The cult

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Kanae pov:

We have been following Tanjiro, but we did get caught. Took like a good 1 hour to convince him to let me and Nezuko follow him. That kid really is hard headed. Following him we find a cult?! And just seeing the people worshipping the cult and trying to get us to join them is weird. "Excuse me miss?" A woman called me while exploring the place with everyone being a believer of something about eternal paradise, I don't know I don't really pay attention to these kinds of things. Even nezuko was putting on a fake smile and was doing her best not to strike the people down because she didn't know about the cult. People these days are weird, even for me.

Nezuko pov:

These people kept trying to convince me to join the cult. I was curious and that was when i was told that only women can see the so called leader of this cult. Tanjiro your lucky you can't come out during the day, so you don't have to endure this. Because tanjiro is hiding in a cave and having a beautiful sleep!

Narrator pov:

After that cult crap and all, nezuko and kanae found tanjiro in the cave and was sleeping because he can't come out in the daytime. "Tanjiro" nezuko called waking tanjiro up and nezuko shared her information she got. "So only women can see him unless your his servant?" Tanjiro confirmed "I should've asked kokushibo for more information" "yeah you should've! This place is making me uncomfortable" kanae said not willing to go back. "Tanjiro, Kanae, i have a plan on how we can reach their so called leader, if he really is the uppermoon" catching nezuko and kanae's attention. "Ill go in as one of their so called women or something, im not sure, to see him" kanae and tanjiro immediately shot down the idea.

Time skip. It was nighttime

Kanae was wondering the village at night making sure there were no demons until she saw him! "Why hello there!" The man called and kanae was terrified, she knew who he was because of his eyes, uppermoon 2. He was holding 3 fans because he grew a third arm "why is there a lonely woman just wondering here at night? Im guessing because of your looks you are a hashira! Oh my! Your gonna be a delicious snack!" The uppermoon proclaimed. "Oh wait where are my manners? I am doma! The leader of the eternal paradise cult" the demon claimed while still making that arrogant, happy voice. "Y-you, your the one who killed my tsukagos!" Kanae yelled in rage. "Tsukagos? Hmmm" the demon tried to remember, "oh! Those demon slayers? They were really delicious and a really good snack! I should thank you for those meals!" The uppermoon proclaimed with a huge smile.

Kanae pov:

This perverted son of a b*tch killed my tsukagos, calling them a snack?! How many people has he murdered?! I will avenge you all! No... stay calm, don't let rage blind you! 'Breath of flowers, First form: orchid blossoming' A technique where the user delivers multiple stabs and slashes all over their opponent. Landing several blows on the uppermoon, i wounded his but I didn't even cut off a limb! And all his wounds healed within a blink of an eye. I see. "Flower breathing i see? How interesting! Most of the slayers i killed used that breath!" Doma said in excitement.

Narrator pov:

Kanae was preparing for another attack 'Breath of flowers, Third Form: Camellia Ascension' A barrage of upward powerful slashes. Kanae launched herself at doma and cut his arms off immediately impressing doma. But they all healed back in an instant, "my turn!" Doma yelled excitedly "blood demon art, barren hanging garden" A series of 8 to 10 successive fan attacks that create gusts of razor-sharp ice shards to slice the enemy into pieces. 'Breath of flowers, second form: Honorable shadow plum' a defensive technique that deflects attack by rotating the sword. Kanae blocking 10 fan attacks against her but suddenly wounds appeared on her, shocking her. 'I swore i blocked the attacks! But they still hit me?!'

Then nezuko came "Breath of flowers, fourth form: Crimson Hanagoromo" A single sword slash that curves and twists. Nezuko cut one of doma's arms off, but he swung back with his fans, and what shouldn't have even hit nezuko, suddenly a cut that spewed out a bit of blood appeared on her left arm. "Oh! This must be your tsukago! Pleasure to meet you! I am doma, upper moon 2 and leader of the eternal paradise!" Doma proclaimed with still that proud expression he has on his face. "Nezuko, why are you here?! You'll get yourself killed!" Kanae yelled at Nezuko, "I'm not going to leave you out here to die!" Neuko yelled back, "heh... thats my girl" kanae said to herself. "Oh this is going to be a feast tonight" doma said licking his lips. "Pervert" nezuko just said. "Breath of flowers, Sixth Form: Whirling Peach!" Both Nezuko and kanae said before charging in to attack doma. "This is going to be so fun!" Doma said with a smile

Tanjiro pov:

Alright the citizens are out of the way, nezuko, kanae, hold on! Im on my way!

Back to the fight

Narrator pov:

While both kanae and nezuko were charging in to attack with the sixth form. Doma intercepted by charging into them "blood demon art, cold white princess!" creating two female humanoid figures with ice able to blow cold wind, similar to that of Freezing Clouds, towards their intended target. Causing kanae and nezuko to jump back barely avoiding the attack. "This attack also allows me to see your techniques more clearly! I see now! Now i know how to counter" doma exclaimed. "Blood demon art, lotus vines" shaping his ice into several lotuses and creates large frost vines that extend his reach and can capture or slice up his opponents. Kanae and nezuko couldn't even use a form to block the attack, making them both get injured, but nezuko had a bigger wound on her belly, and it was deeper than any of her wounds, kanae immediately tried to stop the bleeding.

"Time to finish this, blood demon art, wintery icicles" Doma creates multiple ice spears/stakes to impale his target from above. This attack can seemingly materialize out of nowhere. Then "breath of the moon, Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit." As tanjrio swings his sword in a powerful frontal slash that then creates a multi directional frontal assault, powerful enough to create several deep gouges in the ground, destroying all ten icicles. Tanjiro was infront of kanae and the bleeding nezuko and holding his warped blade and seeming to have a lot of rage. "You dare try to kill my sister and my friend? You f*cking perverted worm!" Tanjiro yelled at the same time shocking nezuko and kanae and doma. "TANJIRO WHERE DID YOU LEARN THESE WORDS?!" nezuko yelled as tanjiro just went like "uhhhh"

Doma pov:

That blade, that technique, where did i see that from? Hmm. "Hey kid! Whats your name?" I asked while the long crimsoned hair boy with his green and black checkered haori replied "kamado tanjiro" his hair style reminds me of a someone, "that form, the blade, and the hairstyle, not only that your a demon whos helping out the demon slayers, and judging by looks you don't eat humans? Wait a second, if you have that blade and that technique... Your kokushibo's student! You betrayed him, didn't you?"

Tanjiro pov:

Wha.... Betrayed??? Well he's right about the betrayal just the wrong person. Well in order to hide masters identity, ill have to play along. "Breath of the moon, eighth form." I said

Narrator pov:

They noticed Tanjiro's blade getting a bit bigger and grew two more blades on both sides of his katana, one seemingly higher the other one being lower. (Not as big as kokushibos blade but still pretty big) "Moon-dragon ringtail!" Tanjiro finished then charging in with the form. As doma got prepared.

To be continued

Im trying to extend the fight scenes a bit because im not sure if they're too short or not.

Taisho secret 1: doma is an idiot and don't worry kokushibos cover isn't blown
Taisho secret 2: tanjiro learnt the curse words before just didn't use them until kokushibo began training him
Taisho secret 3: would you even call these secrets?

I will try to post a chapter or two once a day

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