Upper moon 6

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Tanjiro pov:

"Breath of the moon, ninth form: waning moonswaths" creates a stream of long-ranged crescent-shaped vertical and horizontal slashes along with numerous crescent moon blades with the gigantic version of his sword. But daki avoided my attacks but not without losing a few limbs. I had a plan, she will be focused on me and i just have to wait till Uzui comes.

Narrator pov:

Inoskue arrived and tried to cut her cloth sash but his blades couldn't go through. "KYYYAAAAA A DEMON!!" Zenitsu screamed before fainting... "god damn it" tanjiro said to himself, while daki was getting annoyed. Inoskue tried to attack her from the back and cut her head off then her hair suddenly attacked inoskue?! Inoskue got injured a bit. Then zenitsu began emitting lightning, "breath of thunder, first form: thunder clap and flash, six-folds!" And before anyone can react most of her sashes got cut off. While grabbing her attention uzui came in "breath of sound, first form: Roar!" The user lifts their twin swords above their head and slams them down with great force whilst simultaneously creating an explosion with his bombs to deal massive physical damage, causing a loud sound resembling thunder as a result.

And just like that dakis head fell off. "Well, thank god for that..." but she was still talking "HEY DON'T IGNIRE ME, I AM THE TRUE UPPERMOON 6" uzui only stared in disappointment "your not turning into ashes yet?" "No no no! Its not over yet! Oni-chan!!" Daki yelled then another demon appeared, the true upper moon 6, gyutaro. He held two sickles and nearly injured us when he used his sickles. "Jeez sister, don't worry im here. You dare try to hurt my sister?" Gyutaro said as everyone else got ready, daki reattached her head and hopped in gyutaro's back and soon they acted like one unit. Gyutaro soon focused on tanjiro, soon dakis sashes were sent targeting inoskue and Zenitsu, "dance of the fire god, fire wheel!" It was nezuko, she came, and she used dance of the fire god, cutting off the sashes.

Tanjiro pov:

She did it... she learnt it... dance of the fire god... nezuko, im so proud of you. I could feel myself tearing up.

Nezuko pov:

I only knew a few forms, thanks to tanjiro teaching me. Uppermoon 6... huh...

Narrator pov:

"Nezuko!" "Tanjiro!" They both hugged each other. "So... your both siblings?" Gyutaro said, "how interesting" lhey nezuko" uzui called "that form, it was flameboyant" as the three got ready. At first gyutaro kept them at a distance, releasing multiple blades from his sickles. But tanjiro had a lot of forms meant for long ranged, "breath of the moon, seventh form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit" tanjiro  swings the gigantic version of his sword in a powerful frontal crescent-shaped slash that creates powerful multi-directional long-ranged slashes in the ground. Gyutaro avoided the attack but he still got injured 'fighting this kid is similar to kokushibo, he really is his student, shame he had to betray him' Gyutaro thought. Uzui was attacking from behind and nezuko attacked from the side, and tanjiro attacked from the front. "Since daki didn't die, it probably means were gonna have to cut both their heads off at the same time." Uzui said

"Breath of sounds, Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes" "dance of the fire god, sunflower thrust!" "Breath of the moon, first form: dark moon evening palace" the trio charged in with their form, but gyutaro rapidly spanned and used his sickles, laying bad injuries on the trio, but after he injured them he went for tanjiro decapitated tanjiro. But tanjiro still cut both gyutaro's arms off. Uzui and nezuko were injured, and they both spat out blood. "You feel that? Thats my poison! Your now on a timer" gyutaro said but nezuko chuckled, and soon one of uzui's wife came as nezuko passed her an injection. "I always, carry something to cure poison, shinobu-san studied these kinds of poisons." Nezuko said, she carried 4 injections with her with the cure for demons poison.

Daki tried to stop them but suddenly her sashes were cut, it was Zenitsu. As they both jumped back but Gyutaro's head fell of but he caught his own head and reattached it. They saw tanjiro regrowing his head "don't forget, im a demon as well" as gyutaro snickered "heh... this battle may be more fun than i thought" Then the battle resumed with an explosion like attack hit them both, it was uzui. Knocking both daki and gyutaro off each other.

Gyutaro was about to throw his sickle but his arm got lopped off by inoskue "BWHAHAHAHAH, LORD INOSKUE COMING THROUGH!" but his throat got caught by gyutaro, "annoying boar head" then inoskue stabbed both his swords at gyutaro's heart. "BWAHAHAHA, PREPARE TO DIE GLUEDARO" then he got thrown away by daki "who the hell is gluedaro?!" Asked gyutaro "YOU OF COURSE!" Responded inoskue "its gyutaro!!!!" "YOU WILL FACE DEATH DYUTARO" but inoskue coughed up blood. He was poisoned but thanks to uzui's wives being ninjas (damn, you got cool wives uzui) they had an injection with the cure thanks to nezuko.

"Kamado!" Called out uzui "can you handle that sickled bastard?" "Damn right i can, ill leave daki to you and nezuko" as they both nodded at each other, and charged again. Avoiding the attacks barely, tanjiro had enough. "Breath of the moon, eighteenth form: waxing forth, burning sky!" Tanjiro raises his sword towards the sky and swings downward raining down a plethora of chaotic projectiles. "Eighteenth?!?!" Asked the shocked nezuko. Gyutaro and daki couldn't avoid the attack and got severely injured, "dance of the fire god, Dance!" Nezuko yelled while charging in with the form "breath of the sound Fifth Form: String Performance" The user holds one of their swords with a reverse grip and spins the other using the chain that connects them. They couple this by also releasing numerous bombs to detonate, causing great explosions that deal massive physical damage. And at the same time, both upper moons heads fall off and they both start turning into ash, but uzui was severely injured from that fight.

And at that moment the kakushi and the serpant pillar, obanai, came. "Man, you look like shit" said iguro to uzui "damn right i do" as his wives came "HEY WHO ARE YOU! DONT TALK SHIT TO MY HUSBAND" but obanai's snake came and hissed at them scaring his wives "GYAAAAH! A SNAKE!"

As the kakushi were tending to the wounded especially nezuko, inoskue, and Zenitsu. Tanjiro didn't need it, his wounds healed up. But the kakushi were afraid of him, even if he was known as the moon pillar. And then suddenly something or someone comes crashing down and destroys the upper half of tanjiros head. All the kakushi and everyone in the area got scared, while iguro got prepared as this may be the first time he will fight a more stronger demon. An upper moon.

To be continued

Hi! This... was really... freaking... DIFFICULT TO MAKE! its fun to write these fight scenes but at the same time it is hard as AF

Taisho secret 1: an upper moon has received word of the demon they were told to kill and has arrived just as his fellow upper moons die. Who do you think it is?
Taisho secret 2: my school is starting soon so idk if ill be able to keep up making these chapters daily :(
Taisho secret 3: Lie is a life.

I hope you enjoyed and see ya next chapter! But because of what i wrote i just realized im gonna have to make another difficult fight scene. S*it!

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