Doma, uppermoon 2

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Kanae pov:

I saw him doma, but we outnumber him and we grew stronger than before. "Oh my! You brought so much snacks for me! Thank you!! Don't worry, i wont let any food go to waste!" Doma was saying with a smile, it disgusted me. "Too bad kamado is no longer here, he's fighting out lord as we speak!" And i saw Nezuko's expression changed from angry to shocked. "We won't need him this time... were stronger than before!" I said as i was gripping my katana. Then we all attacked

Shinobu pov:

So this is the uppermoon that nearly killed nezuko and kanae. Don't worry, i have a trick up my sleeve, as i remembered i still have the poison.

Narrator pov:

And the fight begins. "Breath of flowers, Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo"  kanae and kanao unleashes single sword slash that curves and twists gracefully. "Blood demon art: cold white princesses" Doma creates two female humanoid figures with ice able to blow cold wind, similar to that of Freezing Clouds, towards their intended target. But the second the two statues came up and released the cold air, it all melted, "dance of the fire god, raging sun" it was nezuko, She unleashes two horizontal slashes to hit or defend from incoming attacks. And behind her kanao and kanae came up and slashed all his arms off. And suddenly do a got hit by multiple slashes, and he saw shinobu's blade. 'I see, she isn't strong enough to wield a real sword, but-' his thoughts were interrupted as he began barfing out blood.

But the poison soon just dispersed, "oh sorry, it seems i got rid of your wisteria poison!" Doma was saying with a smile, kanao tried to cut his head off but she got hit by a slash from his fans, though the wound isn't big nor deep, it was still painful. As doma went towards kanao "blood demon art: Barren Hanging Garden" A series of 8 to 10 successive fan attacks that create gusts of razor-sharp ice shards to slice the enemy into pieces. "Breath of flowers, Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum" kanae came in and releases several rotating sword slashes that deflects incoming physical attacks. But she still got injured, luckily the wounds aren't deep.

"Dance of the fire god: clear blue sky!" Nezuko appeared out of nowhere and doma's arms were cut off again but his regeneration slowed down. "How were you able to do that?" Asked doma while nezuko only glared at him, "blood demon art: wintry icicles" as icicles appeared above nezuko there was no dodging this attack, but tanjiro taught nezuko the rest of the forms of dance of the fire god "dance of the fire god: fake rainbow" Nezuko performs high-speed twists and rotations, thus creating afterimages used mostly to evade attacks. Doma was cofused, "where did she go?" Then nezuko appeared behind him "dance of the fire god: Fire Wheel" Nezuko leaps behind the opponent and spins in the air downward, releasing a sword attack in a circular motion. But she only cut a portion of doma's head off, doma was actually sweating.

Then shinobu appeared and stabbed doma with something, but it was deep into doma's back as she was being absorbed by doma. But she was saved by kanao with a form but he left hand was too injured for her to even carry her own sword. But shinobu had a smug face on 'what did she inject into me?' Doma was thinking until the roof above broke and it was inoskue with his two swords, he managed to cut off doma's arm but it healed in an instant as doma just avoided the rest of inoskue's attack. "Why do you wear a boar mask?" Asked doma as suddenly doma took his mask off and saw his face. "That face seems really familiar..." everyone else in the room was about to attack till doma spoke "AH! i remember now! Your mother! She came to me when she gave birth to you! She was lovely, i never wanted to eat her, but she saw my true nature! A shame really! She dropped her baby off a cliff to survive, I thought then baby was as good as dead but seeing you here, you did survive!" Doma exclaimed and they saw inoskue holding his blades tightly "I see... you killed my true mother and she died protecting me" inoskue said who was now in a fit of rage "ALL THE MORE REASON TO MURDER YOU!! Breath of the beast, Ninth Fang: Extending Bendy Slash" Inoskue dislocates the joints of their arm to increase the range of their attack and unleashes a single strike. This cuts doma's arm off which shocked him, inoskue then charged and was rapidly attacking doma "WAIT INOSKUE!" but eventually all he did was a few injures to do a and inoskue was heavily injured.

"Not bad, not bad" doma was saying until he realized, one of his arms, wasn't healing at all. Until he felt a throbbing pain throughout his body, Shinobu explains that Tamayo had assisted in making that poison, a poison that was lethal enough to weaken any uppermoons. Kanao decided that she will finish him off "breath of flowers, final form!" "Kanao! NO" kanae was screaming and rushing towards her "Equinoctial Vermilion Eye" and kanae was too late. A focusing technique that raises the user's kinetic vision to its maximum, while using this technique the user perceives the world as if it were in slow motion. Usage of the technique, however, is highly dangerous, as the tremendous strain on the eyes could cause blood vessels to rupture and lead to partial or complete blindness

Doma saw this and knew he would die in a final attempt to save himself  "blood demon art: Rime — Water Lily Bodhisattva" This techniques has been noted to be Doma's strongest Blood Demon Art and his last ditch attempt. He creates a large Bodhisattva ice statue to attack and destroy his targets. Its most notable trait is its ability to generate huge gusts of Doma's deadly ice powder capable of freezing someone to death but also launch a barrage of ice attacks which seem to be a combination of Doma's other techniques.

As kanao was charging in with the form she saw the statue and nearly died if inoskue and nezuko didn't come in and clear a path for her but resulting in a lot of injuries. And the time finally came, kanao lands the final blow killing doma. They watched the bastard turn to ashes while kanae, shinobu, and nezuko was crying because they saw kanao, really injured, nearly died, and her left eye disabled. And for the first time, kanao cried with tears of joy happy to see them all alive. Then the crow came in "CAW CAW, MUZAN HAS BEEN SPOTTED AND IS ENGAGING WOTH KAMADO TANJIRO, HEAD TO THEIR LOCATION NOW CAW CAW!" this made them all worried and immediately rushed to where the crow was leading them

Meanwhile with tanjiro

Tanjiro was exhausted, was on the verge of death as he pulled out one of muzans tentacles that stabbed him. "Im impressed you lasted this long, but your life will end here" muzan said approaching Tanjiro, most of his wounds were no longer healing. "Breath of the moon, Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves" Tanjiro creates a long-ranged triple-layered slash twister full of crescent moon blades with the gigantic version of his sword. This cut off most of muzans tentacles and limbs but all healed as muzan was about to finish tanjiro off, a man with a flail and an axe came and knocked muzan back and cut all of his tentacles off but they healed in a second. "Gyomei" tanjiro said with hope in his voice as the rest of the hashiras along with nezuko came. "I will kill all of you tonight" muzan said

To be continued

Sorry for a crappy fight scene, its hard to make a fight scene when you have more than 3 people! And i just realized...anyway i hope you enjoyed and tell me what you think so far.

Taisho secret 1: a certain demon is helping the slayers manipulating the biwa lady
Taisho secret 2: after muzan absorbed tamayo he hasn't been feeling too great
Taisho secret 3: judging by how many people I left alive, i just realized, doma's battle was hard because there were 6 people! And uhh....
Bonus taisho secret: i feel so much guilt when i killed rengoku

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