Lower moons disbanded

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Lower moon 6 pov:

*Biwa sound*

Where the hell am i? This place is full of twists and turns, seems like gravity here is different. That biwa lady, the area around her is distorted. Looking around this place, i see lower moon 1 walking and lower moon 2 hanging upside down, two more strums from that biwa lady and i see lower moon 4 and lower moon 3. Seems like only the lower moons are here, lower moon 5 hasn't arrived. This is my first time in this encounter. And i hear one strum and all of us were on one platform! This place, the way things move, its blood demon art!

Narrator pov:

The Lower moons were still looking around and that was when they noticed a girl in a black kimono with flowers, her eyes were red. Then "bow your heads and kneel" the woman spoke with muzan's voice. All the lower moons were shocked "prostate yourselves" and they all immediately bowed, 'its muzan, its lord muzan! I didn't notice because of the smell and looks! His shapeshifting ability is so precise!' Lower moon 6 thought then lower moon 5 spoke "p-please pardon us my lord, because of the way your looks and smell cha-" she was interrupted "did i give you permission to speak?" And she immediately kept her head down due to fear "judging by the way you all are thinking, you have no permission to say anything" muzan said "I just have one question, Rui was murdered, he was lower moon 5, i just have one question, why are you guys so weak? If you join the twelve demon moons it doesn't signify the end, it means a new beginning, consume more humans, grow stronger! to start helping me out! For over a century, the upper moons have never been replaced and are always the one killing the hashiras among the demon slayers. How about the lower moons? Why are you guys so weak and are always replaced?" The lower moons didn't know what to say, they were all afraid (except for lower moon 1 of course) 'even if you tell us this kind of thing we-' lower moon 6 thoughts were interrupted by muzan speaking "even if you tell us this kind of thing we... what is it? Tell me?" Muzan said 'he can read my mind?! This is bad!!' Lower moon 6 thought and muzan resumed but this time with a somewhat angry tone "bad? How? Tell me" and something that formed out of muzans hand grabbed lower moon 6 and hung him upside down. "Wait my lord! Please! Im sorry my lord! Please have mercy on me! Please have mer-" lower moon 6 didn't get to finish as a creature that was still apart of muzans hand came out and ate lower moon 6 as his blood falls on the terrified lower moons.

Muzan was the only demon who can kill other demons unless the demon knew how to use breaths and had a nichirin blade. "Are the hashiras scarier than me?" Muzan asked making lower moon 2 keep his head down while lower moon 4 spoke "NO!" "When you see a hashira you only think about running dont you?" Lower moon 4 was scared and spoke with fear "n-no my lord thats not true im willing to put my life on the line for you!!" "Did you deny what i said?" And in a moments notice lower moon 4 was being eaten alive by something from muzans hand.

Lower moon 3 pov:

Why? Why is this happening? I finally became a part of the lower moons just to get killed. I know we cannot fight lord muzan. Then... ILL RUN!

Narrator pov:

Lower moon 3 jumped and began running through the fortress and it shocked lower moon 2. 'What a fool' lower moon 1 thought. Lower moon 3 kept running and making turns and turns.

Lower moon 3 pov:

Theres gotta be an exit! I ran so far! I have to have made it by now! And in a blink of an eye, "i believe the twelve demon moons are only consistent with the upper moons. The lower moons are hear by disbanded" it was muzans voice! He was holding my head! My body cannot regenerate! How did he catch me?! Is this the power of the biwa lady? No, I didn't hear the biwa! Why???

Narrator pov:

Muzan threw lower moon 3 head to the ground. "Any last words?" Muzan asked, lower moon 2 immediately stepped up "if you give me a little bit more time! Ill become stronger demon and come in handy for you!" Lower moon 2 said while having fear and desperation in his voice "how can you be useful to me with your current strength? What can you do for me?" Muzan asked growing a bit impatient "Blood!! If your willing to give me your blood I'll definitely be able to withstand and become a stronger demon to fight for you!!" "You dare try to give me orders and give you my blood? Your so shameless, of course you deserve to die" "n-no please! My lord! You've got it wrong!! I-" "shut up! I don't get anything wrong, my word is absolute, if i think it's right then its definitely right! You have no right to deny me. Of course you deserve death." With on a blink of an eye lower moon 2 was gone and his blood can be seen dripping off the platform.

"What are your last words" asked muzan with lower moon 1 being the only one left. With lower moon 3 heads still there and is still able to speak and think, just not move, 'our life is depended on our lords mood, this guy is dead. Im already dead for sure' lower moon 3 thought. "Your right my lord..." lower moon 1 spoke "I am extremely grateful for leaving me last, i always love to hear the screams of humans and demons before they die. To die by your hand is such a blessing my lord! And i thank you so much my lord!" Muzan then using his hand to manifest the thing and with a needle piercing lower moon 1's neck and injecting blood into lower moon 1. "You've won me over, ill give you some of my blood, though you may die because you can't withstand it, if you can though, kill the hashiras. If you find the slayer with a pink haori and kill her. You will recieve more of my blood" lower moon 1 smiled as he kept feeling immense pain while trying to adapt to muzans blood.

Then the biwa lady strummed her biwa multiple times, letting muzan out of the fortress incouding lower moon 1.

Lower moon 1 pov:

What was that thing lord muzan injected into me. I see, If i kill this child and the hashiras. Ill receive more blood from the lord! Its like Im having such a sweet dream!! But wait, my hand, its falling off, and im coughing up a lot of blood, oh no! My body couldn't adapt to the lords blood. Oh no, no no no! And with that i felt excruciating and then with all that pain. I blacked out.

Narrator pov:

Lower moon 1 couldn't adapt to muzans blood and with that he died. And his body was left at the sun to be burnt to ashes. Honestly, what a loser.

Demon slayer HQ

Kanae and nezuko was given permission to follow tanjiro just in case. Though they trusted him, they wanted to make sure he wasn't back stabbing the demon slayers and he wouldn't die from upper moon 2. Nezuko swore that she will not be separated from her brother again. And kanae on the other hand has heard about the place where Tanjiro was going, the eternal paradise cult. There has been so many missing girls there, even a few of her former tsukagos who went there has never returned. She is going there to finally investigate it and avenge her fallen students

To be continued!

How was this chapter? Please tell me on what i should do next and yes of course i killed enmu, there isn't room for any of the lower moons for this story. It may even mess up the story a bit. So im sorry for that. At the same time, i kinda wanted some comedy and what if enmu didn't adapt to muzans blood.

Taisho secret 1: an upper moon is getting ready to kill a certain female hashira just like the way he killed her students
Taisho secret 2: Enmu is such a loser. Can we get an L in the comments for Enmu?
Taisho secret 3: Idk how im going to write the fight scene coming up soon for upper moon2 vs tanjiro, nezuko, and kanae.

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