Chapter 3

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Next thing I know my alarm is blaring. "Ugh!" I shut it off, "fucking piece of shit...." I groan, curling back up in the blankets. I freeze as I hear movement outside of my cozy cocoon.

"That language isn't very ladylike, Master"

I peek out, looking at him, "Screw off, Archer. Too early for this..." I sigh, going back under my blankets, closing my eyes as I hear him breathe a sigh of his own, "As you wish..." he leaves. I let myself fall back to sleep before waking up again and untangling myself from the sheets. I look at the clock and sigh "11am, no school I guess." I lean my head back and take a breath before standing up and going over to put on black jeans, a light blue three quarter sleeve shirt, and my boots.

I brush my hair out, leaving it down before going out to the kitchen, following the smell of coffee. He made coffee? I look in the kitchen and see a cup of coffee waiting for me at the table. He made coffee. I sigh in gratitude, "Thanks, Archer" I whisper as I let the warm liquid pass my lips.

"It's the least I can do to improve your mood..." He leans on the counter, watching me, "So... Master... What should I call you?"

"We skipped over that yesterday, didn't we?" I look over at him, "My name is Mayumi, you can call me May." I smile a bit, taking another sip of my coffee, "This is delicious"

"Mayumi..." He lets it roll off his tongue, bringing his hand to his chin, thinking it over, "May...Yes, That has a nice ring to it, I shall call you May"

I feel myself blush, gripping my coffee tighter. It sounded so smooth coming from him. Kinda nice.


I sit on the edge of the couch, watching Archer at the window, "I'm not keen on heights..." I curse myself for letting my nerves show in my voice as it breaks slightly.

"Not keen on heights, you say?" He looks at me as he scoffs, "It would be the most efficient way to see the city" He states matter-of-factly, "If you're concerned with my dropping you, that will not happen." He watches, waiting for my reply as my brain processes his words.

"Alright, fine." I stand, taking a breath, "Let's go." I walk up to him, "Drop me and I will make your existence miserable" I jab his chest as he puts his hands up in mock surrender, "Understood" He says as I see a corner of his lip quirk up.

I turn and go to get my jacket before walking out the door into the cool dark night and down the steps, "Alright, Archer, what no-!" I cry out as I feel myself lifted up into the air. I close my eyes tightly, holding myself to Archer like my life depends on it. It seems like forever until I feel him set me down. I keep myself close to him, my body shaking slightly, my eyes still closed. A couple minutes pass before I open my eyes, looking out at the city lights that surround us.

"You see, Master." He comes up beside me, "the Archer class has the ability to see everything from a vantage point such as this..."

I can't help a smile looking at the lights that litter the cityscape. The wind whipping my hair around me. My mind wanders to a memory.

10 year old me sat in the backyard, looking at the night sky littered with stars. My mother came over and sat beside me. I looked at her with a smile, "It's beautiful out tonight." She smiled at me, "Nothing beats the city lights from up high, that view is....breathtaking" She sighed as she seemed to remember herself. I smiled at her as I looked at the twinkling stars.

"It's beautiful up here..." I say softly, "my mom always talked about the city lights from a point like this and I never fully understood..." I look over at him, the red of his shroud and silver of his armor glinting in the bright city lights, "Until now..."

I see his shoulders tense, "Archer?" I ask before sensing it myself. A servant close by. My own body tenses and then I'm in the air, surprising myself at my more relaxed hold on Archer as I watch the world zoom by us, the queasiness easing slightly. In a matter of minutes, I'm sat at the edge of a clearing.

I scan the area, looking for the servant I'm sensing but see nothing. I start to think the servant bailed until Archer sets himself in front of me, a soft agitated growl escaping his lips. I follow his gaze and see he's looking at the Saber class servant. I take a couple of steps back as the Saber steps forward, her blonde hair tied in a blue ribbon, her dress fitted with armor, a swirling wind in her hands.

I try to keep my nerves down as she speaks, "What class are you, servant?" she asks, taking a battle stance.

I see Archer smirk, "I am of the Archer class" He seems to study her a second, "You must be a Saber."

"Tell me, Archer," She pauses, glancing behind her before looking back, " are you ready to die here and now?"

"Your confidence is rather irritating..." He says, a tinge of annoyance in his voice as he watches her.

I stand straighter a couple steps behind him, mentally preparing myself for our first battle. I see him look at me from the corner of his eye. I take a breath, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"What'll it be, Archer?" Saber asks, slightly impatient.

I look at him, "Archer... show me what you're capable of." I see a mischievous smile flash across his features before turning back to Saber, dual swords coming to his hands... Dual swords?....before the sound of clashing metal fills my ears. 

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