Zenitsu' s strength

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Demon slayer HQ

Narrator pov:

A man named kagaya Ubuyashiki was sitting while holding a crow that came back in a rush. "You came back in a rush, a demon moon must be there, i have no choice but to send the pillars, Giyu, Kanae"

"Yes sir" both giyu and kanae said before taking off to mount nagamoto. Kanae was worried because she knew Nezuko was there.

Zentisu pov:

Running through the forest while yelling "NEZUKO-CHAN!!" man how can i let such a cute girl enter this horrifying mountain?! "NEZUKO-CHAAAAN!" Then i felt something sting my hand. "DAMMIT! THAT STUNG YOU KNOW!" Then i heard a crawling nearby and i turn because I AM PISSED AS HELL!!! "YOU KEEP IT DO-"

 "DAMMIT! THAT STUNG YOU KNOW!" Then i heard a crawling nearby and i turn because I AM PISSED AS HELL!!! "YOU KEEP IT DO-"

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"KYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" (Dammit! My ears! Keep it down!!)

Narrator pov:

Zenitsu was running like hell! He was running pretty gosh darn fast "SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, PLEASE!! SAAAVE MEE FROM THIS NIGHTMAAAARE!" as he looks up to see a floating house and several slayers hanging and it looks like their becoming spiders. And soon a demon spider came down from the house and just snickered at zenitsu. Zenitsu began running away till the spider spoke "theres no point in running!" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! THERES ALWAYS A POINT" "take a look at your hand" Zentisu looked at his hand and saw his hand had purple dots and seems like his hand is swelling up. Then the spider demon laughed "you got stung! Now your going to become a spider."

As he showed Zentisu how much longer he has, zenitsu saw more of those spider freaks. "KYYYAAAAAAAA! GET AWAY FROM ME!" And he climbed up the tree in a matter of seconds (damn thats a world record) zenitsu was on a branch and was freaking out as the spiders were climbing slowly up to him. "GAAAAAH! GET AWAY FROM ME!" "Bahahaha! Whats the natter? Theres nothing to be afraid of!" The spider demon said "SHUT UP! YOU DON'T GET TO TALK TO ME YOU FREAK!" as the demon just got mad a bit "you want me to sting you more so you'll become a spider faster?" "GYAAAA! I DON'T WANT THAT" as the spider demon just laughed then zentisu passed out. 'Did he pass out? There's seriously something wrong with this guy' the spider demon thought (says the guy who has a spider body for a body) then zenitsu fell off the branch and looked like as if he was gonna hit his head first on the ground and die.

Then Zenitsu began using total concentration breathing, and placed his hand on his katana's handle and landed on his feet, "breath of thunder, first form" he was in position and jumped towards the spider demon, but the spider demon spewed out acid like poison. Zentisu dodged and landed on his feet, while the demon was still hanging upside down from the floating house . Zentisu got into position again "breath of thunder, first form" The demon then a bit nervous "everyone sting him more!" As the spider human abominations jumped up and used their tongues as a stinger to try ti sting him and their tongues stretch pretty far. But zenitsu dodged with ease while still keeping his formation, then zenitsu stopped, "HAH, you feel that?? You cant move from the poison can you??"

Spider demon pov:

That guy has been staying in the same form for a while now unless... i get it! He only knows that form! He is not special at all!
Zenitsu pov:

I remember grandpa's words, he would always beat me and every time i would try to escape, but I couldn't escape.


"Zentisu" grandpa called while i was kneeling down, "listen zenitsu, you mastered one form, that is enough to celebrate. But because you can only learn one form, you must hone it to perfection!"

End of flashback

No grandpa, it's not enough to celebrate. Breath of lightning has 7 forms, but i can only do one. But grandpa had hope in me, grandpa loved me and took care of me. No matter how many times he would hit me, no matter how many times i'd try to escape, he would encourage me, he would still be there for me. I will not let grandpa down, even if i know just one form, I.. Will.... Not die here today! And i will make you proud grandpa!

Narrator pov:

Soon the air began to vibrate, there was lightning coming out of him, the spider human stuff began surrounding him trying ti sting him more only for them to get blown out of the way as the spider demon fell down and saw, the ground was deforming and rocks were floating. "BREATH OF THUNDER, FIRST FORM: THUNDER CLAP AND FLASH. SIX FOLDS!" The spider demon retreated back to the house and tried to shoot his poison like acid at him but he just vanished, he tried keeping up with him but he couldn't, he was moving at the speed of light, he soon retreated back to the floating house as Zenitsu bounced from tree to tree to one of the strings and jumped straight into the house where the demon was, the demon couldn't even react! Zenitsu broke through the house as the spider demon fell decapitated and was fading  into ashes as Zenitsu fell on top of the house and was resting. Using total concentration breathing to slow down the poison. While the spider demon yelled "i cant believe it! That guy who isn't supposed to be able to move from the poison actually did it!!" As he turned to ash.

Inoskue pov:

I don't know where beruko went, but we can't put this huge demon down! I cut off its arm earlier but it just shedded so now we can't even cut it. And that gutara guy was there with a few more random slayers

Narrator pov:

Inoskue was severely injured, other slayers couldn't even reach the demon. But at the last moment a man with a green and black checkered haori with long crimson hair and a kimetsu mask came and killed the demon father with ease, from the breath the slayers saw, they didn't know what breath it was, but they heard the man say "Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant" but nobody saw the katana the slayer was holding.

Inoskue pov:

Amazing! That guy! He took down that guy without any problems. As i was staring in awe, he was about to leave "HEY! YOU KILLED THAT POWERFUL DEMON WOTH EASE, IF YOU FIGHT ME AND I WIN, I LORD INOSKUE WILL BECOME THE MOST POWERFUL MAN" "just rest, you don't even notice how bad your injuries are, same toes for all of you." Then he just vanished, amazing, that man has amazing strength!

Tanjiro pov:

The guy with a boar mask was weird, jumping from tree to tree. I smelled the lower moon, but it was hard to tell because of the scent going through the entire mountain, but ill find a way. Nezuko should be here as well, i need to see her again.


Kanae saw Tanjiro kill the father demon (she doesn't know his name btw) but what she doesn't know is that that demon is nezukos brother. But seeing as nezuko wasnt with the other guys they found so far, she grew worried, hoping she is still alive.

To be continued!

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Taisho secret 1: tanjiro was late because he fell asleep for five minutes before arriving at the mountain. The guy was sleep deprived
Taisho secret 2: writing these fight scenes is bloody difficult!!
Taisho secret 3: Most of these taisho secrets aren't secrets

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