Upper moon 3

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Narrator pov:

A mysterious demon lands and makes one punch destroying the upper half of Tanjiro's head, then resumes to attack and try to finish off the sound pillar. But thanks to obanai's quick thinking, he cut the demons arm off causing him to jump back, but his arm regrew in a second, and behind the demon was Tanjiro who was getting up and his head was healing at a decent pace. "Some rather fine opponents we have here" the demon said who's eyes read upper moon 3. "Can't we get a break?" Tanjiro said as he was now fully healed. "How about i introduce myself, I am akaza." "We don't care about your name, you have no right to speak" spat out obanai who now was gripping his sword. "How rude of you" akaza said "why do you waist your times with these weaklings." "I don't" said obanai. "How about you? Kamado Tanjiro?" Asked akaza "your a strong demon, if you help me out now, I can already see you as an upper moon" "ill have to decline, im not here to kill innocents, im here to protect them" said Tanjiro. "Technique deployment, compass needle" Deploying a light blue snowflake-shaped compass underneath him with numbers from 1 to 12 that can detect and track the locations of his opponents and incoming attacks through sensing a person's will to fight. This technique can also be used to enhance the accuracy of his attacks. "If you wont join the twelve kizuki, kamado tanjiro, ill have to kill you" "good luck with that" as he charged towards tanjiro first, "breath of the moon, first form: dark moon evening palace" creating a horizontal slash that cut off akaza's arm but regrew in a blink of an eye before throwing punches towards tanjiro, tanjiro was blocking the attacks but he couldn't block all. "Throughout my years, i have never offered a demon, but i have offered a hashira to join the twelve demon moons and they always decline" akaza said before punching a whole through tanjiro's shoulder which healed in an instant. Before tanjiro used his blade and held one of akaza's arms down and cutting it off. "I wonder why that is. Look at you, you have a special blade, trained by the strongest uppermoon, yet you still decline" said akaza

"Breath of the moon, eighth form: Moon-dragon ringtail" using a bigger version of his sword and creates a singular gigantic crescent-shaped slash that slowly decreases in size, creating dozens of crescent moon blades. Cutting off most of akaza's limbs and nearly his head. Akaza then jumped in the air while laughing "Blood demon art, air type" Akaza punches the empty air in front him, creating a powerful shockwave from the pressure of his fists and then sends it flying towards his enemies. These airborne shockwaves can be created multiple times and has been noted to travel at less than a split second. And they hit tanjiro constantly, "breath of the moon, fifteenth form: Orbiting Destructive Worlds, Creation" tanjiro swings the slightly bigger form of his blade and using the other blades growing from his sword to create dozens of chaotic slashes that completely surround and orbit around his entire body. This can be used for both offensive and defensive capabilities. He blocked the attacks as they stopped. Akaza came down landing a powerful blow destroying a portion of tanjiro's head.

Nezuko pov:

Dammit! I cant leave tanjiro alone to fight the upper moon, I cant even keep up with their movements! But that previous fight has seriously injured me a lot. If only i could do something!

Obanai pov:

Im tired of watching. I should attack. So i charged at the demon "breath of serpent, First Form: Winding Serpent Slash" The user moves like a slithering snake and releases several slashes in a winding pattern.

Narrator pov:

While tanjiro and akaza were fighting, tanjiro held akaza at one spot for some time then that was when obanai came, but akaza dodged the attack but not before losing both his arms. But as always, they grow back in a second. "Interesting, i hardly fought any serpent pillars! And judging by looks, your pretty strong! You are worthy to let me call you a hashira!" Making obanai pissed off. "But im going have to cut our battles short! Since the sun is rising" then akaza jumped away, leaving before the sun could even reach him. Tanjiro looks and sees the sun rising, he was desperately looking for somewhere to hide till obanai brought his box. Tanjiro gave him a heart warming smile before shrinking and entering the box, obanai puts the box on his back and carries his sword while its still in its cover. "What are you all staring at? Get back to work!" Said obanai and all the kakushi immediately got back to tending the injured, obanai gave the box to a kakushi then left.

Nezuko pov:

I woke up in the butterfly estate with kanao sleeping on a chair. "Kanao-san?" She got up and looked surprised and looked at me "oh your awake!" She said with a happy tone, "ill go tell everyone else" well thats new... "you were asleep for a week, had us all worried." She said with a smile but her tone was different, what changed?

Pillar meeting

Narrator pov:

It was night, all the pillars were gathered and of course including tanjiro. "Unfortunately uzui-san will be retiring." Oyakata said "due to his injuries, but he has done well, and we finally killed an upper moon. And thanks to the efforts of Kamado Tanjiro and obanai iguro, we left off without any casualties when upper moon 3 arrived" everyone nodded and congratulated tanjio and obanai except for sanemi because he and tanjiro still hated each other a bit. "Ever since the end of upper moon 6 a lot of demon activity has decreased a lot. But i want everyone to keep a lookout just in case."  Oyakata-sama said. Soon everyone left and oyakata said to himself "Muzan, your end is nigh"

Back at the butterfly estate

Nezuko and kanao were having a chat. "Kanao, when did you stop using your coin?" Asked nezuko, then kanao replied "while you were asleep, tanjiro was talking to me. He asked me to open my heart, in all honesty, i opened my heart thanks to Tanjiro" kanao said with a bright smile, making nezuko very happy. Kanae soon returned "ara ara. You finally woke up! And kanao you've changed a lot after your conversation with tanjiro" we both just chucked "come on, lets get some food, im starving" said shinobu who appeared with kanae. "Wait, Wheres tanjiro?" Asked nezuko shinobu then replied "he said needed to see kokushibo regarding about the uppermoons." Nezuko looked a bit upset. But they all went inside the estate to grab a snack.

Tanjiro pov:

Master called me regarding the uppermoons, I thought it was strange. It took a while for me to arrive but when i arrived I realized he was gone, nowhere to be seen, but suddenly a door beneath me opened up and i fell in, and that was when i saw him, Muzan. And there i saw all the other uppermoons.

To be continued!

SURPRISE! i posted a third chapter today as a way to say thank you for all the support you guys are giving me!

Taisho secret 1: muzan knew that kokushibo was going to betray him, so he set a trap up to finish him and tanjiro off
Taisho secret 2: when kokushibo found himself in the infinity fortress, he soon realized, he even called tanjiro over, there was no other way to contact the outside world when in the forest
Taisho secret 3: Word count not including the taisho secrets and the to be continued is 1234.

Ill be trying to post 3 chapters a day now as a way to say thank you for all of your support :)

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