Pillar trial

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Narrator pov:

Nezuko woke up in front of the hashiras, her hands were tied behind her back and she was looking for Tanjiro. Then one of the hashiras yelled "there is no need for this trial! A swordsman accompanying a demon is not trustable! I say we kill them both!" Rengoku Kyojiro, the fire hashira yelled with the smile expression he always has. "I agree with Rengoku! Flameboyant" the sound pillar  Uzui tengan. "This poor child has lost her family and her brother was turned into a demon, how pitiful" said the stone pillar, Himejima Gyomei. Then kanroji mitsuri, the love pillar thought 'were killing such an adorable child? That hurts my heart' while the mist pillar, tokito muichiro was just staring at the clouds wondering what that cloud was called again. Tomioka giyuu the water pillar didn't seem to care all that much, but shinobu the insect pillar and kanae the flower pillar were looking at the other pillars with tick marks growing on their heads, though their face shows a smile, the tick marks and their fists say otherwise. "She will obviously say that her brother never killed anyone, because they're siblings, i do not trust her" Iguro obanai, the serpent pillar, said while sitting on top of a tree. Then shinazugawa sanemi, the wind pillar came holding the box tanjiro was sleeping in "idiot! Hes a demon he cannot be trusted!" He said with a psychotic smile, but the kocho sisters stared at him with anger.

Mitsuri was a bit scared, because seeing the kocho sisters angry is a very rare sight to see. Sanemi was about to stab the box till nezuko interfered "PLEASE DONT, DO NOT TOUCH MY BROTHER" then two kids arrived and both said at the same time "oyakata-sama has arrived" and nezuko saw him, 'was he sick?' Nezuko thought and in a blink of an eye all the pillars were kneeling in front of him. "Oyakata-sama, i wish you a long life and good health" said the wind pillar then oyakata replied with a calm voice and a smile like always "thank you for that sanemi. Regarding nezuko and Tanjiro, they both have my approval, as tanjiro may be able to help us turn the tide in this war." Shinobu and kanae was happy to hear this but some of the other pillars were against it. "Though it is Oyakata's wishes, i cannot help but be against it" Rengoku said and obanai said "and we cannot prove that he hasn't eaten a human" "but you cannot prove that he ate a human as well" Oyakata said "tanjiro has helped us and killed two demon moons for us. Not only that, Nezuko has met Muzan" immediately surprising all the hashiras including the kocho sisters, they began bombarding nezuko with questions like what his power was or what he looked like. Then oyakata just placed his finger on his lips with the sign of keep quiet and all the pillars obeyed within a second. "Oyakata, please forgive me, but i cannot accept this, i will prove that this demon is a monster!" "W-wait!" Nezuko yelled then sanemi jumped under the roof where oyakata was, he placed the box down and stabbed him twice. Nezuko was really angry, sanemi then openedthe box and cut his arm and let it bleed out in front of tanjirp. Tanjiro then got up from the box and went to his original size, "come on, i know you want the blood" tanjiro only stared with an intimidating stare and said "your wound..." then he began patching up sanemis arm with his bandages "let me patch it up for you, people can be careless sometimes" he said in a sweet tone and with a warm smile while patching up sanemi's arm. Then tanjiro saw where he was standing and he saw "NEZUKO!" He yelled rushing towards her but stopped in his tracks due to the daylight, then shinobu removed nezuko's bindings and she ran towards tanjiro

