Chapter 19

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TRIGGERS: Intense emotional situations 

Lancer's POV

I come into the house as the sun peeks over the horizon. I couldn't find much of anything on the other servants, frustrating as anything. As I go to check on Mayumi, I feel a sword on my neck instantly. I chuckle softly, "Woah...Easy there, Romeo. I'm not going to touch her. I'm just making sure everything's secure and she's ok. The little lady's all yours." I pause as he relaxes slightly, his weapon disappearing, "Although, what's got you on high alert?"

He stays silent, fading as I follow, finding him in the kitchen, making coffee. I watch from the doorway, seeing his shoulders tense, "Akira is no longer allowed here. If you happen to see him around here, let me know." Even his voice is tense, agitated. Ah...of course it has to do with the boy.

I lean on the doorway, "He touched her, didn't he?" I shake my head slightly, "Not the sharpest tool in the shed, is he?" I mumble softly as he turns to me. I haven't known him for all that long, but I know the girl is his everything, I can see it in his eyes, in the way he treats her. Surprised the kid's still alive.

"I have reason to believe he...defiled her..." He states, his voice strained, my eyes widening as I hear steps on the stairs behind me, "Archer..." May's voice quivers, making my heart hurt, "Don't say a word." He says softly as she comes in, her cheeks wet, "Archer..." She squeaks, "Please don't hate me...I'm sorry" I keep silent, watching the strong, fearless girl that fought alongside her servant the other nightfall apart right in front of me.

I look at Archer, giving him a nod, deciding to leave them be. It's clear that Mayumi is vulnerable at the moment and the best thing I can do is keep watch outside as he consoles her. If her tears told me anything, it's that she feels immense guilt over whatever happened with that boy. I just hope her Archer can find it in his heart to forgive her.


May's POV

My eyes open slowly, the room bathed in warm light, mostly diluted by the drawn curtains. He must've closed them. I sit up, feeling the fabric of his coat slip off me. I bring it to my nose, taking in his faint scent, feeling tears brim in my eyes as the memory of last night comes to my mind. What did I do? How could I do that?; You fucked Akira. Beats me how you could considering Archer loves you. My voice of reason comes in, I'd get to hoping he doesn't hate you, and I'd beg him to forgive you. You really fucked up, Mayumi.

I get up and wrap the oversized coat around me, buttoning it. I wipe my eyes as I make my way out assuming he's in the kitchen making coffee as usual. "Archer..." I curse myself as my voice quivers. Fresh tears come down my cheeks, knowing that I'm going to have to face him in less than a minute. "Archer...." I say again as he comes into view, "Please don't hate me..." More tears escape, "I'm sorry..." My voice breaks as I look away, not being able to meet his eyes.

"I don't hate you..." I hear him say, causing me to look up as he comes over, "I understand your history with him and that is what led to this..."

"I tried to stop but.....he..." I can't bring myself to say it. My heart flutters as I feel Archer wrap his arms around me, pulling me close to him, "It's alright..." He says softly, "As much as I don't like it...I understand. And I forgive you."

I pause, "You...You do?" I squeak, looking up into his eyes as he wipes my tears away.

"I do. Just don't do it again. My forgiveness can only go so far." He leans down to kiss me. I instinctively kiss him back, loving the electricity that races through my magic circuits, almost melting into him as he holds me.

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