Infinity fortress

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Kokusbo pov:

I see, I'm the first to arrive at the fortress. Tanjiro and the other pillars killed daki and gyutaro. Alas for the first time in a century, an uppermoon has fallen. But now i just need to wait for muzan to arrive and the other uppermoons to arrive, usually they take a while so... i guess i get to enjoy more alone time.

A few minutes later

Akaza pov:

I see, its about daki and gyutaro huh... they didn't even do that much damage to the slayers, but it has been over a century.

Narrator pov:

Akaza was looking around and there he saw a pot and came out was an unholy abomination uppermoon 5, gyokko. The man literally had eyes for mouths and his eyes representing his number, one on the forehead and the other where his mouth should be "Yo! Akaza! How long has it been? 100 years? Since we last saw each other!" Gyokko said while akaza only stared at him then he heard a voice it was hantegu, the cowardly demon who represented uppermoon 4, but don't underestimate him, he is an uppermoon for a reason. "How terrifying, gyokko can't remember how long we haven't seen each other, its been a 130 years. What an unlucky number!" Hantegu said while being a coward.

Then doma appeared wrapping his arm around akaza, "Hey akaza!! How have you been?? Do you not worry about me?" Doma said with his arm wrapped around akaza "you guys are my best friends! I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you guys" and akaza was not liking it, akaza hated doma. "Yo! Doma! How was the vase i gave you?" Asked gyokko "Oh it was beautiful! I planted a girls skull inside it!" Doma replied "You can't grow heads inside of pots but I do love the idea!"

"Get your arm off of me" said akaza but doma didn't so with one uppercut doma was knocked to the ground with his jaw bleeding but it healed in an instant "wow! Akaza did you get stronger??" Said doma then akaza moved to a different spot. The biwa lady also known as nakime then spoke "uppermoon 1 was the first to arrive, he's been here the entire time" all the other uppermoons began looking around and they saw him just sitting, by himself like always. "Lord muzan, has arrived" said kokushibo and there was Muzan who was as if he was hanging upside down.

"Daki and gyutaro were both murdered. Im pretty sure you know this akaza" Muzan said while he was working on something. "Oh, then it's my fault I guess! After all i was the one who brought them in!" Said doma with his happy tone "i guess i should be the one who should be punished!" And muzan immediately spoke "no.... Thats not needed, i think I've spoiled you all too much because of the mere fact that your uppermoons" then he faced kokushibo "especially you, your so called student was the one who killed them. I am at the peak of my displeasure! It has been 130 years since an uppermoon was killed, and was killed by a demon as well! Not only that, why can't we find the blue spider lily? I dont really know why you all exist anymore!"

This statement made all the uppermoons bow down in fear except for kokushibo who spoke "i... dont really have anything to say, it was hidden well from our grasps" and doma added "and im not very good at detective work myself" then muzan went in front of kokushibo "tell me kokushibo, your student... is he kamado tanjiro?" Kokushibo couldn't lie especially muzan can read his mind. "Ill give you a chance to redeem yourself" and with that nakime strummed her biwa and that was when tanjiro fell through and landed on his feat, giving Kokushibo a shocked expression. "Kill him" muzan said.

Tanjiro pov:

Where the hell am i? Muzan?! And the other uppermoons are here! As well as master, i drew out my blade then master appeared in front of me. He was going to finish me off...

Kokushibo pov:

Im not in front of my once student, but i remember what im fighting for! As i draw my bade, "breath of the moon..."

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