First mission

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Nezuko pov:

I arrived at a town where reports are saying there are missing girls around this area. And i saw the man that had been beaten up, he was the one who was last with the girl who went missing the previous night, he lead me to the area where his fiancé went missing. Thats when i sensed it, demons, but their underground? This is only possible unless, a caster demon! Demons who can use blood demon arts, if this demon is using blood demon arts, it must have eaten a lot of people. I waited till nightfall then thats when i stabbed the ground, revealing a black like substance, but i saw a girl in there, i manage to pull her out and saved her from being eaten.

I then saw the demon reveal itself, i was going cut off its head but two more appear. The 3 demons looked identical, the only difference being the amount of horns they had, one had 1 horn, the other had 2 horns, and the last had 3 horns. This is it's blood demon art, a swamp like biome and its able to clone itself. Then one of them spoke "HEY QUIT INTERFERING! THAT GIRL, SHE'S ALREADY 20 YEARS OLD, THE PERFECT TIME TO EAT HER, SHE IS GETTING MORE ROTTEN BY THE SECOND!" "Hey you, calm down, we've already eaten so many of them, I'm already satisfied" the other one spoke. When they said that, I became more furious.

Narrator pov:

The third demon had appeared and began grinding its teeth, while the man behind nezuko who was carrying the woman yelled "What have you done to satako?!" "Satako? Who do you mean?" The demon said revealing a bunch of hairpins "if her hairpin is among these trophies, we've definitely eaten her!" As the man was horrified as he saw his fiancé's hairpin. Nezuko became more furious and immediately charged, as the demons retreated back to the swamp, one of the demons appeared behind her.p and another infront of her getting ready to punch a hole through her face.

Nezuko pov:

'Breath of flowers, second form: Honorable shadow plum!' releasing several rotating sword slashes and deflects the incoming physical attacks. The demons retreated back to the swamp as I jumped in after them. I saw so many kimonos, these demons have eaten too many people, its unforgivable! As she heard laughing, and heard that she was foolish. As the demons charged in after her. 'Breath of flowers, fifth form: peonies of futilities!' unleashing a flurry of nine consecutive attacks that flow and weave in on themselves. Cutting off two of the three demons heads, one of them escaped.

The swamp demon pov:

Dammit! That girl, she killed the other two! I need to escape bef-

Narrator pov:

The swamp demons arms got cut off by nezuko who emerged from the swamp, causing the demon to retreat to a corner. "Tell me what you know about muzan!" Nezuko said but the demon was horrified, he was scared "I-I can't. I cant!" As the demon received flashbacks to what muzan did to him then he began panicking "i cant! I cant! I cannot tell you!" As his arms regrew and was about to punch her but nezuko just sliced off the demons head and watched it fade to ashes.

Nezuko looked at the man who was devastated that his fiancé was killed. "Sir, no matter how many times you get knocked down, you need to keep on living" nezuko said as the man snapped "what do you know?! Your just a kid! What do you know about losing people?!" As he grabbed her collar, nezuko just removed his hand gently and smiled and that was when the man realized 'these aren't supposed to be the hands if a child, wait... have you gone through this?' As nezuko left waving goodbye the man yelled "I'm sorry!" As nezuko was thinking on getting revenge that was when her crow came and told her her next mission "eh?! But i just finished this one! Do i have togo now?!" Nezuko asked as the crow just responded "CAW! no breaks! Go now!" "Eeeeehhhh?!?! Can i at least get a 5 minute break?!" "Caw! No go now! Caw!" "BULL SH-"

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