Mount namagoto

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Narrator pov:

Both nezuko and inoskue went up the mountain and found a demon slayer. "Hey, I'm Nezuko Kamado" "nezuko? Im saved! Your the closest to a pillar!" The demon slayer replied "I'm murata." And then suddenly he got punched by inoskue "INOSKUE STOP IT!" "Fine!" Inoskue sat at the tree like it was his time out corner. "Anyway, sorry about him, what happened here?" Nezuko asked and murata replied but he sounded scared "there was ten of us, we went up the mountain because of a message from the crow, next think i know, my compatriots, they began killing each other! I managed to escape but who knows when they'll return"

After that they heard something, footsteps, then we saw them, our compatriots, but they didn't look alive, they looked dead and looked like they were being controlled. Then suddenly they began attacking "that noise, it was the sound I heard when they began killing each other!" Murata said while shaking.

Meanwhile, with tanjiro and kokushibo

"Tanjiro" kokushibo called and tanjiro came right away, "mount nagamoto, there appears to be a lot of casualties there, investigate it. It may be a demon moon" tanjiro only nodded before vanishing.

Back to nezuko

Nezuko pov:

We saw his compatriots, wether they were still alive or not, we cannot afford to strike them down, only blocking their attacks. That was when i saw spiders wrapping a string around my arm, i felt a pull before cutting the threads off. These guys, are being controlled. "Guys!" I called out "their being controlled! Cut the threads!" Then inoskue just laughed like a maniac and cut most of the threads off, but the spiders regenerated the strings. Dammit! We need to locate that demon!
Narrator pov:

They knew they needed to kill the demon controlling them, but suddenly murata came and began holding them off "Go! Find the demon, I'll handle them!" "Thank you murata-san! Inoskue lets go!" Both nezuko and inoskue ran but inoskue was pissed off. Until they saw a demon slayer, she had a katana stuck on a person and she was being controlled, she was also in tears, "no... no! Get away from here! Its not safe!!" Then another controlled slayer came "please... kill me... my bones are broken... and I cant control myself" nezuko was angry, then she looked up to see a demon kid standing on threads, the demon kid was pale and his clothes were all white "leave me and my family alone, or my mom will kill you"
The demon kid said, 'mom?? That can't be right, demons can't have families' nezuko thought then the kid vanished.

Somewhere in the mountain

A demon was sitting on a rock, she was laughing "thats it my little puppets, destroy yourselves like the madman you are, until your limbs fall off" "oka-san" the demon then got shocked, she turned to see the demon kid "r-rui" "can you kill them? If you don't I'll have to tell oto-san" "n-no! Dont tell your father! Ill kill them all, ill protect you!" Then the demon kid vanished and the demon mom began to panic, "die die die! Die please! If you don't die I'll be in big trouble!"

Back to nezuko and inoskue

They went back to the controlled demon slayers, Nezuko then grabbed one of the slayers and threw them over a branch, the demon slayer was shocked. "HEY IF YOU CAN DO IT THEN SO CAN I!" After hanging all the controlled slayers, the slayers who were still alive was yelling "thank you for saving us!" Nezuko only nodded, "inoskue we need to find that demon now!" Ordered nezuko. Inoskue then replied "Locate the demon! Bahahahaha! Easy! Breath of the beast, seventh form, spatial awareness" sticking his swords kn the ground, he sensed the demon. "FOUND IT, FOLLOW ME NERULO!" "Its nezuko!"

Nezuko pov:

I was following inoskue to the demon until we ran into a demon, the demon was headless?!?! "This demon has no head, how are we going to kill it?!" Yelled Inoskue. The demon it was large and had blades on its arms. I needed to think of a solution so we can advance, and inoskue was panicking not knowing what to do. i got it! "Do a kesagiri!" Inoskue was confused "we will cut it through the right shoulder put from the left armpit, it's a wide range, probably rock solid"

Narrator pov:

Inoskue charged at the demon, though he dodged the headless demons swing, he still got injured. "Inoskue! Wait!"

Inoskue pov:

Tch, i still got injured even if i dodged the attack! Wait... im stuck, i cant move! These darn webs, oh no, this is the end isn't it? But the swing i was expecting never hit me

Narrator pov:

Nezuko came in and blocked the attack, she freed inoskue from the webs. "Dammit! Quit making me fizzy all over!" Inoskue yelled,p but nezuko didn't care as she bent down "tread on me!" Inoskue jumped on nezuko's back removing the demons arms. "Breath of flowers, First Form: Orchid Blossoming!" (A technique where the user delivers multiple stabs and slashes all over their opponent.) immediately nezuko cut the demons legs off, letting it fall to the ground, inoskue gave the final blow while still in the air and sliced the demon diagonally ripping its torso in half. The demon finally turned to ashes. "We did it! We did it inoskue!" Then inoskue carried nezuko and threw her in the air "if you can do it then so can I gezuko!" Nezuko in the air sensed the demon, she then came down getting ready to finish the demon off.

But what she saw shocked her, she embraced death, she let Nezuko kill her and nezuko did finish her off while giving her a warm smile as she fades into ashes, but the demon mutters her final words "the twelve demon moons are here, please be careful." "W-wait!" But she already turned into ashes.

Nezuko pov:

I see, if one of the twelve demon moons are here, then surely the pillars are on the way right? Im supposed to meet up with inoskue but he wasn't there anymore. Wondering the mountain looking for inoskue i saw a demon girl crying as her wounds on her face heal and another demon was the one who injured her. There were more demons here, but that demon boy, his senses are strange, and it felt familiar, it was the same feeling i had when i was in that mansion against Kyogai.

Narrator pov:

While nezuko ran into two more demons, Inoskue was wondering somewhere else snd he ran into a few more demon slayers fighting a really big demon who yelled "stay away from my family!" While zenitsu ran up the mountain looking for nezuko, but he got stung by something and sees a floating house with a huge spider demon. But luckily, reinforcements arrived, two hashiras are in their way. And a demon is coming to see his beloved sister again, and this time he is ready to show nezuko what has happened to him in the last two years.

To be continued!

Hi! How was this chapter? Now this arc might take a bit longer than expected, maybe. But please leave a comment on what you think about this chapter and tell me if it was a good chapter and what i should change. Should i add another oc? And no I won't be able a ship into this story I think, because adding a ship may ruin the story.

Taisho secret 1: inoskue wont be able to get anybody's name right, possibly
Taiso secret 2: murata made it out alive and is in the fight against the father demon
Taisho secret 3: I need to know peoples opinion on this story!

These aren't really secrets are they?
Remember i will try to upload a chapter or two daily

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