Former demon moon

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Narrator pov:

Somewhere in the mansion

The boar head was running through the halls, but he keeps hitting the walls because of the twists and turns. Eventually a demon nearly grabbed him but he just jumped back "you avoided my attack, you will be worth destroying" the demon said, the demon was big and fat. "Bahahaha! Im going to make a stepping stool out of your corpse!" As the boar head just sliced both his arms with ease and decapitated the demon and actually used the demons disintegrating corpse as a stepping stool before laughing like a maniac and run through the halls again. "Bahahaha! Lord inoskue coming through!!"

Back to Nezuko and the former demon moon

Former demon moon pov:

I, kyogai, i will rejoin the twelve demon moons once i eat the rare blood. I'll gain the strength of 50, no, 100 people! And lord muzan will welcome me back to the ranks!


I was consuming a human, but, I couldn't finish, i was at my limit, then the lord appeared in front of me. "Kyogai, you can no longer consume humans? Your at your limit?" "N-no my lord please give me more time" then suddenly I felt something painful like a knife just stabbed my eye. "Shut up, I have no need for a demon like you. Im going to strip you of your number"

End of flashback

These stupid bugs keep getting in my way. I'll get rid of them then eat the rare blood!

Nezuko pov:

"Total concentration breathing, Breath of flowers, sixth form: Whirling Peach!" As i hear him hitting his drums and feeling the room shifts. But i need to keep moving! But i can feel my sword getting a bit heavier i just need to change stance when the room shifts! But i see him hit the drum on his belly, oh no.

Narrator pov:

As nezukos form immediately came to a halt while the ex lower moon seemed to be at the roof. Nezuko was barely able to dodge that attack. "Hey!" Nezuko screamed immediately catching the demons attention "what is your name?" "Kyogai" the demon responded, "kyogai! I will not give up, i will not let you take any more innocent lives!" Kyogai began to get irritated, his rage was filling up, as hit the drum on his left twice then the one on the right twice as well, and while the room was shifting he hit the drum on his belly but Nezuko was able to dodge the claw and adapt to the room fast.

Kyogai pov:

Hearing the girl not give up. It reminded me of before, the time when someone was telling me to give up.


"What you wrote was so boring, you never leave the house at daytime, and all you do is waste ink and paper by writing this. You should give up and play your drums. Come to think of it, you can't even play your drums right"
The man said as he dropped my writings and stepped on it. I was furious, enraged, i revealed the drum on my belly just as he was about to leave, one hit on the drum, and the man got shredded to pieces

End of flashback


Narrator pov:

Kyogai began rapidly hitting his drums at incredible speed, causing the room to turn left, right, forwards, and backwards. While nezuko was at the center of it all and was on the verge of barfing.

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