Chapter 21

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Triggers: Intense situations. Sexual situations 

We walk into a dimly lit room as my dad shuts the door. I look around, the room lit by candles, a sigil on the floor, an altar in front of it, the sun blocked out by thick curtains on the windows.

My dad comes up next to me, "I need you to stand just outside the sigil," He says as he leads me to the outside of it, "Take off your shirt..." He continues when I give him a confused look, "We need to be able to see your entire crest" He says as he puts the pendant back around my neck, "And the connection between the pendant and the crest will make itself visible" He goes to the altar opening a book as I take off my shirt.

"Run mana through your crest...we're going to begin the first part of this..." I do so, my crest glowing along with the pendant. "Tonight we call upon the Grail to bring forth the Guardian of the head of the Tohsaka family. The bond has been acknowledged by myself and this church and so it shall remain from this point forth." The sigil starts to glow brightly, my crest slightly burning but I stay still. I open my eyes when the burning stops and the light dies down, seeing Archer standing in the center of the sigil.

"Archer!" I beam as I throw my arms around his neck, my body relaxing instantly when his own wrap around me tightly, "Oh god, I missed you..." I hide my face in his chest, taking in his scent.

He chuckles softly, "I wasn't gone long, May. But I missed you, too." He kisses my head softly. My dad clears his throat, calling our attention, "We still have the second part of this, lovebirds" He chuckles as Archer and I nod, "Alright, so May, put your hand on his chest and Archer, put yours on hers." We do so, a soft blush coming to my cheeks feeling his hand on my skin. "Ok, this part may hurt a bit, May" He warns, "what you're going to do is pass mana through your crest into Archer and then Archer will pass mana into you..."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," I stop him, "That can seriously hurt me...his circuits are much stronger than mine. Mom always told me when you pass mana to another mage...or servant in this case....some of your circuits do an exchange of sorts, so you're forever tied to that person."

"That's the point, May." He says, "your circuits are stronger than most, so it shouldn't be too bad and if it is, you're here and I have remedies for it. I know what I'm doing." He smiles a bit. I take a breath, trying to calm my nerves, "Ok....I'm ready." I see Archer give me a comforting smile.

"Ok, May, you start, Archer, you'll know when to begin." I nod and pass mana through my crest, seeing the spot under my hand on Archer's chest glow, watching his eyes close.


Archer's POV

I take a breath as I feel her mana run through me, letting my eyes close.

I see May, around 8, reading some books at the kitchen table, Rin sitting next to her as she explains different spells.

I see May in the church, hugging Rin tightly. Tears run down her cheeks as Rin kisses her forehead, whispering goodbye. May watches her go, the priest resting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

I see May asleep in a pew, a tired Rin gently picking her up, thanking the priest as May wakes, hugging Rin tightly, her little body shaking.

I see Rin passing the crest to her, the pendant glowing and her resulting crest soon after.

I see Rin training her for this Grail war, the same determination in her eyes.

I see an older May finding Rin collapsed on the floor, her first call being Akira.

I see May standing at the foot of a grave as a white casket is lowered into it, her expression blank but her eyes red.

I see May continuing her training with the priest, channeling her grief into her combat training, seeing her tears as she went through drill after drill, but her mage training remained clear-minded, her eyes dry.

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