The boar, the coward, and the drums

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Nezuko pov:

I was just walking down the road and i see this yellowed hair man begging a girl to marry him, man he's annoying. Then I remember him from the final selection, then his sparrow came and landed on my hand and began chirping. "Dont worry, I'll resolve the situation" i said then the sparrow was happy.

Narrator pov:

The yellowed hair man was begging the girl to marry him then nezuko grabbed him by the collar, "DO YOU MIND?! YOUR BLOCKING THE ROAD! AND AT THE SAME YOUR BOTHERING THE SPARROW!" nezuko yelled because she was annoyed by all his screaming. "AND IF THE GIRL DOESNT WANNA MARRY YOU DO NOT FORCE HER!" "Wait your that girl, from the final selection!" The man replied as nezuko dropped him and bowed to the woman "alright the situation is resolved" she said back in her polite manners. Then he began screaming again "WAIT YOU WANTED TO MARRY ME RIGHT?! ISN'T THAT WHY YOU HELPED ME? AND WENT TO ME?!?!"

Then he just got hit by a powerful slap and was constantly getting slapped while nezuko just watched for a while and finally tried to hold her back "YOU IDIOT, I ALREADY HAVE A FIANCÉ, AND SECOND I ONLY THOUGHT YOU WERE FEELING UNWELL SINCE YOU WERE CRYING AT THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!" as nezuko just stood there with a derpy face and let her walk back home. "YOU!" The weird yellowed hair man screamed "YOU OWE ME, SHE WAS GONNA MARRY ME." Nezuko just stood there with a face as if he was a weirdo. "EH?! DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK! IM STILL A HUMAN BEING!" While nezuko's face of saying he was weird turned into disappointment.

After that a few minutes later they began walking and nezuko split her last rice ball with the man who introduced himself "I'm Zenitsu agatsuma by the way" "ah I'm Nezuko Kamado, it's nice to meet you" 'not really' "so what did you mean by the sparrows?" Zentisu asked. "Well the sparrow said you haven't been able to finish another mission and you scream a lot, bothering the people and you snore too loud. Thats what the sparrow said" nezuko replied while holding the sparrow as the sparrow just chirped in agreement. "Wait you can understand bird language?!" Nezuko just nodded "is it not normal? My entire family learnt bird language" while zenitsu stared in shock. "CAW CAW, zenitsu and nezuko hurry up! Head southeast!! Head southeast! CAW!" The crow said. Then Zenitsu had began to freak out again "AAAAAGG! THE CROW CAN SPEAK, THE CROW IS SPEAKING!!!! AAAAAAAGGHHHH! WHAT A NIGHTMARE"


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Nezuko pov:

This guy, he needs to see a doctor, there's something mentally wrong with him.

Narrator pov:

After all that they arrived at their destination, though nezuko didn't have a string sense if smell, she could feel someone's presence. So with that she sensed around three demons and four people inside. "Nezuko, do you hear that?" Nezuko was confused, she couldn't hear anything. "I hear someone running? And some drums." As the sound got a bit louder that was when a bloody person fell out of the second floor and landed on the ground. The man was already dead "KYAAAAAAA!!! HES DEAD?! HES DEAD?!?! NEZUKO-CHAAAAAN! YOU GOTTA PROTECT ME!!NEEEEEEEHHHH!" Zenitsu was having another outburst while nezuko was angry. She charged into the mansion while zenitsu followed while shivering because of fear. Nezuko was both annoyed and disappointed at zenitsu, 'seriously how did he survive the final selection??'

Zenitsu pov:

KYAAAA! I CAN HEAR CRAWLING NEARBY A DEMON WAS NEARBY! Then i heard a drum and nezuko-chan had left me. KYAAA IM ALONE!  Then i see a demon crawl out of the floor and he had a tongue that was sharp and could extend pretty far luckily it missed and smashed some vases nearby. But... RUN RUN RUN! I began running then i ran into a room where i found a kid! "PLEASE YOU GOTTA SAVE ME!!!" "What are you talking about?" The kid asked and we both saw the demon as i just felt myself blackout

Narrator pov:

Zenitsu fell asleep? As the demon was about finish both Zenitsu and the kid off so he can eat them both his tongue was cut off. The demon was shocked and so was the kid, Zenitsu got up but his presence changed, hos eyes were still closed and he got into position and they could hear him mutter: "breath of thunder, first form: thunder clap and flash" Zenitsu unsheathed his blade, dashes forward at blinding speeds and decapitates the demon faster than he can react. Then zenitsu woke up and looked behind him and saw the disintegrating demon. "Kyaaaaa! Its dead?! Who killed it?!" Zenitsu thought it was the kid. While the kid could only stare at the man and thought 'this guy... he really doesn't have a clue huh, he must have a mental illness'


Nezuko found herself in a different room, zenitsu was nowhere to be seen, until i found a man with a boar mask come out, he had two katanas attached to both sides of his waist. He was constantly laughing like a maniac until we saw a demon with drums attached to him, "pesky humans" the demon said before hitting his drum and the room shifts. The boar man yelled "BAHAHAHAHA! YOUR A WORTHY OPPONENT!" As the demon hit the drum on his belly then a giant claw came out of thin air almost cutting both me and the boar man, luckily we both dodged it. As the boar man charged the demon hit his drum on his left shoulder and the room shifts to the left.

Nezuko pov:

I get it, his blood demon art, those drums, he has control over the entire room. This is gonna get rough, then we heard multiple drum sounds and the room changed. I was in a different room then i saw a boy and his little sister in a room huddling next to each other because they were scared and they had a drum. "Hey how do you have that?" I asked as the kid soon calmed down and responded "there were three demons, they were arguing who could eat me and kept calling me rare blood" rare blood? I remember Kanae told me. Rare blood is a blood type, and a demons favorite, if a demon were to eat someone with rare blood, they would gain the strength of 50 or even 100 people. "Here is what I want you to do, when i leave, hit the drum, and do not let anyone else in unless it's me. Understand?" Both kids nodded and i sensed they both had hope, I must make sure they both get out of this mansion alive.

I came across the demon again, he then revealed his eye, it had an X mark on it, and it read lower moon 6, this man is a former lower moon, no wonder why his blood demon art is pretty strong. We both stood across each other in the room, "total concentration, breath of flowers, sixth form: Whirling peach!"

To be continued

How was this chapter? Please leave a comment on what i should add and I'm sorry if the fight scenes are pretty short, writing fight scenes is pretty difficult especially for a beginner like me. But i hope you enjoyed! Remember ill try to upload a chapter or two a day

Taisho secret 1: zenitsu has been trying to get nezukos attention to marry him
Taisho secret 2: an upper moon has been preparing to attack a hashira and their students.
Taisho secret 3: The hashiras are been aware of a certain demon that has been hunting down other demons and killed a lower moon.

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