Upper moon 2

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Tanjiro pov:

Its a good thing he doesn't know that master betrayed muzan and thinks i betrayed them. But for now, i need to kill him before the sun comes up and he escapes. He nearly killed nezuko and kanae, i let my blade grow, similarto masters bigger blade but mine is smaller than masters. "breath of the moon, Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail!" I yelled triples the range of his normal attack radius and creates a singular gigantic slash that slowly decreases in size.

Narrator pov:

With the sudden attack from a distance, it cut off doma's arms bit they regrew in a second. Tanjiro continued his charge, "blood demon art, cold white princess!" As the same two humanoid statues appeared again and blew cold air freezing anything in its path, but Tanjiro didn't let that stop him, 'breath of the moon, Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves' creating a triple-layered slash twister, capable of mowing down his targets into three clean pieces. Running through the cold air being resistant to it because of the time when he had to climb up and down the mountain at his home during winter, with the form he destroyed the ice statues and knelt down a little to rest as breathed out cold air then looked at do a with a face saying 'b*tch!' "Breath of the moon, Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant!" Tanjiro said before unleashing a wild storm of slashes in multiple directions mostly towards doma. Doma was having a hard time avoiding the slashes but every time he got injured he felt his healing capabilities slowing down. "Blood demon art, freezing clouds!" Doma creates a large wave of dangerous freezing wind and uses his fans to scatter them, freezing any object that comes into contact with it. Freezing tanjiro's arm completely and felt other parts of his clothing partially frozen.

Kanae pov:

I patched nezuko up and stopped the bleeding, I need to help out tanjiro I can't just sit here and watch, but my wounds were pretty bad. No! I need to keep fighting! "STAY THERE!" tanjiro yelled "IF THOSE WOUNDS REOPEN, IT COULD BE FATAL, KANAE-SAN"

Narrator pov:

Tanjiro looked at his frozen arm and smashed it on the ground, it was painful, but his arm grew back in a blink of an eye. "Not bad not bad, blood demon art, frozen lotus" Doma creates several ice lotuses with razor-sharp ice shards to increase the range of his attacks and to ensnare his enemies. Several of the attacks were injuring tanjiro but his wounds were healing, his limbs regrew in a second. "Blood demon art, wintry icicles" and the icicles fell down from the sky and would've hit tanjiro if he didn't just suddenly vanish and appeared behind doma "breath of the moon, fifth form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy" makes multiple curved slashes layered over one another, resembling a rising vortex. Numerous chaotic blades originate from these slashes. Nearly cutting doma's head off but he moved. "Blood demon art-" he was interrupted by a blade almost cutting his head off but his arms were chopped off.

Behind him was kanae who used the sixth form on him. "Blood demon art, Barren Hanging Garden!" A series of 8 to 10 successive fan attacks that create gusts of razor-sharp ice shards to slice the enemy into pieces, with tanjiro blocking the hits to protect kanae, but he was severely injured. "Blood demon art, scattering lotuses" doma creates a blizzard of long-ranged ice shards shaped like lotus petals capable of tearing a person's flesh to shreds. But Tanjiro intercepted most of the attacks "breath of the moon, first form, dark moon evening palace!" With a vertical domas arms fell off and the attack stopped, tanjiro's wounds healed till he notice kanae has a pretty deep wound on her left shoulder.

"Blood demon art, Crystalline Divine Child" and then three mini ice figures of doma were sent out one to each of the trio. Nezuko was still badly injured she couldn't do much and so was kanae. The crystal dolls could use domas blood demon art (except for the statues). While fighting the mini figures tanjiros hands were cut off by doma and his head was going to be cut off as well but his hands grew back and tanjiro grabbed his blade, "breath if the moon, Ninth Form: Waning Moonswaths" creates a seemingly endless stream of claw-like vertical and horizontal slashes, capable of cutting down his intended target from a long range. And at this point doma was sent back as tanjiro used the same form and destroyed all the ice dolls.

"You really are a powerful demon, kokushibo trained you well" doma said happily. "But our fun times must end here" and they saw the sun was rising and doma began running away from the sun, tanjiro chased after him "breath of the moon, Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon!" Tanjiro swings his sword in a downward slash, resulting in a powerful sixfold slash crashing down on his opponents; the attack itself is powerful enough to create several miniature craters where the slashes have landed. It would've killed doma if tanjiro didn't need to avoid the sun but doma was severely injured "blood demon art, freezing clouds!"  Doma creates a large wave of dangerous freezing wind and uses his fans to scatter them, freezing any object that comes into contact with it.

Tanjiro arms were frozen and a part of his body was frozen. His leftt leg was also frozen. He could hardly move as he watched the sun grow behind him. He was slowly getting burnt by the sun a bit till Tanjiro broke his leg off and it healed in a second and he began running into shelter. The kakushi arrived and took kanae and nezuko back to the estate. Kanae was told to stay off duty for at least a weak or until her wounds fully healed. Shinobu wouldn't stop questioning both nezuko and kanae about the demon because she wanted revenge. That night, shinobu finally thanked tanjiro for saving her sister. Tanjiro was telling kokushibo and how they'll think tanjiro betrayed kokushibo.

Kokushibo pov:

So they think tanjiro betrayed me... Might as well play along because it'll benefit the both of us. Tanjiro nearly killed doma. But tanjiro nearly died as well. I shouldn't have sent him. But with this experience he can grow stronger, maybe its time i taught tanjiro the 20th form. Seeing as he is able to expand his blade at will. Man tanjiro really reminds me of a son.

Oyakata pov:

I see, if upper moon 2 nearly died, then we have a chance at winning this war and ending it once and for all. We should discuss this with the other pillars.

To be continued

Hi! How was this chapter? Please tell me what you thought about the fight scenes because they're hard to make

Taisho secret 1: for the first time the pillars actually accepted tanjiro and kokushibo. Tanjior and muichiro became good friends
Taisho secret 2: everyone at the estate hasn't left kanae nor nezuko alone since the battle against doma
Taisho secret 3: Muzan is now aware of the demon that was kokushibo's student. At the same time was curious because he nearly killed doma. He could replace one of the upper moons.

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