The butterflies

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Nezuko pov:

Me and kanae have been traveling for a day now and arrived at a mansion that had wisteria, kanae opened the doors and said "this will be your new home now, welcome to the butterfly mansion, nezuko kamado" as i walked inside i was amazed, and kanae followed after, and then another girl came out of the house, she looked like kanae except she was shorter and she had shorter hair and she didn't have the same smile as kanae always had, her hair was shorter tied to a hair bun and had a butterfly pin attached to her hair Nee-san! You were gone for a day and i was worried sick! And who's this?" She asked. 'Nee-san? Their sisters?' I thought to myself. "Ara ara, i missed you to" she replied "this is nezuko kamado and she will be my student, after all kanao needs a friend. Oh! Nezuko say hi to my sister shinobu"
"Hi my name is nezuko kamado nice to meet you shinobu-san" i said with a smile "nice to meet you nezuko, what brings you to be apart if the demon slayers?" Shinobu said. "My brother is missing and my family... they were..." i couldn't finish my sentence as i was still devastated about what happened. Shinobu gasped "im sorry, i didnt know, you dont have to talk about it if you dont feel comfortable about it" shinobu said with sincerity. After that kanae introduced me to the rest of the people who were living in the butterfly mansion, i met aoi, sumi, kiyo, naho, they were kind to me and were helpers around the mansion, they also gave me a tour around the mansion. Though shinobu didnt have the same smile as kanae, she still felt like family. The butterfly mansion was also a healing place for injured demon slayers, the mansion was also surrounded by wisteria, wisteria as i was taught was very poisonous to demons. According to kanae, there are ranks to the demon slayers the ranks being: Mizunoto → Mizunoe → Kanoto → Kanoe → Tsuchinoto → Tsuchinoe → Hinoto → Hinoe → Kinoto → Kinoe. And a rank known as hashira, the highest rank for a demon slayer, the hashira were very strong and are summoned when stronger demons appear and are the strongest slayers in the demon slayer organization. And apparently kanae and shinobu were both hashiras, my training is going to be brutal. After kanae explaining to me the demon slayers and the ranks, I eventually met kanao, she was also a student of kanae and will train with me.

Kanae pov:

After hearing nezuko describe the demon that took tanjiro, thats when i got worried and nervous, because based off from her description, it might've been an upper moon who took her brother. But the question being why the demon didn't finish nezuko off. Let us hope we can help her find her brother and avenge her family, nezuko kamado, she is something else though, and maybe she can have kanao open up.

After getting settled down in a room they provided for me, i began thinking about where Tanjiro was, i was worried, wondering why that 6 eyed demon took my brother but left me alive when he could've finished the job. Making me wonder was it really that demon who killed my family. I went to visit kanae who was talking to shinobu. "What do you need nezuko?" Asked kanae with the smile she still had the day i met her. "Are there such things as demons who used weapons?" Kanae and shinobu gave a confused look "what do you mean by that?" Asked shinobu, "well... the demon that took my brother, he had a katana, and had 6 eyes, wore a purple and black kimono and had a high ponytail" they both looked at me as if they with confusion, then kanae replied with "we will keep a lookout for the demon" after taht i left to go back to my room to get a rest for tomorrow, because tomorrow is when I begin my training.
Tanjiro pov:

I woke up and looked around, i looked at my hands and I had claws, then i felt my teeth, i had fangs, I was a demon. I was scared, afraid, nervous as I looked around the place , and i didn't recognize where i was. I stood up and there i saw the man, no the demon, that made me into a demon. He was kneeling in front of me from a distance, and he was just looking at me. But he was giving off a dark aura, he was giving off something that made me fear him. I stood up and looked at him and he spoke "your finally awake, kamado tanjiro" i was shocked, and i remembered what had happened that night, the night my family was murdered. "Your the one who turned me into a demon, the one who... who saved my life" i responded. "Indeed" as i stared at the demon who was kneeling in front of me from a distance, i immediately calmed my self in a matter of seconds and asked "who are you?" "Your mental strength, is worth some praise" the demon said "I am Michikatsu Tsukiguni, but you may call me kokushibo. And I will be your trainer"

To be continued

Should i add a ship?
Should i add my own characters?
If i should please tell me.

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