Chapter 27

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Archer's POV

These last few days have been brutal. Mayumi's hormones are all over the place and, while yes she takes it out on Akira mostly, her mood swings are taxing on me, too because I have to find ways to calm her down. It's early morning, I'm making her coffee as usual. I set it down on the table as I hear a commotion.

"Akira! What is her stuff doing in my house?!" I hear May from the other room. Ahh, starting early, are we? Splendid. I sigh as I go to the front room, seeing Akira sitting on the couch as May holds an overnight bag, Oh boy.

"She's been staying here," He starts, "I meant to keep that in my room but I got sidetracked. Her stuff will stay in my room and she'll only be here weekends...from Friday nights to Sunday nights."

I can't believe I'm about to defend him. I take a breath, "Mayumi, he's grown...and has a right to have his partner stay here. Typically, that means that the partner will have things here for the convenience of not having to carry it back and forth."

She looks at me before looking back at Akira, "Keep her shit in your room, I don't want to see it anywhere else." She throws the bag at him before going upstairs, hearing the bedroom door slam.

I look at Akira, "I advise to do as she said, these are only going to get worse as time passes."

"Noted." He sighs as he gets up, "Thank you for...stepping in. Still on for training later?"

"Yes. Just be ready. Warning you that my expectations for you are high." I see him nod as he goes up to his room. I take a deep breath, running a hand down my face before going to May's room, hearing her in the bathroom, "May? Are you alright?" I ask as I hear her retching.

"Does it sound like I'm ok?" She snaps before letting out a soft groan, "ugh, I hate you so much right now..." I hear her start to throw up again.

I chuckle softly, "You're the one who wanted to be a mother. And, we have no clue how this will go being that I, a servant mind you, am the father. So I suggest we pay a visit to your father and try to get an idea of what to expect as the child develops." I see her come out of the bathroom, going over to the bed, curling up in the blankets.

I lay beside her, gently resting my hand on her slightly showing baby bump, letting mana run through to her, pulling her close gently, her back against my chest. I kiss her head as she sighs, relaxing against me, "I still hate you." She mumbles, already slipping off into sleep. I smile a bit, "I love you too, baby." I whisper as her breathing evens out.


May's POV

I watch from the chair at the table in the practice room as Archer works with Akira, or goes after him more like as he tests his speed, or so he says. I think it's just an excuse to be able to go after him without me saying anything. After getting sick this morning, Archer has me on a minimal training restriction, much to my dismay. I hear Akira cry out as he trips up, falling to his knees, breathing heavily as I drink my juice, "Archer, give him a break, you've been going at it for the past hour."

He sighs, "Alright, fine. Performance was dismal. I expect better from my own flesh and blood." He mumbles before fading.

I shake my head as Akira comes over, taking a drink of water as he sits, "Sorry, he might be comparing you to me, even though our abilities and skills differ."

"It's alright. I understand where his frustration is coming from. He expects a lot from me and I'm not living up to those expectations." He sighs, "That's how it's always been."

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