Chapter 23

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Archer's POV

I set grocery bags on the counter and begin to pull things out. Gummy worms, chips, chocolate, a few things to make dinner tonight, even a couple puzzles for us to do. I look at the clock and see it's 10:30am before pouring her coffee. She should be up soon. I start to make some pancakes, french toast, sausage, and eggs, thinking back to what happened last night. She was scared enough to project a sword as she woke up from that dream and attack me.

" didn't feel like a dream...he was there, Gilgamesh. He said his master is Daiki...and...and Daiki wants me." Her words play in my head. It'd make sense that someone like Gilgamesh would have a master like Daiki, but why tell her in a dream?... More importantly, how was he able to tell her in a dream so vivid she nearly killed me? I set the food on a plate and bring it to the table, setting her coffee next to her plate as I hear her come down the stairs.

"Archer..." I turn from washing the dishes in time to see her eyes land on the snacks and puzzles, "What is all this?" She asks as she sits at the table.

"Oh, nothing. I just recall you mentioning how you and Rin would have snacks and do puzzles on days you'd spend together." I sigh, turning to face her, "So I figured today we could do the same." I come over and sit in a chair across from her, "Just spend the day together, like any other couple. Hopefully, it will help ease the trauma of the first time."

I see her smile, "What did I do to ever deserve you...?" She asks as she takes a bite of her food.

I shrug, "You decided to take part in this and you had my catalyst. Also, you're stubborn like your mother and have a certain....charm that's appealing."

She shakes her head, " did you wanna start this?"

"Well, I was thinking we could go for a walk to that park you wanted to visit. And...we have to stop by the church, there's something Kotomine has that you might want."

I see her give me an odd look but shrugs, "Alright, sounds good. We should get going then." She says as she finishes her food, "I'm excited to get started." She smiles, causing me to smile back, I know she'll love what Kotomine has for her, it belonged to Akira.


May's POV

The day is slightly overcast but warm. I walk hand in hand with Archer toward the church. We walk by children playing on the streets, other couples enjoying the day, everything seems so normal. He's insisting we go to the church first and here we are, walking through the front gate. I hold his hand tightly, "Do you know what he has for me?" I ask as he reaches for the door handle.

"No, I don't. All I know is that it belonged to Akira. Kotomine said Akira left something saying he only trusted you with it." He pulls the door open and lets me walk in first, following behind me as I walk up to hug my dad at the front, "Hey," He kisses my head before I pull away, "How are you holding up?"

"I'm ok...Archer's been taking care of me. We're just trying to have a normal day today relax as much as possible after everything." I smile a bit as I feel Archer's hand on the small of my back. I see him look at Archer, seeming to have a silent exchange before my dad looks at me, "So, I have something for belonged to Akira, but first," He pulls out a piece of paper, handing it to me, "this was found on his dresser, addressed to you."

I take it, "Oh..." I open it. It's definitely Akira's writing. I think to myself as I look over the note before starting to read it aloud, "May, if you're reading this, then something happened and I didn't make it. I want you to know that whatever happened is not your fault and that I love you. There is one thing that I want to leave you that I wouldn't trust anyone else with." I take a breath before continuing, "My husky Ryuu. He is 2 years old. He is protection trained so he can keep you safe. He can pick up on mana, he's a good tracker. He'll be a good addition to you and your servant in battle. If he insists on coming with you, let him. His instincts are amazing. I know you'll take care of him. I love you, Mayumi and I really hope you win this. No one desrves the Grail as much as you do. Love, Akira." I bite my lip, looking up as my dad whistles.

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