Gyokko, uppermoon 5

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Narrator pov:

Muichiro and gyokko were standing on different levels of the infinite fortress, (wait.. standing? Gyokko is literally using a pot eh anyway) gyokko introduced himself only to get attacked again. "Hey! Brat! It's rude to interrupt someone especially if they're talking!!" But muichiro didn't care at all. Gyokko could transport himself to different pots that seemingly comes out of thin air. "Ive had enough of this! Blood demon art: water prison pot!" Muichiro was then trapped inside what seems to be water like a prison then a pot emerged and gyokko was there, "bahaha, how does it feel! Ill kill you slowly and painfuly" gyokko said but he wasn't expecting an attack "breath of mist, first form: low clouds, distant haze" The user unleashes a powerful thrust attack in front of them. It broke through the prison and stabbed one of gyokko's eyes forcing gyokko to retreat to another pot as his eye healed "arrgh, that hurt you know!" Then gyokko summoned a lot of fish towards muichiro which was very dangerous, "Blood Demon Art: Thousand Needle Fish Kill" muichiro was dodging the fish then what seemed to be two more fishes in the air summoned by gyokko and they puff up and launch a thousand needles at muichiro.

Muichiro saw this and had a plan "breath of mist, Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash" The user releases a powerful circular slash that blows away projectile attacks, this caused all the needles to hit the fishes and forced gyokko to move to a different pot as the other pot broke "HOW COULD YOU DESTROY SUCH BEAUTIFUL ART! YOU UNCULTURED SWINE!!" gyokko yelled as he was angry but muichiro just replied with "says the demon who has eyes fore mouths and mouths for eyes" then he saw a large fish with arms and legs approaching him and was about to crush him, "breath of mist, Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist" The user unleashes eight slashes, one on top of the other in quick succession. With that the fish demon immediately fell apart and turned into ashes. "Why you!!!" Gyokko was getting irritated as he summoned two more of the giant fish demons and at the same time with the needled fish. This time he got hit by some needles and was knocked away hitting his back against the wall injuring him. He had sudden flashbacks of his twin brother, when he got up a few more needles pierced him but they weren't deep wounds and were at non fatal areas.

"Breath of mist, Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash" The user quickly unsheathes their blade and strikes their enemy at blinding speeds. At such a blinding speed gyokko didn't even notice till he saw his fish demons turning into ashes. "What the hell... what kind of a person are you?! Wait... where'd he go?" Then muichiro appeared above him was about to slash him but suddenly he manifested a pot that summoned multiple small fish that muichiro had to dodge, and there he saw it , he saw a pot that had manifested 5 slayers merged into one with their swords stabbed right onto them "you see this magnificent art?" Gyokko said while laughing and admiring the abomination he made that he calls 'beautiful'

Muichiro pov:

Calm down, calm yourself. I just have to kill that demon, "HEY! ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?!?!" the demon yelled at me... meh... nobody cares about him "breath of mist, Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze" The user dashes forward at high speed and unleashes a flurry of slashes that covers a wide area.

Narrator pov:

Muichiro used the sudden form and he predicted that he would change pots and he predicted right as he saw a pot at the roof, so he pretended to slash at him but due to the haze gyokko couldn't tell. When he manifested back on the roof that was when Muichiro appeared and sliced off gyokko's head. But suddenly he began shedding. When the haze disappeared that was when he saw gyokko now with a full body and he looked like a merman. "Now... take a look at this elegant form!!" Gyokko said but it was just a minute of the both of them staring at each other (play wii music) "HOY! REACT KID!! YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO GET ON SOMEONES NERVES!!!" gyokko was screaming and was very angry while muichiro just put on a wide grin. With both of them getting ready to attack.

A group of slayers were going around picking up more slayers and the group was led by both murata and Yushiro. Upon reaching a room that was when a giant demon fish came and blocked their path. But Zenitsu woke up and protected them "breath of thunder, first form: thunder clap and flash" before anyone could react Zenitsu already killed the demon they then reached hashira Muichiro and uppermoon 5 gyokko who were in the middle of an intense battle, but they arrived late and already was about to witness the end of gyokko.

Gyokko pov:

No! No! This cannot be! Im losing to this kid! Wait im surrounded by mist! I cant see!!

Narrator pov:

Muichiro was slightly injured but with one last form, "breath of mist Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist" The user leaps high in the air upside down and sends a series of countless ranged slashes downwards, capable of decimating a wide area. With one last slash gyokko's head falls off and the abomination turns to ashes. Everyone goes to him and ask if hes alright. "Im fine, blleeeghhh" his mouth then began foaming. With afew treatments muichiro was back on his feat as both the hashira and the slayers split up.

To be continued
Next we have hantegu. As one has wings and feat that are harder than diamonds, one who has a leaf and with one swing from the lead can blow one like 500 miles away and one who does just one strike creates lightning vs the love hashira, wind hashira, and the wind hashira's little brother.

Sorry if this fight sucked, I don't really know what to write for gyokko because honestly he's annoying to wrote but hopefully hantegu will be easier. And at the same time, my school will start soon, ill will not rush the story but if they're kind of short im sorry.

Taisho secret 1: with 3 uppermoons remaining. The demon slayer victory is near.
Taisho secret 2: Tamayo didnt die for nothing, she has one last trick up her sleeve against muzan

Ill be holding a vote between two stories on what i will do when this story ends.

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