Chapter 4

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My eyes don't leave Archer as I watch him move swiftly to evade Saber. His movements are fluid and calculated. He sends her flying to an area to my left, earth flying from where she lands. I'm so enthralled by Archer's movements, I don't notice Saber set her sights on me until Archer calls my name to run. I run across the field, Saber hot on my tail.

"Shit..." I whisper to myself, "Um... " I try to think on my toes. Gandr shots. That's it. I quickly change direction, strengthing my legs only slightly with a trick mom showed me, heading for the trees. I turn and quickly fire a Gandr shot in Saber's direction, throwing her off only slightly, just enough for Archer to catch up.

I hear the swoosh of Archer's shroud as I dive for the trees, their swords clashing once again as he places her focus on him. I hit the ground hard,"Ah!" I take a minute to catch my breath that was knocked out of me, before standing, "Fucking hell..." I hear the steady clang of metal as I get leaves out of my hair.

I back up slightly into the trees, to the point where I can only occasionally see Archer between them. I feel myself back into someone. My body freezes and I quickly turn, ready to fire another Gandr shot, that is until I see the glint of familiar blue eyes. My heart drops, "Emiya...." I barely get out from shock.

"Tohsaka...What are you doing here?" He asks, studying me as I keep my guard up.

"What am I doing here?" I step forward, my blood boiling, a fire in my green eyes, "The fuck are you doing here?" I glance to the side, watching Archer continue his assault on Saber, his attacks becoming more intense with each blow. I look back at Akira as it clicks. "You're Saber's Master..."

My mind flashes to the night before.

Us messing around at the kitchen table like old friends. Having a hard time concentrating on our work. Our hands touched, causing me to blush, pulling away probably slower than I should have. He looked at me, mirroring my shock at the little sparks that came from that one touch. My heart fluttered the rest of the night. My mind racing.

We tried not to think about it too much as we finished, but I couldn't get it out of my head since then. I look at him, my fingers of one hand traced the spot where his hand touched mine as I remember that feeling. Now things were more complicated. Go figure.

My body tenses as I turn and take a breath before going out into the field, Saber and Archer still going at it as I look at Akira. My mind races as I fight back tears. I turn to him as he watches me, taking that festering frustration and going to swing at him but he blocks me.

"Mayumi, what are you doing?" He asks, shocked.

"This is a war, Emiya," my voice breaks, "You are a Master...." I go to hit him again, him deflecting me and swinging but I dodge, swinging my leg out to knock his legs out from under him as he falls with a grunt taking a minute before standing, "You are my enemy..." I try to keep my emotions at bay.

He turns to me, an anger that I've never seen before, flashing in his eyes as I see him come at me. Time freezes and my reaction time slows, next thing I know he gets me into a chokehold, "Wanna play that card, Tohsaka?" he says in my ear.

I struggle in his grip, reaching to get a rune out of my pocket, gripping it in my hand as I swing my elbow back into his ribs, hard causing him to double over slightly and let go. I turn around, catching my breath, "I do wanna play that card, it's the truth..." I watch as his own projection sword comes to his hand as he swings it at me. I throw the rune and the force of the spell throws him back, causing him to come at me tenfold when he recovers, anger radiating off him. I grab his arm and swing at him, hitting him square in the nose, causing him to cry out and stumble back.

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