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Nezuko pov:

It was snowing today, and I was getting ready to go down the mountain and sell charcoal to the town, tanjiro, our eldest brother cant go down today because he has sprained his ankle and hasn't been feeling well these past few days. As I get ready to descend down to the village i hear a voice call out my name, it was my mother kie. "Nezuko, are you going down today?" She asked with a worried tone. I simply nodded while saying yes. "Be careful, it gets dangerous because of the snow, it's okay if you don't go today" she said while looking at me and was worried for me. "It's okay! I want to sell charcoal anyway, and I promise I'll come back home safely, Oka-san" I replied while smiling

Thats when i saw my two younger siblings coming out of the house, while crying out: "NEZUKO" it was hanako and shigeru with tekeo appearing behind them while holding an axe after chopping down some wood.
"Take me with you nezuko! I want to go down to the town and help sell charcoal!" Shigeru cried out as hanako added "I want to tag along as well!" As our mother responded: "No, you can't, you both wont be able to catch up with nezuko and we cannot pull out the cart today" "AWWWW" as both siblings cried out. "Nee-san!" As shigeru cried out and immediately hugged me. "I want to tag along as well!" Yelled out hanako. I simply smiled, pat her head and said: "thank you hanako" as soon as i said that hanako began to smile, "but you have to stay here" i said as hanako immediately yelled: "EEEEHHHH??!!" I crouched down and told hanako and shigeru "you both stay here, i promise I'll buy you both good food" and they both said yes. I asked tekeo if he could get more firewood and tekeo said "of course i can get the firewood!" and i smiled as tekeo muttered to himself "i just want to do it with you" as i walked up to him and began patting his head and tekeo was embarrassed as my mother and my other siblings laughed at the embarrassed tekeo.

I began going down the hill as my siblings and my mother was waving me goodbye, as i was going down i saw our eldest sibling, tanjiro, and he was carrying a sleeping rokuta, our youngest sibling, on his back. "Nezuko!" He said with the bright smile that has always uplifted our family and I, "tanjiro, you shouldn't be walking around like this, your ankle is still a bit sprained and you haven't been feeling well these past few days!" I scolded him. "Its fine!" Tanjiro said still smiling. "Rokuta has grown attached to you ever since father passed away" i said. After that moment tanjiro began walking back to our home while i went down the mountain to sell our charcoal.

Tanjiro pov:

After seeing nezuko go down the mountain i walked back up to our family, our mother, kie, scolded me for walking at this time at this weather when I haven't been feeling well. 'Man mothers can be scary at times' i thought to myself as i placed rokuta down gently on the futon while he was still asleep. As i was going to help out tekeo with the fire wood, i swear i saw someone at the corner of my eye, i sniffed the air, but i didn't smell anything out of the ordinary and i thought that it was my mind playing tricks on me.

Nezuko pov:

I can't believe it got dark so fast, at least I sold all my charcoal, as i was walking up the mountain to go home I heard uncle Suburo call out my name he was telling me to come to his house and sleep the night to avoid the demons, but i told him it was fine as he told me to if anything is wrong, run away. I shrugged it off and began walking up the mountain, but as I was walking up the mountain, something felt, off. And i began running up the mountain as fast as i could leaving behind the basket i was carrying, as i ran up thats when i saw, a demon. The man wore a purple and black kimono, he had a long ponytail sticking out from the back of his hair, and he had a sword attached to his waist, by his feet i saw tanjiro, who was on the ground and looked like he was about to die as he kept screaming and it sounded as if i heard bones cracking, "STOOOOP!!" i yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY BROTHER?!?!" As i charged at him picking up the axe that was on the floor and charged at him, i was about to swing the axe at him but when he turned around i saw his face, he had 6 eyes! 6! 'What kind of a person has that many eyes?!' I thought to myself as i soon realized, he was no man, he was a demon, as the demon immediately hit the side of my neck and i immediately fell to the ground as my eyes felt heavy and i soon blacked out.

I woke up, frantic, as i looked around, I saw blood on the snow and our broken door, as I immediately ran inside thats when i gasped as iff i lost my breath, i saw my family, they were all dead. "Mom, hanako, tekeo, Shigeru." Thats when I began to cry, i was devastated, lost, angry, confused! What kind of a person would do this and want killed our family?! But thats when i noticed, tanjiro, his body wasn't there. Thats when i though that he was still alive! As i recalled what happened last night, i remembered the man, the demon, that wore a purple kimono and had 6 eyes. But something wasn't right, if that demon wanted to kill my family, why would he just knock me put and not finish the job.

Thats when i saw a woman approach me, she was rather tall for her. She had long, straight, black hair that reached just below her waist. Her eyes were a pale violet and slanted towards the sides of her face. She wore a purple-tinted uniform with her haori butterfly patterned and she also wore butterfly hairpins on both sides of her hair. I stared at her wondering who she was. "Is that your family?" She asked. I nodded while wiping my tears, and i responded "yes they are my family, a demon killed them and took my brother, but for some reason the demon kept me alive" as the unknown woman just stared at me she kneeled down and offered me a hand "let me help you, how about you join the demon slayers?" She said, as I thought 'demon slayers? I thought they were a myth, father spoke about the demon slayers and the demons but i never really believed him' i stared at her and asked "will you help me find and avenge my family" while sniffling and wiping my tears still. She nodded and replied "Yes you will be my tsukago, ill train and look after you" i nodded and grabbed her hand as she pulled me up and she told me to follow her and i followed her, and I introduced myself "i am nezuko kamado" as she responded "Ara ara what a beautiful name, i am kanae kocho, and I'll be your master" she said with a happy tone, and i began to follow her as i swore to myself and my family that I'll avenge them and find Tanjiro.

To be continued

Hello! Yes this is my first story and my first chapter, tell me if i should add some oc and make some ships! If you want to me to add a ship, tell me at the comments.

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