Pillar training 1/2

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Nezuko pov:

A new pillar training has been initiated, since the red light district and tanjiro lost his master, demon activity stopped. Muzan must be preparing for an attack. Every slayer will have to attend. 

First was Uzui-san, he will train you in stamina, so you have to run like 100 kilometers or something, i wasn't sure.
Second was muichiro, he will train you in reflexes.
mitsuri will train us in flexibility
Obanai focuses on sword skill revision
Sanemi will train us with infinite pounding, in other words endurance.
Kanae and shinobu will train us in poison resistance, something i already had!
Rengoku hasn't told us his, it's a surprise.
Oni-chan/tanjiro will train us with teamwork.
Gyomei who will handle us in muscle refinement.
But giyuu for some reason wasn't attending the training

I started a bit late though after the red district thing, kanae was overly protective of me. My training started with me and uzui with the stamina, many slayers were barfing or exhausted, but i passed with ease "oh your here!" Uzui's wife called and offered me food "here!! Eat as much as you like!!" While uzui was with the other slayers. "DISAPPOINTMENT! USELESS!! HOY!!! I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO SLEEP ON THE GROUND!" uzui was yelling at the collapsed slayers. I bid them farewell and went to muichiro

"MUICHIRO! HI!!" and all the other slayers stared at me and was like 'you fool, your gonna die for addressing him this way' but... "NEZUKO! HI!" muichiro said with a bright smile all the slayers stared in shock 'WHAT?!?!' the training was easy, and i was allowed to move on in two days
Muichiro pov:

"You've done well! These are just warmups for the next training!" I was saying it with a bright smile to nezuko as she soon left. Man i wanted to spend more time with her. She's still waving... "uhhh, sir.. we've been here for longer than a week... can we move on?" My slayer asked me and i am disappointed in him "are you on drugs or something? Were gonna train until the training ground falls apart"

Narrator pov:

All the slayers were just like "THE BIAS IS SO CLEAR!"

Nezuko pov:

I then met up with mitsuri, "AH! nezuko!!" She called me "how are you?" "Im doing amazing!!" I said with a bright smile. After having a talk with each other we moved onto the training, we had to dance ballet and she would make us do flexibility using her strength?! Eh it was easy, i myself is pretty flexible. After that we had pancakes together. Then I left off to iguro-san

Mitsuri pov:

I was writing a letter to iguro-san, i hope he won't be too hard on her! She really has a gentle soul!

Iguro pov:

I received mitsuri-san about nezuko, and i get ready "i will be wating for you, kamado nezuko!" I said with an angry tone

Nezuko pov:

I made it! "Iguro-san! Nice to meet you!" I said with my usual smile "i see you came from mitsuri's training, but unlike her, i wont be as nice!" Man this will be brutal, we arrive at an execution ground?!?! I saw slayers tied up to walls, floors and the roof?! And it was made to look like a maze... "uhhh... did these guys do anything wrong?" I asked and obanai only stared and said "i guess so... CRIMES OF BEING WEAK, CRIMES OF BEING USELESS, CRIMES OF PISSING ME OFF!!!!" I'm screwed aren't i. I had to go through the tied up slayers and every time i would try to swing my sword at obanai i stop as i might accidentally hit one of the tied up slayers and i swear i can hear them saying: 'please don't hit me, please don't hit me!!' And obanai would go through them like the snake he is, he was really flexible. It took a week but i was finally able to hit him and break his wooden katana "well done, now f**k off!! And don't talk casually to mitsuri again!" He said with an intimidating voice. He hated my guts all the way.

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