Tanjiro expecting a hug just felt his balls get kicked really hard by nezuko. As he fell to the ground while clutching his balls and was in so much pain. "Nezuko... i may be a demon... but i still feel pain..."  while kanae and shinobu laughed a little Uzui just yelled "HOW FLAMEBOYANT!" then sanemi looked a bit scared because he did stab her brother twice. "For 2 years! TWO! You were gone! Didn't even write a message! You know how worried I was?!?!" She said while constantly stepping on tanjiro. Tanjiro eventually got up and kept saying sorry to nezuko, then nezuko and tanjiro gave each other a large hug. Then tanjiro bowed and greeted everyone else in front of him. Then oyakata spoke "tanjiro, how do you kill the demons?" Tanjiro just replied "i have my own sword, and i use breath of the moon" he said with a smile shocking all the hashiras, because they've heard of it, it was one of the original breaths. "Hey has anyone seen my sword?" Giyuu then passed tanjiro his sword, though his sword was still kept in its casing, only showing the handle, the hashiras were curious to his swords color. "Tanjiro" oyakat spoke "can you show us your sword" tanjiro began sweating because his sword was warped. He then revealed his sword and it made the other pillars shocked, "my master made it for me, he is a demon like me, he was the one who turned me into a demon." Nezuko was shocked "y-you mean the guy i saw at our house? The man with a purple kimono and 6 eyes?! Wasn't he the one who killed our family with muzan?!" The hashiras were surprised, muzan personally killing her family. "No..." tanjiro replied, "I was supposed to be dead, but he arrived and turned me into a demon, i wanted to avenge our family" uzui then spoke "can you show us this master of yours" then Tanjiro was worried, because he knows that his master is upper moon 1 but nezuko and the hashiras didn't know this. "You can meet him tonight since he is a demon. They all nodded and oyakata replied with a thank you and offered the title of moon pillar to tanjiro, tanjiro had to reject. After all that nezuko was brought back to the butterfly estate with tanjiro, they provided a room for him and nezuko was really happy yo be back home, kanae wouldn't stop hugging her for almost an hour when she came back to the estate. Not much has changed in the butterfly estate.

It was sunset. She heard yelling and she checked it out and saw Zenitsu with short limbs and was running around like a child not wanting to eat vegetables, while inoskue was depressed. He lost his voice apparently. She was about to leave but Zenitsu spotted her "NEZUKO-CHAAAAAAAN!!!!!!" He screamed like a bloody simp then tanjiro appeared behind her with a an angry face like a protective brother. "GYAAAAAA!!! DEMON!!"  then tanjiro just stared at him like there was something wrong with him, also nezuko. "GYYYAAAAAAA! NEZUKO IS DATING A DEMON!!" He was screaming like he had his heart was shattered then tanjiro just said "im her brother" then Zenitsu calmed down, but began to scream again "YEES THAT MEANS NEZUKO CAN STILL MARRY ME" then tanjiro appeared in front if Zenitsu with an angry expression "excuse me?" Then Zenitsu got scared again "KYAAAAA THE DEMONS GONNA EAT MEEEE!!" then aoi had enough and punched zenitsu to shut up! 'Dang, i didnt know aoi was that strong' nezuko thought

Nezuko met kanao again "kanao!!" Kanao just smiled and said hi. Some things never change.

Demon slayer HQ

Night has fallen and the hashiras were having a meeting, they were impressed by the Kamado siblings and tanjiro had arrived at their midnight meeting "hi sorry to keep you waiting but i brought my master since you guys wanted to meet him and he wanted to meet you" tanjio appeared with the warm smile making mitsuri think 'how cute' but iguro wasn't happy about that, then kokushibo stepped in and greeted them. All the hashiras got shocked and drew their weapons. "I KNEW WE COULDNT TRUST THAT KID, HE LED A PN UPPER MOON TO US" sanemi yelled "UPPER MOON 1 NONE THE LESS" iguro said getting ready to attack "GUYS WAIT" tanjiro said "SHUT UP KID, YOU CANT BE TRUSTED IF THIS GUY IS YOUR MASTER" the sound pillar said and got ready to attack tanjio but kokushibo stepped in front of tanjiro and spoke "please, do not harm my student. I'm not here for a fight, im here because i need your help to take muzan down" the hashiras were shocked that upper moon 1 spoke his name without the curse activating. Kokushibo then resumed "after the killing of lower moon 5, other lower moons have gone missing, and seeing as nezuko, my students sister, met him it may mean that he is beginning to make a drastic move" kokushibo said in a calm tone making the hashiras confused. "How can we trust you?!" Rengoku yelled "I would've begun attacking you all by now and I wouldn't save Tanjiro from death." Oyakata went out and walked towards kokushibo and stuck his arm out as a form of a handhsake, all the hashiras were still getting ready to attack just in case "can we trust you?" Kokushibo then shook his hand and nodded "you can trust me, any information you want on, ill give it to you" tanjiro calmed down and with a sigh of relief everyone knew, if muzans own upper moon betrays him, it will help turn the tide of the war. Muzans end is coming soon.

To be continued

Hi! Leave a comment on what you think about this chapter!

Taisho secret 1: kokushibo wont be staying with the demon slayers either wise muzan will know
Taisho secret 2: tanjiro is still the pure cinnamon roll we all know
Taisho secret 3: life is a lie

Remember Ill try to post a chapter or two once a day. Have a good day

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