Lady tamayo

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Narrator pov:

Nezuko had arrived at her next destination which was Tokyo, except she didn't expect the city to expand this much and be this bright so lets just say she is well, beyond surprised. The city was bright, the buildings were pretty tall, and there were trains and a lot more people than before. But because of all the lights she is feeling a bit dizzy. She was running through the city finding a darker place where she can get a hold of herself.

Nezuko pov:

I don't believe it! The city advanced this much?! Too many lights, too bright, and too crowded. I feel nauseous, I need to find somewhere darker and no not the ally ways, their scary. I found a place somewhat outside the city with an udon stand! Im saved! "Hi, can i get a bowl of udon please?" "Uhhh uh sure!" The man replied and made me a bowl of udon. I payed first of course then all of a sudden, i sensed something, a demon. In the city, but this sense, it feels familiar, it feels like someone I saw before. Then there was another presence, this presence is the demon i felt in my house, Muzan! I dropped the bowl and immediately followed the sense, and found him. I grabbed his shoulder and it really was muzan, i readied to draw my sword but i heard someone, a little girl.

Narrator pov:

Nezuko grabbed muzans shoulder and prepared to cut his head off but before she could reach her sword, she heard a little girl say "papa?" And nezuko was surprised, muzan had a daughter "papa who is this?" "Im not sure" muzan replied then looked at nezuko with a fatherly smile except it was all an act "may i help you?" Then a woman appeared "honey who is this?" And it was muzans wife "I don't know, maybe she thought i was someone else" after he said that he made a quick slash at a persons neck. Only nezuko saw this and watched the man turn into a demon and bite his wife's shoulders nezuko managed to get the demon off of the wife and stuffing her scarf into the demons mouth, as muzan just left.

Nezuko pov:

He turned into a demon within a second, but he was just human wasn't he? And soon the police arrived. "Hey get off him! Get off him kid!" The police were yelling "NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND" The police were about to hit me but, suddenly, flower like essence came out and was blinding the police and were surrounding me, then i saw two demons, one with short hair with a greenish like color and he wore a white and blue kimono. As for the other demon she had tied her hair and she wore a dark and flower like kimono. Then the female demon spoke "please understand, though we are demons, we both have the same goal, defeat muzan"

Muzan pov:

I had sent my wife and my daughter back home, then entered an alley way where I encountered 3 people who were drunk "what the hell?" The drunk man spoke, "please excuse me, but I'm in a bit of a hurry" trying to stay calm. Then the drunk man held my shoulders and said i looked pale. Then i snapped, one punch and the man hit the wall and died in an instant, the woman was panicking as i simply punched the other one in the air. "Do i look like im going to die soon?" I crouched down and continued "wrong, i am the one and only being close to perfection" as i turned my nail sharped and inserted my finger into her head and gave her a small amount of my blood "you know what happens when i give you a drop of my blood? The human body can't simply adapt to my blood" as i took out my finger the woman immediately turned into a blob of blood.

I stood up and snapped my fingers. Two demons appeared kneeling before me, "i want you to kill the demon slayer who has a pink haori" "yes my lord" "it shall be done. Then they both left, and i remembered 'i thought i killed the entire kamado family, it seems like one member of the family survived. She cannot be allowed to reach her full potential or she will pose a threat to us. Yoriichi, i will put an end to your bloodline.

Nezuko pov:

I was walking back to the udon stand then the male demon I encountered earlier appeared in front of me. "You, lady tamayo wants to see you" I was confused for a second, does he mean the demon lady earlier? Her name is Tamayo? But I don't feel like it's a trap, and this was good news, good demons willing to help us fight muzan. After a short while of following him we end up at a wall?? "Uhh excuse me, but this is a wall." As the demon guy just walked through, and i followed to reveal a giant house?! As i finally realized that was a blood demon art.

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