Akaza, uppermoon 3

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Narrator pov:

Obanai, rengoku, and giyuu are standing side by side as in front of them is uppermoon 3, but obanai knows about him.
"You three are hashiras am i right?" Asked akaza while rengoku just got ready "it's a shame ill have to kill you three tonight, but let's see if your worthy of me calling you hashiras" rengoku just said to his two companions "well, let's take him down together" "well I don't really have a choice" obanai said while giyuu didn't say anything as he drew his own blade out. "Technique deployment: compass needle" akaza stomps his foot on the ground and we all know what this does.

Then akaza soon charged about to punch a hole through one of the pillars "breath of fire, First Form: Unknowing Fire" Rengoku charges towards their opponent at high speed and chops his arms off only for them to heal in a blink of an eye and his waist gets kicked pretty hard "thats a nice blade! Ive never killed a fire hashira before!" Akaza said with excitement "breath of the serpent Second Form: Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head" Obanai dashes behind their opponent at blinding speed and aims to lop off their head, only for his attack to miss and his gut gets punched but together "breath of fire, second form: Rising Scorching Sun" Rengoku releases an arching slash attack upwards and at the same time "breath of the serpent Fourth Form: Twin-Headed Reptile" Obanai leaps forward and performs a horizontal slash that slices through the target.

Both forms hit akaza as he jumps out of the way as his limbs regrow he's now in mid air "blood demon technique: Air Type" Akaza punches the empty air in front him, creating a powerful shockwave from the pressure of his fists and then sends it flying towards his enemies. Rengoku got the first hit and it could've ripped him in half if not for his sword obanai was about to get hit by a series of punches but just as he was about to defend himself, "breath of water Sixth Form: Whirlpool" Giyuu fiercely twists their upper and lower body, creating a whirlpool of air that cuts anything caught in it, defending the two hashiras until he akaza suddenly appears and was about to kick his head off till rengoku cut his leg off only for him to back away and it healed in a second. "Such a worthy battle!" Akaza yelled in excitement before going in "blood demon technique: disorder!" Punching in front of him, Akaza creates a barrage of chaotic ranged shockwaves so strong its capable of overwhelming the three hashiras but with giyuu now in front and the three hashiras working as a unit.

"Breath of water, eleventh form: dead calm" The personal creation of the current Water Hashira, Giyuu Tomioka. The user ceases all body movements and enters a state of complete tranquility, deflecting, blocking and cutting any incoming attacks with imperceptible speed with his blade. With this technique akaza found none if his attacks got through and his arms were cut off but he healed them in a second "Whoa! Of all the water hashiras i killed I've never seen any one of them use that form! You really are worthy of me calling you a water hashira!" Akaza was yelling with so much excitement. "Breath of the serpent, Third Form: Coil Choke" Obanai circles around his opponent while using their sword to slice them from all directions. Obanai seemingly coming from behind and was about to cut alaza's head off but when he takes a step back his arms were cut off "blood demon technique, leg type: crown splitter"  A reverse, rising axe kick that creates a powerful shockwave that travels through the opponent. Hitting obanai and making him cough up blood as he was pretty injured "breath of water, fourth form: striking tide" Giyuu makes multiple consecutive slashes while twisting their body and sword in a flowing fashion to deliver multiple blows simultaneously. Though akaza got injured all his wounds healed in a second "blood demon technique, leg type: Explosive Flurry" A flashing flurry of powerful straight kicks, each creating powerful shockwaves capable of launching even a Hashira a great distance and fast enough to evade his reflexes. With that technique he kicked giyuu away to the point they dont even see him "GIYUU!" rengoku yelled before glaring at akaza as he now had his foot on top of obanai on his throat.

"Breath of the serpent, Third Form: Coil Choke" Obanai circles around his opponent while using their sword to slice them from all directions. Getting out of the hold and nearly cut akaza's head off. "Breath of fire Third Form: Blazing Universe" Rengoku swings their blade downwards in an arc. Even injuring akaza only for his wounds to heal in a second. "Blood demon technique, leg type: Flying Planet Thousand Wheels" Akaza kicks with both legs in a flowing motion from under his opponent that slowly rises upward. But at the right moment "Breath of fire, Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation" Rengoku swings their blade in a circular motion that can defend them from all incoming attacks or decapitate multiple enemies at once. Cutting his legs off and nearly cutting his head off, just as he stepped back, half his head gets cut off but he barely dodged the attack, it was from obanai. As he dodged it another attack, and it was from giyuu, he came back and nearly got his head but ended up cutting both his arms off. Akaza's regenerative abilities are beginning to slow down.

"His regeneration is slowing down" said giyuu. "We can take him down right here right now" obanai said "though were too injured, we will take him down" rengoku said "Obanai, giyuu" rengoku was still speaking "it was nice knowing the two of you" making giyuu and obanai confused "set your heart ablaze, breath of fire, ninth form: RENGOKU" A devastating dashing slash that the user initiates from a high stance, the technique had enough power to carve a deep impression that burnt the ground where it was unleashed. As he charges forward, "what power! You truly are a hashira! Kyojuro!!" Akaza yelled before using his blood demon technique "blood demon technique: Eight-Layered Demon Core" Akaza unleashes eight powerful punches, each strike creating powerful shockwaves in a similar fashion to his Disorder technique. As both attacks collide, rengoku was so close to cutting off his head making akaza yell in pain as he punched through rengoku's stomach. "Breath of water, tenth form: constant flux" Giyuu performs a continuous flowing attack which seemingly takes the form of a water dragon that increases in strength and power with each rotation due to momentum and at the same time "breath of the serpent, Second Form: Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head" Obanai dashes behind their opponent at blinding speed and aims to lop off their head.

Both forms hit akaza cutting off his head, as akaza's body collapses with his arm leaving rengoku's stomach as he knelt down and was dying. "We did it didn't we?" Rengoku said with his dying breath as obanai pat his shoulder and said "we did... we did it" "tell my little brother and my father i love them..."Rengoku said as he took his final breath and saw his mom and told him "you did a good job" as rengoku died with a smile. "Come on, lets kill muzan, that bastard" giyuu said as for the first time giyuu and obanai called each other a friend.

But something was off, they saw akaza going back up with his head slowly regenerating, "shit! Come on! It isnt over yet!" Giyuu said while charging at akaza "rengoku's sacrifice will be in vein if this demon still lives" but just as akaza was regenerating his head, he had glimpses of his past. Akaza remembered it all so just as his head was almost fully healed, he decided to give up, and stopped his regenerating as pbanai and giyuu cut his head once more and he accepts his fate and turns into ash.

Now obanai and giyuu run through the fortress to find muzan. But now only one uppermoon remains, but the butterflies can take care of him hopefully.

To be continued

yo! How was this chapter? This was one of my favorite chapters yet for me to do. Tell me what you think about it and sorry, i had to kill rengoku. But a few chapters remain, enjoy!!!

Taisho secret 1: rengoku's father heard the news of his son dying while killing an uppermoon, he was sad and at the same time proud of his son.
Taisho secret 2: obanai and giyuu somehow became friends and swore that they will avenge rengoku
Taisho secret 3: tanjiro has been fighting muzan. And the odds are not in his favor

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