Total concentration

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Narrator pov:

Inoskue and Zenitsu have been doing the rehabilitation training for nearly a month now, they can't seem to beat Kanao. Nezuko on the other hand had 10 wins and 10 losses against Kanao, because nezuko being a tsukago of the estate, it wasn't that hard so she doesn't know why inoskue and Zenitsu are struggling. Then somebody peaked through the door and it was tanjiro and he had a thick blanket over him to protect him from the sunlight. "Nezuko" tanjiro called getting Nezuko's attention and Zenitsu, he screamed "KYYYAAAAA! ITS THE DEMON! HES GONNA EAT ME ISNT HE?!" but one good slap on the face by Aoi is enough to shut him up. "Tanjiro, is there anything you need?" Tanjio was just curious on what they were doing "mind if i help?" "Be my guest" Tanjiro approached Inoskue and Zenitsu and they both sat down in front of him  but Zenitsu was still shaking, something about how Tanjiro is going to torture him or something. "Do you guys do total concentration breathing?" Tanjio explained total concentration breathing and tried to get them to do it, in the end they still failed. "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE" Zenitsu yelled while panting on the ground. Tanjio was trying to get them to do it again. 'Man tanjiro, can't you be a little lighter on them?' Nezuko thought while she only stared at the two. Kanae then appeared behind the sitting tanjiro with his blanket still covering him from the sunlight "Ara ara, total concentration breathing should be the first thing you should know." She said while approaching Inoskue. While patting his shoulder "if you can't do it then its okay! It'd be a shame, a shame though" she said while keeping her smile, making Inuskue angry and breath out uhhh anger??? With a ton of tick marks "HAAAAH?!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! ILL SHOW YOU! ILL MASTER IT FASTER THAN YOU CAN BREATH!!" Giving Tanjio an idea to encourage Zenitsu, "Zenitsu if you master total concentration breathing I'll help you find one date" immediately letting Zenitsu yell "YEESSSS!" kanae was happy and a bit surprised that that worked. "Thats all it took?" Nezuko asked with a bit of disappointment.

Nightfall had soon arrived and though everyone was still awake nezuko stepped outside to see a few other hashira standing by the training ground, she took a look and saw, "TANJIRO SANEMI YOUR DUEL IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!" yelled Rengoku. Obanai and Uzui placed their bets on sanemi. Rengoku kanae and nezuko who decided to join betted on tanjiro. But before the fight kanae gave then the rule of no using their breath forms to avoid tearing down the estate. Sanemi and tanjiro charged at each other, with the both of them swing their swords and dashing around it was an intense match, that was until tanjiro gave one good headbutt on Sanemi. Uzui swore he heard sanemis head crack "WHAT THE HELL MAN?! WHY IS YOUR HEAD SO HA-" sanemi was saying till he froze. "Hey sanemi? You good?" Asked obanai, then sanemi's head began to bleed, and he fell to the ground with his mouth foaming. "Tanjiro wins i guess..." rengoku said. "How flameboyant!! Hey kid! Thats a freakishly hard forehead! How would you like to be my shinobi?" Asked uzui wrapping his arm around tanjiro. Then kokushibo appeared, "GAH! MASTER! when did you arrive?!" Tanjiro shouted, the other pillars trusted tanjiro, not all though, but none of them still trusted kokushibo "i was here the entire time" the upper moon responded. "Anyway, tanjiro i have a mission for you" catching the hashiras attention while still dragging the concussed Sanemi into the estate. "Tanjiro, Doma, upper moon 2 has been making a drastic move, he may be preparing an attack. I want you to go to him, and finish him" kokushibo said immediately shocking all the hashiras "wait... if its an upper moon then we the hashiras should go as well!" Yelled Kanae, kokushibo replied "can't, its too risky for a human to go. You'll end up getting killed" then nezuko interfered "what about my brother?! Its an upper moon your talking about! What if Tanjiro doesn't make it out alive?!" "He trained with me, kf anything tanjiro can overpower doma" kokushibo reassured

But it still didn't gain the trust of other hashiras. The night ended tanjiro insisting on going and said it will be fine.

Nezuko pov:

I just got my brother back and hes already going to fight one of the strongest demon moons with a 50 percent chance of dying?! I cant lose my brother today. Kanae made a plan that we both will secretly follow tanjiro by tomorrow night, because if its an upper moon we all need to be there. We will just need to get confirmation from Oyakata-sama. But then i received the news, Tanjiro already left.

To be continued

Hi! Sorry for a short chapter today. I couldn't come up with an idea for this chapter! Sorry about that, but ill make it up to you guys! In the next next chapter.

Taisho secret 1: Kanae knew where tanjiro was going to go and with the approval of Oyakata-sama, both her and nezuko can help tanjiro and if needed they will have the assistance of other hashiras.
Tasio secret 2: Zenitsu was pissed because he didn't get to find a girl like what Tanjiro promised.
Tasio secret 3: fight scenes are difficult as hell to write.

Remember ill try to upload a chapter or two daily. Key word ill TRY.

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