we walk. My eyes constantly scanning the trees around me. I stop when I feel Akira gently grab my arm, "May....I know what I said earlier, but I think we should split up. We have a lot of ground to cover."

"Excuse me? How about we not split up. Are you crazy?" I look at him, my eyes wide. Maybe our conversation really did affect him. He sighs, "We're not gonna get anywhere sticking together. Saber and I will head for Caster. You've got Archer's eyes on you. You'll be fine."

"Master" Saber speaks up, "We really shouldn't leave her alone here" Akira turns to start to walk in the direction of the castle, "I said she'll be fine." He stops and looks at me over his shoulder, a look in his eyes that makes me uneasy, "She's got her lover to watch over her!" He says a bit louder, "Let's go, Saber"

"What is wrong with you?" I feel my heart drop, "You're just gonna leave me? After letting the whole forest know that?" I look to Saber for help but she looks away from me. I look back at Akira, "Nothing's wrong, Tohsaka. Just trying to get this over with. Divide and conquer" He says simply as he runs further into the forest, leaving me stunned.

*Forget him, Master. I've got you in my sights. You'll be alright.* Archer assures me, *I'll kill him later if you want.* He adds with a soft chuckle as I continue through the trees on my own.

I can't help a smile, *Thanks. Archer. But I'll rip him a new one on my own when we get out of this.* I reply. He's just gonna leave me to the servants in the woods. Great, great friend. I think to myself.

*Okaaayyy, offer is still on the table if you change your mind.* He suddenly gets serious, *May. Duck.* He says urgently before an arrow is caught inches from my face and snapped in half.

"The fuck, Archer? Why would you try to shoot me?"

He clears his throat,*Two issues with that, Master. One, That wasn't my arrow. And two, WHY would I shoot my own master? So the only logical explanation is there's another archer somewhere in the trees. I can't sense him though, so just be on your guard.*

I look at who the hand is attached to. I see red eyes glint in the moonlight. "Well, well...what is a little lady like yourself doing out here all alone?" He drops the arrow and steps into the sliver of light. A man dressed in an electric blue full body suit with silver accents comes towards me. His blue hair short in the front and long ponytail in the back. My eyes go to the long red spear in his hand. Lancer.

I look at him, my heart starting to race but I force myself to keep calm, "I was with a friend, but he...ditched me" I bite my lip as he takes a step closer to me. I put my arm up, ready to fire a spell, the sleeve of my jacket falling just enough to show my crest, "Don't come closer."

*Just give me the order, Master. Ready on your word.*

I don't answer as I watch the servant as he chuckles, "You know, you remind me of a certain young girl I met once." He sighs as if remembering something, "feisty little lady, that one." He looks at me, "Tell me," I watch him move in front of me, strategically, as if guarding me, "This boy...why would he leave a pretty girl out here alone in the midst of a war, in a forest full of servants? Seems cold." I stay silent. "Strong silent type, eh? Well, you're in luck" He lets out a breath, "I'm feeling particularly drawn to you so I'll help you through this since this so-called friend bailed."

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