Chapter 15

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I watch as Assassin takes off his gloves, revealing long, sharp-looking blades in place of nails, "What the....?" My eyes widen slightly.

"Assassin, I thought I told you to just observe them..." A man comes up behind his servant. His fire-red hair makes his ice blue eyes stand out. He wears jeans and a black t-shirt with a red leather jacket. Assassin looks over, "My apologies, Master. Her sweet voice serenaded me and I couldn't resist."

The man sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Very well, I guess it can't be helped." He looks at me, "Ahh, Tohsaka. I'm honored." He smiles, "Wish we could've met under better circumstances..." He puts his hands in his pockets.

"How do you know my name?" I bite my lip as my hands ball into tighter fists. I rack my brain for his name but I don't recognize him. He shrugs, "I'm not from here. I came here for the Grail. Your family line is pretty prominent here." He pauses, "A fixture among mages, if you will. I am Jiro Nakamura." He smirks, "Now that formalities are out of the way..." He turns to walk off, "I shall leave you to Assassin."

This guy pisses me off. A soft growl comes from me. I move to go after him before Archer calls my attention, "Master..." He says as his swords come to his hands, "I want you to stay out of this." He looks at me before he and Assassin clash, a nails on a chalkboard sound coming to my ears as his swords come in contact with Assassin's claws. Ugh, that's awful. I take a breath as I watch Archer's movements, taking mental notes for future training. I know it's probably the worst time for it... but hey.

A gasp leaves my lips as I see Assassin's claws swipe Archer's side. He seems unphased as he breathes deeply. I watch the blood trickle for a few seconds before the wounds close, but the damage was done. I take a breath as he charges at Assassin again. My heart nearly stops as I see Assassin get ready to swipe but then see Archer launch himself into the air, bringing his bow to his hand. I see a series of bright red arrows litter the ground as Assassin moves to avoid them, blocking some with his claws. Archer lands quickly and smoothly, switching weapons flawlessly back to his dual swords, coming up behind Assassin, his blow blocked by his claws. Assassin swipes at him again, hitting his chest. He laughs as Archer stumbles back, coughing up blood, "Archer!" I go to run up but the look he gives me when he turns stops me, *Stay out of this, Master. Your circuits are still compromised.* I hear sternly in my head as I watch him stand, taking a second to steady himself.

My heart drops but I nod "Alright, Archer...I leave things in your hands..." I take a breath, gripping my runes tightly in my fist. Just in case.

"Valiant effort, Archer" Assassin states, "You've done your master proud. Sadly though, this is your final act." Archer goes to attack again, sparks flying from the weapons contact. A growl erupts from his chest, "I wouldn't be so sure. You're really starting to piss me off!"

"I'm deeply sorry." He says calmly as I hear the clanging again, "You should really keep a better eye on your master though..." I hear Assassin chuckle before I see a white light coming at me. I freeze. My legs don't want to move no matter how much I try to will them to. The sounds of the fight start to wane. My eyes go wide as it gets closer before I'm pushed out of the way, being pushed back into reality as I hit the pavement, crying out.

I sit up carefully, getting ready to see Archer, instead my eyes fall on a mortally wounded Lancer, "Lancer!" I go over to him as he falls to the ground, "Oh my god." I look up to the fight as Assassin speaks, "My master calls...we shall resume this at a later date. My master thinks enough blood has been spilt tonight." I watch him fade as anger builds within me, "Get your ass back here, Assassin!" I yell out, letting out a shaky breath.

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