Chapter 28

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Archer's POV

My ears only stopped ringing a bit ago from her screams, sitting in a pew at the front of the church with Akari in my arms. Sakura is still alive. A part of me wants to see her, but the other part of me is nervous to see her reaction, not just to Akari, but to me.

I take a breath as I hear the priest's footsteps come up, "She's precious." He sits by me, "But you realize that even here she isn't safe for the rest of this war. My rider won't do anything to her, but that other Archer servant is still out there."

"I know. He promised their safety but I don't trust him. Nothing about this is safe." I take a deep breath.

"While I can't guarantee her safety, I feel the best course of action is for you all to stay here. At least then, if he brings the battle here, he'll have to get through all of us to get to Akari."

I nod, "I couldn't agree more. We just have to keep our guard up. At this point, I wouldn't put it past him to attack in the middle of the day. He's becoming desperate and I can't take any chances with her here..."


Akira's POV

He insisted on going at sunset, stating the sooner we got it done the better. I didn't care, I just need to get to May. I don't know how, but I got away from him undetected as he deals with the beast out front. I know all the commotion would alert Archer so I have to do this quick. I slip into the back window leading to the backroom she's in, seeing her fast asleep. I hurry over and cover her mouth, her eyes opening to meet my own, "Shhh, it's not safe, we have to go."I whisper quickly, "Where's the baby?" I move my hand so she can speak.

"Ar-archer has her in the church's main room." I move to the door, "Akira...what's going on?"

"I'll explain later. Stay here." I go through the door, shutting it behind me, "Archer?" I see him and the priest look up, seeing the worry in both their faces, hearing the commotion outside, "Give her to me. I'll get her and May out of here, somewhere safe." I come over to him, seeing the baby wrapped in his coat. He gently hands her to me as she begins to fuss, "Heeeey,'s ok" I say softly, pulling her close.

"I'm trusting you, Akira." Archer gently squeezes my shoulder as I nod, "Wait...where's-"

"Why would you trust that boy with something so precious, Archer..." Gilgamesh's voice rings through the church, seeing Kotomine in a heap at his feet, blood puddling around him. My eyes then go to May, dressed in an oversized t-shirt, her hands bound behind her back. The look on her face looks as if she wants to scream as her eyes go to her father, but the sharp blade in his hand dripping with her father's blood keeps it at bay. He holds her arm with his free one, holding the blade close to her, "Hand over the child and she lives. Don't," He shrugs, "and well, she dies. Oh, and before you say anything, that Rider servant can't help you. And you..." He looks at Archer, "You move...she dies."

May looks at me, tears in her eyes, "Akira, don't. Please. It doesn't matter what happens to me. Don't let him-" I hear her let out a pained cry, seeing the blade in her stomach before she falls to the ground, the bonds undoing themselves, "I always hate when they ramble..." He says, his blank expression unwavering. Next thing I know, I feel the swift movement from Archer before the sound of scraping metal fills my ears, "You son of a bitch!"

I look at the scene around me. The priest bleeding out along with May at the front of the church, the two servants at each other's throats as the sounds of splintering wood, shattering glass and a screaming child fill my ears all at once. I have to get her out of here, both of them. I hold the baby close with one arm, using my jacket to shield her the best I can from the falling debris and dust from the battle around us as I make my way to May. I watch her for a second, seeing her shallow breaths, she's still alive. I maneuver to get her positioned on my other arm, apologizing for each pained noise she makes as I head for the door as fast as I can, "Mayumi, stay awake, please." I groan softly as her weight becomes heavier to hold up.

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