Final selection 1/2

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2 years after training

Nezuko pov:

2 years have passed now, both me and kanao were getting ready for the final selection, it's the final test before becoming an official demon slayer, as kanao and i got ready both kanae and shinobu gave us one final embrace. "You both better survive" shinobu said while embracing us. As we waved goodbye i can see kanae having tears, she was worried, but I made a promise that I'll come back alive and kanao as well. On the way there i tried having a conversation with kanao, but she kept her natural smile and just looks at me, sometimes using the coin to make her decisions. I'm left wondering why she uses the coin to make her decisions, as if she cant make decisions of her own.

As we arrived at the final selection, i noticed the wisterias around the entire area, i was looking around there were at least 20 people here, but one stood out from the rest, a person, he wore a maroon haori with a yellow and black kimono but he wore a kinetsu mask, and his hair was crimson color with a high ponytail. He seemed familiar, but with the mask it was hard to tell. As two children appeared and greeted everyone, they both had the same haircut and wore a purple with flowers kimono but one had white hair the other had black hair. "Welcome to the final selection" the twins spoke at the same time "here we have many demons captured by our very own slayers, the wisteria here keeps them confined in here, but at this time of the month, the wisteria stops blooming for a weak, your goal is to survive for 7 days here. We wish you all the best of luck" as they both bowed and that was when the final selection began.

Tanjiro pov:

2 weeks before final selection

"993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000!" After doing 1000 swings, i was exhausted, then master came out of nowhere "give me 500 more swings!" As i felt like i just shattered. I may be a demon but i still get exhausted! "I said give me 500 more swings you worm!" I felt like I wanted to die, I hope Nezuko is doing better than me. After the 500 more swings i just collapsed and fell asleep. After an hour master woke me up, "tanjiro, my student, you have done well, beyond my expectations" master spoke "really??" I asked with excitement "not really" he responded "but you have done well, i have decided you will go to the final selection" I was confused by what he said. "But master, im a demon, how can i attend the final selection and won't people know?" I asked as master gave me a maroon haori and a kimetsu mask and said "change your haori, and this will be important for you, your sister, nezuko, she will be attending the final selection this year." I looked at him in shock. "Your going to let me attend to protect her?" And master nodded as a response, as i just hugged him like he was my father.

Kokushibo pov:

After my student hugged me, i just couldn't help but hug back, he felt like a son to me. "Now get ready tanjiro" as he nodded and what seemed to be tears forming on his eyes, i just wiped them for him.

Present time

Tanjiro had left at night as he was leaving i waved him goodbye and felt worried for him, my student wore similar clothing like yoriichi just with a kimetsu mask. I felt proud for him. As i reminded him to stay under the shade during sunlight. "Brother, this kid, is really your descendant, and i promise you, I'll keep him safe. I hope you forgive me for my sins I have done in the past"

Tanjiro pov:

I have arrived and the wisteria around me was kind of hurting me a little, but luckily i was under shade so the sun wouldn't burn me, then i saw a familiar pink kimono arrive, it was my sister nezuko! But I couldn't take off my mask and get her attention, she was also with someone, her new friend i presumed, I couldn't get her attention and I can't take off my mask or everyone will know that I am a demon. Then thats when the twins appeared wearing the same kimono but one had black hair the other had white hair.

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